Worth the 15$?

Worth the 15$?


No. Good music couldn't save it.

If you like VNs and lesbians, sure. You can beat it and essentially get all the endings in one playthrough. It took me about 10 hours and I was pretty hammered playing it. I liked it but the actual bartending is almost passive and the cyberpunk isn't very well executed in an interesting manner.

It literally tells you to your face that the cute girls is a device to make you buy the game.


Are you interested in the mood and characters? If so, potentially yes.

Do you want a game? Then no, gameplay element is minor and 90% of the game is reading.

I like it a lot. Just don't go into it thinking it's paper's please or something.

its just a VN, and I dont pay for VNs

It makes no effort to hide the fact that it was written by someone from Sup Forums.
It pretends that it understands at all what women think, act or talk like.
Pretty bad.

The art and OST are good but it feels so hollow.

>paper's please

Are you implying that paperwork simulator is a good game

>Sup Forums told me it has cute girls
>first 2 days has been only talking to some ugly nigger guy
where are the cute waifus

>Keep waiting for this game to go one sale
>It's only ever 15% off at most
Yeah forget about it.

All style, no substance.


>buying books

I got it as leftovers from a humble bundle.


Does the Pope shit on bears in the woods?

No, just download the OST.

Developers live in the shithole of Venezuela they need the money to not die

Jill is bi.

No, it's not even worth $5

I'll gladly give them money if and when they make a good game (or a VN)
it's not a fucking charity

If you like VN yes.

Also you will help the devs escape venezuela if you buy it

I liked the prologue more than I liked the actual game.

Didn't the devs make decent money but when they tried to leave Venezuela the government cockblocked them and denied them exit or something crazy?

It's not even good as a VN, if you like VN definitely don't get it.

I like VNs and I found this one really boring.

You'll probably only like this if your ideal waifu is a jaded used goods lesbian.

In words only. In action, she never once expresses any sort of attraction towards a male character.

Game is comfy and has great music.
The story is nothing great.
Games mechanics are repetitive.
Cute girls.


music and art are the only things going for it. The writing isn't very good and the story goes nowhere.

Pirate it.


so I heard. They got declared a 'figure of cultural importance' or something like that and got denied a travel visa.

I heard a civil war or something broke out so VenDevs are probably dead now

>maxing Karmotrine does nothing

and i was hoping to see drunken clients all the time


but it does do stuff

I liked it until the plot started to take the direction of my ex lesbian girlfriend died of cyberpunk cancer

It was like watching "loss" unfold in real time

No, there is no gameplay or anything, you just read it like its a visual novel.

>but what about the drinks user?

They mean nothing, you just do a drink based on a guide and after that you read again

Yes. Game is great. Fuck all the neo-Sup Forums haters.

No, just buy the soundtrack or get it on spotify

They still update their twitter constantly

Assuming it's not run by their publisher, at least


Music and art is great, girls are cute, dialogs are well-written, but actual story is very disappointing. It could be much much better.


It's just a back massager!

I liked it more than Doom 2016




The devs are from Venezuela, their government doesn't let them get out of the country, don't expect a big sale anytime soon.