Best ending

>Best ending.

You did kill that faggot right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

> choosing any death ending when you had cop out option C
God never has a game had such an amazing world and depth with such awful plot and pacing.

wtf i hate trevor now

If you think Micheal isn't the best character in GTAV you're a pleb.

Yeah who didn't kill that faggot Trevor?

I didn't know there was even an option to kill any of the characters. my ending had them all alive

>Killing one of the few good characters in the entire game
The fuck is wrong with you?


Michael is actually well written and makes sense as a character. Trevor is le ebin radumb meme man with a superhero tier plot armor and Franklin so just another hoodrat who's actually a good guy (except he really isn't).

this was so incredibly forced, it didn't make any sense whatsoever. They did it just for the shock value.

That's objectively the worst ending.

Michael = Sup Forums
Trevor = reddit
Frankling = 9gag

>No option to kill Franklin.

R* should really stop with the multiple endings, was shit in IV and V

Sup Forums: Jaded and cynical
Reddit: lol so random
9gag: Cringy new kid on the block


You = faggot

Ending D: Killing Franklin.

That was thier original vision. Frankin was suppose to die at Option C and he'll be replaced with Lamar.

>Not killing that faggot Trevor every time

Michael= Reddit
Trevor = Sup Forums (patrician)
Franklin= Tumblr

Yeah. But Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar) went to jail and couldnt film any more Lamar Lines, so they trashed it.

top kek

>Not killig that nigger Franklin every time

>playing as lamar

who the fuck would want to play as him? nigga was a lowkey gang niggerwith zero potential for big money deal, only here to act like the niggerest character possible without going out of his hood

Trevor literally eats people.

He's scum and deserves to die.

Every time a game offers me a chance to save everyone I feel obligated to take it

>he's scum and deserves to die.
Implying Sup Forums isn't scum and deserves to die to.

How come Lamar is present for GTA Online's new DLC then?

he was voiced by his identical twin brother, slank johnso

Amen. Combined with great characters and performances, it was even more dissonant and underwhelming

Ok but we aren't giving that option in a videogame.

Fuck you redditfag.
Nigger Franklin needs to die.

>muh niggers

It's time for you to go, pal. Franklin was an okayish character but he was at least better than fucking Trevor.

Michael I think had the best arc, Franklin's started off good but fell flat but Trevor's was just lolsorandom the whole way through.

Went with saving everyone because I was worried about missing out on remaining content, but the reasonable (story-wise) option is to kill Trevor, he's consistently more of a liability than an asset in any situation.

>if you kill Michael then his family absorbs his wealth
>if you kill Trevor then you absorb his wealth because he has no family
The choice is obvious.

I didn't kill either and after the game ended I called Trevor whilst playing as Micheal and when they hung out together they settled their differences and said sorry to each other :3

This. He was the most well written character.

Franklin is fucking bland as shit, and Trevor is just a straight up retarded edgelord, screeching autist.

The game should've been the Sapranos with Michael who gave us a taste of what Tommy would've been if he settled down.

Fuck off Randy.



>tfw no kill them all option

I picked C cause I thought franklin would die. he didn't die, and the ending was shit.

>people ITT killed trevor
what are you, anti-fun?

Killing Trevor gives the best cinematic

In what way is Trevor more fun than the other two? Because of the "LOL HE'S CRAZY LOL" cutscenes when you swap to him?

He is a fucking boring character and you can do the same shit he can as Michael, with better outfits and quips.


gta cannot even come close to the sopranos
its like they had a little kid watch the show and then designed michaels family based on his description
gta v has the depth of a kiddie pool

I know, but I know that's what they were trying to get through with Michael.

Rockstar are at their worst when they're going for BITING SOCIAL SATIRE because they're completely incapable of subtlety. It gets worse every game.

best skill, has after game scenes, scenes when you swap to him yes.

your other choices are a literal cuck and a wannabe gangster leagues below CJ, they are all boring characters, might aswell pick the one who can tank with a minigun.

Pretty sure gtaVI will star the custom character you create for online modes.

Michael is the best character in GTA history, I like Trevor too.
I wish I could kill Franklin, easily the most garbage character R* has ever produced.

if u kill him ull b jus like him

its been so long I dont even remember the ending to GTAV, pretty sure none of them died in my game tho, what the fuck are you all talking about?

>playing gta for the story and not as a sandbox

I think Franklin is just fun cos he's batshit insane.

He has no depth. He's just a gloriously self-aware hyperbole of what media portrays as a 'psycho.'


There are 3 endings.
A kill Michael
B kill Trevor
C don't kill either

The ending just fucking drops on your lap, just like in Mafia 2.

do you mean trevor?


>Game literally asks on phone kill X, kill Y,. Or don't kill either

but c has best end credits music

They went to prison to get his voice

I'm pretty sure Rockstar did the same with some random pedestrians too

>I have no interest whatsoever to pay attention to the characters.

excuse me

>not just picking option C so that none of the MCs have to die

Picked C. Because fight the power is the best self insert option as a player.




Frank alone


What would Franklin realistically do in this situation?

It doesn't seem likely he would choose to go against Devin AND the FIB agents. That indeed seems like a Deathwish. So who would he side with? The FIB dudes or Devin?

Devin seems a little more dangerous. He seems a lot more motivated by vengeance and anger than Steve Haines. So crossing him would seem like a bad idea. I think he might have to kill Michael.

I wanted an ending D where you kill Trevor and Michael. They're both terrible people and deserve to die.

This. It never felt like "checkmate" to warrant option 3 being the "suicide" option and options 1 and 2 should've been established 3/4 of the way in instead of the last half hour out of nowhere.

So Sup Forums is a bitter old cuckold?

faggots make such a big deal about the sopranos and how hes such a mobster... i watxh it... its about some faggot who goes to a therapist and sells stolen vcrs from trucks...
>if he settled down
hes been settled down the whole fucking show.... idiot

>Implying I didn't keep them all alive to buy all the properties and finish strangers & freaks missions

Franklin should have been Lamar

this desu


Of all endings on a GTA game, The Ballad of Gay Tony feels so right in every point. Even better than the Vice City ending or the Niko Bellic/Dmitri finale
The ones in V are a huge letdown, regardless of your choice. None of these feel like rewarding for your progress.

>No option to kill Franklin

Worst ending ever

Micheal is a cuck who lets his shitty family treat him like shit and then keeps crawling back for more.
Franklin is just some coon that's literally it.
Trevor is just a 1D psychopath designed to appeal to the 13 year old edgelords that play this game.
Gta5 had the worst writing of any of the gta games in every aspect, it was blatantly rushed considering the glitches in online the fact that online was released 2 weeks after the game the massive glitches in said online poorly coded ai underdeveloped features like stealth an economy that revolves around either grinding for weeks to get anything or just hacking in your money if your smart and on top of that rockstar somehow managed to keep it alive for 4 years.
unfinished game that lived way past its expiration date

Trevor Did Nothing Wrong