You humans are all racist

you humans are all racist

Other urls found in this thread:

did you just assume my race

Shut the fuck up you passive aggressive tree hugging culture molesting disgusting piece of shit alien.

Depends on the species, Turian.

Did someone here just thought about protheans? This one is familiar with enkindling. This one has enkindled multiple females across the galaxy.

renegade shepard is the best

>"I'll relinquish one bullet, where do u want it?"

yes and?


He's not wrong.

you turians are all stupid,

stupid fucking metal headed weirdos

>Ryder: I identify as a trasngender turian female. Dont assume my race ever again. O-okay? Are we good?
>Turian: What a little bitch
>Ryder: O-okay y-you too
>gain 100 renegade points for your agressive reply

Thank you for reminding us of our human privilege. I will work everyday to eradicate the prejudices and privileges that enable the systemic oppression of your people. I just want to be a good ally. :)

awww did i hurt your feelings? fuck off xeno piece of shite

dont be so xenophobic you bigot

go eat some birdfeed you quack

>white skinned Turian calling anyone racist

You can't be racist to whites. Check your white privilege, you ugly Turian glacier-face.

how does shit like this even become a space-faring race?

Mass Effect 1's dialogue was so much better than 3 and Andromeda's.

>The Leviathans, supposedly the apex race of the Milky Way, saw lesser races create synthetics which turned on them, so they unironically created a synthetic to stop synthetics killing organic life which then backfired on them spectacularly

Like pottery

But human are the best race behind krogan

>find new species
>commit war crimes on them
>get away with it

Turians are faggots, all of them

>not 500 paragon points for not only asserting your self-identity, but by extension defending that of other humans within the trans-species community, and lashing out against yet one more instance of hypercisspecietivity from the bigoted majority supported by systemic cispatriarchy


sound like alphas to me. Humans seem like the faggot ones since 90% of them are gay

To some extent, yes. Everyone is. This is a genetic survival instinct, though. Carried over from our tribal days where the success of the tribe typically meant distrusting or killing all outsiders.

Most of 2's as well. Although Omega and Tuchanka are the best areas of the entire series.

Oh yea sorry I was blinded by my privilige I guess the renegade option would be

>Turian: All humans are racist
>Ryder: N-not all
>Turian: Shut up bitch
>Ryder: O-okay
>150 renegade points

Well pointed sir, but i ask you this:
How can i be racist to a race that does not exist?



Man, I fucking loved everything about the first three games. But Blasto was one of the best parts.

>Reference the dickhead turian who says "You humans are all racist!"
>Use the picture of the friendly turian groundskeeper who says "Excuse me for asking, but you're a female, right? You got those funny bumps, like an asari."

>playing as femshep

That's hilarious, user.

OP proved double racist

Truly the most American race in the galaxy

>You got those funny bumps, like an asari.

Asari are supposed to look like your species when you look at them, as per Bachelor Party conversation. This lore is inconsistent BioWare.

he's just your typical nu-male gaymer who loves to roleplay as a woman and flirt with all the men he comes across

Don't start this shit again.

First post in an ME thread in months, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Are you a Biodrone who overlooks the CONSTANT retcons and inconsistencies?

they're not that black

>the entire rest of the universe's lore says one thing
>this background conversation probably written by an intern says another
>obviously the 2 minute throwaway is canon now even though the devs already said it's not
>muh headcanon

This is one of the dumbest arguments that came out of this series.

>3 drunktard at bar talking about asari
>Must be true

yet they still claim the reapers are working as intended

They were focusing on different aspects of the Asari body that make them similar to their own species.

>the entire rest of the universe's lore says one thing

How would you explain basically every species being attracted to them, when they have different standards for what is attractive?

>muh headcanon

It's literally in the game though, faggot.

The "Asari brainwash you and make you see what you want to see!" argument is bullshit. It's based on absolutely nothing but a single throwaway joke in ME2. Not only that, but it *completely* misunderstands what those three guys were saying. All they were doing was focusing on the part of the asari that looked the most like their race. None of them denied that what the others were seeing was real.

>look exactly like salarians
>just blue turians

Yeah man, Salarians and Turians look really similar.

nice try, race is a social construct

>All they were doing was focusing on the part of the asari that looked the most like their race

Gas the Ayylmaos, space race now

To Salarians they do.

Just as they do to humans.

Krogans aren't, they're too soft, except that one poetry faggot in 2.

Salarians shouldn't be because they have little romantic feelings and are heavy into eugenics. Even though another throwaway background conversation in 2 contradicts this. Probably written by the same idiot who wrote the bachelor scene.

Looks like the common denominator here is that background conversations in 2 are absolute shit.

None of you actually get the joke in the conversation.

What makes them look Slaraian and Turian is not the same as what makes them look human. By arguing about this you're acting like those three drunk guys. "No no, look at [human-like parts] they look like MY species!"

I still wanna know what the series would have been like without the obligatory human-looking waifu species every sci-fi needs to have for some reason.

>Krogans aren't, they're too soft, except that one poetry faggot in 2.
There are Krogan on the Citadel, the fish ones, who talk about the Consort as if she was attractive to them.

>Salarians shouldn't be because they have little romantic feelings and are heavy into eugenics.
Salarians don't have sex drives, the Salarian at the table gets flustered and aroused a little into the conversation.

I get that you don't like it, but you can't choose what's canon and what isn't piecemeal like that. Either it's all canon, which means this series is shit and contradicts itself, or you're a faggot who chooses his own headcanon as canon.

No, it's correct. The human focuses on the bellybutton and feminine body shape. The turian focuses on the head fringe. The salarian focuses on something else that I don't remember at the moment. But the human doesn't deny that the head fringe is there, nor does the turian say the breasts and bellybutton aren't there. In fact, the cut dialogue from the turian groundskeeper makes it clear that he notices the "funny bumps" that asari have. He's obviously not sexually attracted to breasts, yet he sees them anyway. Because they're actually fucking there.

>No no, look at [human-like parts] they look like MY species!
But hey objectively look like humans with head tentacles, they have an entirely different body morphology to Turians and Salarians. You're making shit up like a faggot fanboy.

Also, the Salarian was sober.

turians are legit scary looking

>I get that you don't like it, but you can't choose what's canon and what isn't piecemeal like that. Either it's all canon, which means this series is shit and contradicts itself, or you're a faggot who chooses his own headcanon as canon.

Nigga that's exactly what you're doing.

This is getting too retarded, fuck mass effect and fuck you.

>cut dialogue is canon
>ingame dialogue isn't because I'm going to lie about something in it

Asari have a human body shape, not a Turian or Salarian one.

The salarian is attracted to how lithe and flexible she is

If you get the Mordin "romance" scene he says that flexibility is basically the closest thing to a salarian specific fetish there is

They objectively look like Turians with funny bumps, c'mon m8

Well of course they actually look human. They were designed to be the obligatory blue-skinned space babes.

In-universe that's not the case though.

>Nigga that's exactly what you're doing.
Asari have human bodies, show me another alien pointing that out.

>they don't look like how they look like

Is this what peak mental illness looks like?

In-universe it's also the case. There's no mind control going on. What you see is what you get.

It doesn't matter how a female looks, as long as she has holes that can be enkindled by this one's tentacles.

Psychic powers don't work on photographs

>>they don't look like how they look like
Wasn't that your argument?

Why is this even a point in a series that has plenty of interspecies romance that doesn't even involve Asari? Where is your god now?

And VI too
And statue too.

Fuck dude I'm trying to be reasonable here. They look like humans because they were designed to look like humans.

Of course they fucking look like humans. I'm not denying that. No one is denying that. The turians and salarians were focusing on different aspects of her body, so IN-UNIVERSE what they look for in attractiveness isn't the same as what WE look for.

>Why is this even a point in a series that has plenty of interspecies romance that doesn't even involve Asari? Where is your god now?
>sjw species mixing crap literally on the level of fucking an animal

Clearly my God is not with this series, because my God looks down on depravity like this.

>so IN-UNIVERSE what they look for in attractiveness isn't the same as what WE look for
Clearly it is, because Asari are just humans with head tentacles, also the Salarian points out "exactly like Salarians".

Stop making excuses.

>Fuck dude I'm trying to be reasonable here
You are not at all, you're making stuff up.

Jumped the shark there bud

Only a cruel God would make a creature and a soul as beatiful as Tali's to then punish you for doing so.

>the Salarian points out "exactly like Salarians"
In all the ways relevant to Salarians.

How about the turian? He comments on how he looks exactly like a Turian. However we know that length matters as well for them since male Ryder gets bullied by a turian chick for being short. And asaris are very clearly not as long as turians.

The back of the head you goddamn moron.

>He comments on how he looks exactly like a Turian
He comments on the head fringes, which we can all see.
>However we know that length matters as well for them since male Ryder gets bullied by a turian chick for being short.
What do male Turians look for in females?

Look, if they're mind-controlling you, why are they blue tentacled space babes at all? Why don't they look EXACTLY like humans?

yeah that's true.

Assistance from their semi-slaves
High end intelligence
Difference in mobility between localized atmospheric/world conditions
Super dangerous tentacles

The Hanar, although squishy, are not to be fucked with. Not unless you wanna get blasto'd, or have a Drell follow you home.

It makes even less sense when can literally make peace between the geth and quarians.