What have you learned from browsing Sup Forums?

What have you learned from browsing Sup Forums?

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Nothing but I started trying to guess people's height and how strong their hairline is

Other peoples' opinion is worth shit.

guess my height and hairline status

That game companies pay their blue haired community managers to shill shit here.

That my opinion is the right opinion.

that I can't compete

That shills exist and constantly samefag.

Most games are bad

Actually, all games are bad

That I hate Nintendo.

My taste is superior to everyone elses.

The people who like to discuss games are the very same people who hate them.

Memes mostly

Nobody can agree on anything here.
It's chaos in its most essential form.

You'll start hating games, even those you loved, if you continue to stick around. I left Sup Forums for a year and found myself.enjoying mgsv and even ffxv. Came back a week ago and mgsv is shit and ffxv is an insult

there is far more autism in the world than any of us ever imagined

also autism is a societal irritant and has no positive benefits

That the gaming community in general is depressing, as Sup Forums is the best it could come up with.

That my favorite games are shit

That if you like literally any modern game, you're a drone or a shill.
And I'd you like literally any old game, you're a nostalgiafag.

Sony is shit and the cancer killin videogames.
Nintendo is god and it's ok when they do it.
PC is master race and Gaben is the chose one.
Videogames are shit.

Stockholm syndrome is real

That a personĀ“s nature has many sides to it.

I'm on a never ending loop and I can't escape

You really shouldn't be on the internet at all if you're that easily influenced by memes. You could end up believing in all sorts of insane shit.

That this board is full of pompous-ass fuckboys who attach their self-image and self-worth to the games they like, and constantly berate each other for a hollow, false sense of superiority.

Sup Forums was a mistake.

a feminine penis is best penis

guys make the best girls

People here just want a chatbox to talk.

That the more passionate a person claims to be about videogames, the more ignorant is about them.

That I'm the only one who plays gamea for fun


Ignoring people on the internet is the only way to stay sane

That it's mostly Brazilians and Europoors. No wonder why this board is so shit.

I'm getting older.

Are you sure.

All games suck.

That boipussy is the best

i learned that im not straight

americans are biggest shitposters with the worst humor

I have shit taste

Americans don't shitpost, they really are just fucking stupid and humourless. Zero levels of irony.


It's okay when Nintendo does it.

People only actually care what ecelebs think and have no opinion of their own

That human nature is truly fascinating

That there's way more marketers and company shills then actuall human beings on Sup Forums.

Video games are not for fun they are for forgetting how shitty life is for a few hours of the day, just like any hobby really.

That I hate gamers.

I might be autistic

It's nearly impossible for people to have a refined taste in something and not be an asshole about it.

This, same stuff posted every day but in different forms

that boku no pico is their lifemotto

Gamers suck at discussing games

I've outgrown this board. Every time I come here I can't stay for more than a couple of minutes. I'll be back in a month maybe

pretty much that most of users are pic related

That Sony pays people to shill their products online.

That I'm a homo

That all the wrong things in my life are entirely my fault

How to hack my 3ds, that's pretty much it but it saved me loads of money

Ive been shitposting on this board for 7 years and learned that you shouls enjoy whatever game you want

The internet shouls not influence youe taste in games unless you are a weak willed human.

That SJW will destroy everything I love

and also anyone that praises a game or even makes a thread to talk about it positively is considered "shilling" and anyone liking or talking positively about said games are "shills" it seems like we are not allowed to like something

People still get baited by the dumbest shit, no matter how obvious the bait.

chicks with dicks are a-okay

That Sup Forums is one of the worst boards on Sup Forums and one of the worst places on the internet to actually discuss vidya.

That people really like to pretend to be mad about something and that others are actually mad about it

Piratefags are nigger Serbs.

That when people list god tier games they can be put into two different categories with the same games on each list. One set has Zeldas, Marios and weeb crap. The other has xcom, Jagged Alliance 2, Max Payne, Vampire or Deus Ex.

EA did 9/11 on the orders of the Jews and Hideo Kojima.

thats basically what /fit/ has become, plus the nofap meme

If you like Nintendo, you're gonna get ostracized

That compared to you losers, my life isn't half bad

This. Also, teenagers are really unhappy.

What NOT to say, do, or look like if you wanna lose your virginity

You are... My guiding Autism

It's very bad.

That contrarian nigger faggots will like anything to spite others, see DaS2 cocksuckers

That most of you were born in the mid 90's

Yaaaaaass :3

That Sup Forums is gayer than /lgbt/

That this board is full of underaged shitposters and I am completely wasting my time here.

That even after everything I've seen working with the gay city nightlife, Sup Forums will LITERALLY be the pioneers of new and exciting ways to be faggy

I learned to filter retards and don't say anything if the other person isn't willing to have a semi intelligent conversation.

It's not worth it..

>percentage of the people here and are virgins who never saw the light of a glistening pussy
>so backed up that they hate everything
>never trust /v verdict of anything
>/v is a cesspool
> is full of weebs
>only come to /v for laughs and nothing more
>meh graphics whores - kill yourselves you faggots it's why we get most shitty games

>muh dik le calling someone a virgin is an argument meme
Go play cod newfag nigger

Anonymity was a mistake

I learned that:
Sup Forums > /vg/ > reddit > ebaumsworld > getting cancer > /vp/ >> Sup Forums >>>>> Sup Forums

I learned that white people take their privilege for granted and complain about everything.


I learned that fun is subjective and differs wildly on a per person basis:

So basically nothing we discuss here is objective and so nothing we do here will really result in anything constructive.
Games that have horrible performance or certain bugs, missing settings, terrible controls, day one DLC, pay 2 win, almost nothing objective gets talked about.

We just yell at each other about our opinions while we don't play video games.

> The Switch is crap
> Nier: Automata is good
> except it isn't
> Mass Effect Andromeda is shit
> Canadians are awful people

That people responding to shitpost are worse than shitposter

That there are countless people in the world who willingly argue about fucking video games on Sup Forums all day, lmao.

>built modern civilization
>not entitled to its fruits
Jamal, please.

That people are incredibly superficial and will judge something at face value instead of actually experiencing or learning about it first. And if you try to call them out on their lack of foundation for their argument they'll call you names and change the argument until you give up.

I am literally the only person who likes video games

Sup Forums is unironically always right.

Anime was a mistake and has brainwashed most of the board

That homosexuals, especially traps and those that are into them, deserve the gas chamber and hitler picked the wrong target. Also futa isn't gay.

i learned that;

>no platform has games
>all games are shit
>and gaming is dead

did i forgot something?

Being called a "cuck" means you are a decent non-bigoted person.

if something is popular, it's gotta be bad and must be hated

current victim of this, is CDPR

If I ignore it, it won't go away, so I must let people know when their opinion is hot garbage.