Anyone know of a base building game set in world war 2?

Anyone know of a base building game set in world war 2?
Company of heroes 2 looks interesting but you don't seem to build anything.

Anyone know of a good game set in World war 2 that is not wehraboo fap material?

Company of Heroes + Blitzkrieg Mod

COD WW2 makes me so fucking hard.

It is going to be wehraboo bullshit with SUPIR SIKRET NAZI IXPIRIMENTS)))

Calling it now, they will implement the jetpack because the nazis had a prototype.

>nazis had a prototype.

They did not lmfao. They were actually pretty shit at science IRL, but pop history made them overrated.

AW's jetpack shootan game was actually pretty good, much better than BO3 or IW. Not as good as Titanfall 2 but hey.

>They were actually pretty shit at science

no way dude. AW felt off and not good

Forcing dangerous vehicles into combat service out of despair = ! being good at science.

Multiplayer will have random item spawn that can be picked up and used for a short time.
For example a jetpack with limited fuel, an alien gun with limited rounds and such.

Please leave that Wehraboo fantasy shit out of my WW2 games.


Hitlers decisions have nothing to do with the capability of the scientists.

This is cod, baby. It's our job to full retard.
Go back to battlefield if you want immersion.

Did i said it had?

My point is that if they had few overhyped but barely working prototypes it does not mean they were good. American and British projects were much better in every aspect.


You know what I want? A WW2 game with the campaig focused on the Axis.

>inb4 stormweenie

Think about it.

>initial glory of the levels showing intial success of german campaign
>blitzkreig levels
>contrasted with the struggle Japan had in China
>invade paris
>all this hype shit
>eventually end up fighting on the other end of D-Day, perhaps continually falling back or trying to deliver a message or whatever
>constant band of brothers tier scenes with your fellow soldiers who will initially be hyped by the success, then worn down, battered, broken, etc
>late game eastern front levels
>fighting for berlin
>fighting in stalingrad

It could all be super interesting with a lot of interesting points if played from even a German POV, never mind that of a Japanese or Italian soldier.

I really think it could unironically be an incredible game, far more interesting than the gun-ho attitude of most allied characters in games. What better than a group of friends going to war and eventually getten worn down to a husk by it all?


>finland campaign when

I want a WW2 game where you play as a japanese soldier commiting war crimes in china.

>Shoot some Poles
>Shoot some French
>Shoot some (((Judo Bolsheviks)))
>Oh no! Our beloved character Hans died, see? This game is DRAMATIC.
>Shoot some Yankies
>Oh no! Fritz Died. DRAMATIC
>Oh no! Hitler Shoot himself! War is lost! Phew, I never liked nazis anyway...

any COD game set in WW2.

Well it'd be a nice change from

>o no things are bad
>things are better!
>things are REALLY BAD
>things are REALLY GOOD
>Glory!!!!! or Last Stand!!!!!!

An initial high octane campaign with decent writing for characters which boils down into a a desperate, grubby fight with stuff like the melee in COD 3 could really be neato

>That Enemy at the Gates ripoff in the CoD 1

No, thanks.

It is going to have fucking microtranactions and case openings though. I'm sorry but they WILL find a way to fuck this up

Also it's so fucking weird how much Sup Forums has changed, posting a thread about being exited for a new cod game and anons taking it seriously.

Because people realised COD games aren't BAD, they're just the same shit over and over again. Still one of the best arcade shooters out there, I guess

And how would you stop protagonist dying for example in Stalingrad without GLORY OF THE LAST SSTAND?

>shoot dudes in green instead of dudes in grey
>nice change
>decent writing

Because in my opinion a Stalingrad level does not have to be definitive or conclusive to the battle for the city.

It could just be you and your buddies trying to avoid snipers, or some godawful battle in some dirty ruins or actually a parody on muh enemy at the gates where your buddies are all picked off and you end up having to hunt down the legendary sniper or just escape.

Fuck knows man. They will never be very creative but the potential for an axis campaign is cool. Alps levels and whatnot or even levels from a perspective of the Japsin their shitty little foxholes.

We've seen enough of the allies.

Well hopefully this one will be different. I hope it has that eerie atmosphere from world at war.

Excuse me for wanting even a slim semblence of variety in a COD game you picky nigger

>a texture swap

Calling this right now, they will put trans or black people in germany's front lines. Or they will bitch again about the lack of female soldiers but that would be unoriginal since they did that already with battlefield.


It would be nice, but they'd never do it. They're too scared they'll look like nazi sympathizers for making a nazi campaign.

What is that sign anyway?

Has the shilling campaign for this turd already begun?

>the underage fucks who fought over Cawascaby and Niggerfield on Youtube Comments are now in Sup Forums

No, it wouldn't, it would be another 4 hour long scripted to death melodramatic turd.
What they need to do is shake up the multiplayer formula since who the fuck cares about the campaigns of these turds.

Yup, it's going to be shilled as hard as Infinite Warfare and Black Ops 3.
Fortunately it will follow the trend of IW and sell even less.
This franchise is pure fucking cancer.

Look up magnetic mines faggot

So what's thiss ssign supposed to be? I assume it's something made by construction workerss?