What are your thoughts on there being a Bloodborne 2? Discuss
Bloodborne 2
PC or dont care sadly
switch exclusive
I'd rather we got a new IP. I'd be completely fine with endless rehashes as long as it wasn't the exact same environments every game.
Deep Abyss game when
Isn't it worth buying the console my dude?
bloodborne 2 is a dream.
at least you can dream.
Nothing is worth buying a console.
>hardcore retard and proud
They shouldn't make one, but since money talks, it should be set in the distant future if they do. In space or something. The ideas and themes and lore should be connected, but the setting should be as different as possible.
pc is 1 to 2 ratio on soul series now when PSNow happens on pc....
You want us to go hunting some motherfuccin aliens in space.
He's right. I wouldn't pay 300 dollars for one video game. I have a PS4 myself, and I only use it for Bloodborne.
it's not out yet?
how is the input lag?
nah i'd need a new tv aswell then, there's fucking nothing on tv
Wouldn't it also be cool to be back in the days when Gehrman was slaying every cunt? Before he became a mental mess?
Not just Gehrman, of course. But you get to see first hand all of the events that were referenced in the first game
If Bloodborne 2 is PS4 exclusive than I'm for sure buying base PS4. TWO games is the right amount to buy console for
>wanting ANOTHER souls clone
Yeah fuck no.
I'm sick of that shit.
That cow needs to die already and hack software should stop milking it.
How is it a souls clone?
How many more times do I need to post this? It's getting ridiculous.
Even if DaS2 and DaS3 were good games, the suffered from being the sequel to DaS1.
We need something new, with a new setting.
Oh, sorry, I should looked harder.
How is that not, retard?
They use the same fucking template since DeS in every game.
To be fair, it's not fromsoft that are milking it.
It's the publishers who own the franchises that keep throwing money at them to make more.
Fromsoft don't own dark souls or bloodborne, you know that right? Being paid to make something isn't the same as owning it.
I'd be happy if they made one and it was good.
From Software is literally a one trick pony at this point. They are incapable of doing anything but their Duty Souls.
>shitting on Armored Core
I want it on PC, honestly, but after the performance patch it runs fine on PS4.
Not worth buying the console for, though. Wait another while and you can probably get it on the cheap if you don't care about online play.
Nice one shill! I'm going to run out and spend my shekels right away!
>mfw we had this exact thread on during /vint/
>mfw the only people who hated the idea of it were BR's
>the only people who hated it not being on PC were BR's
>the only people who said shit like "Souls Clone" were BR's
I guess that console tax is making them really, really butthurt.
If they announce it I will preorder like a mongoloid but I really would rather they didn't despite BB being my 2nd favorite game ever made. Dark Souls 2 and 3 were enjoyable but I wish they were never made, they tainted the series and ruined the lore of Dark Souls 1.
Direct sequels do not belong in this series. The only way I really think a Bloodborne sequel would work is if they release a cyber punk Souls game with a totally different title and halfway through shit gets lovecraftian and it somehow connects to Bloodborne. Nothing will replicate the feeling from playing the game on release the first time and having it turn form van helsing to full lovecraft out of nowhere, I feel really bad for people that missed that experience, it was the best I've ever had in gaming.
I need more souls
Been playing since 2012. I can't get enough
Bloodborne is a masterpiece. I would love a second one
Would prefer them to make more spin-offs/spiritual successors in the vein of BB rather than direct sequels in the vein of Dark Souls 2 and 3. However, I wouldn't say no to BB2, especially if they got rid of that fucking stupid bell system.
I know it's literally impossible, but I would love a Telltale style game(but well done, unlike TTG's shit) about how Bloodborne's event came to happen.
>playing as a young scholar from Byrgenwerth
>the discovery of the Pthumerian labyrinth and the Old Blood
>the schysm between Willem and Laurence, and the foundation of the Healing Church
>how the Scourge of the Beast came to be
>the first side effects of using Old Blood
>investigation of the eldritch
>the School of Mensis
>the Old Hunters, and the Fishing Hamlet's happening
It would be cool as fuck, althought it would ruin the vagueness of the story, since it would explain it how it happened.
I can dream I guess.
it'll be better as a personal fantasy rather than an actual happening (dark souls comic anyone?)
That comic was so bad there wasn't even a shitstorm over it, it wasn't even worth being mad about.
Don't care
After DaS2 and 3 it's apparent that From aren't motivated to make an exceptional product. DeS, DaS, and BB are easily the best of their recent games and it's because they were motivated to grab an audience with them. I'm hoping BLAMEsouls is their next release pretty badly.
I don't want a Bloodborne 2. The game is perfect and if they make a sequel they'll probably fuck up the legacy