Who /justdownloadedthesoundtrack/ here?
>Best track
>Worst track
I'll start
Tropic Trials
Uphill Battle
Who /justdownloadedthesoundtrack/ here?
All the songs are shit just like with Banjo Kazooie where they use the same 3 shitty intsruments for literally every song in the game.
I can feel how much of a fun guy you are
I can feel how much of a tasteless faggot you are
Track Attack is godlike
My nigga
>that fucking bassline
why is david wise a god and kirkhope a goof?
>Every single main world theme
just post the fuckin songs already.
I don't know why Kirkhope did so bad, honestly. I've always preferred him to Wise but Wise really blew him the fuck out this time around.
should have replaced kirkhope with beanland
Grant's music was really disappointing, which is surprising because I loved all of his music in BK/BT/DK64.
Got the artbook too. Haven't listened to it yet. I'm mad that they game is locked in steam. Not used to having it early like this.
World 1 and 2 are good tho
thanks doc
>That beautiful fucking opening to Tropic Trials
scans when
The orchestral soundtrack got held back for post-release and Kirkhope's tunes aren't as amazing they were clearly meant to be with these MIDIs, I gotta hear the true versions before I pass full judgement. Just imagine Glitterglaze Glacier or Capital Cashino with live instruments.
entire thing's on youtube friend
It's digital
I've grown to love Capital B's design
>The orchestral soundtrack got held back for post-release
Wait, what? So there's no orchestral music yet? That's a bummer. Have they said anything about when it would be finished?
Same, wish I could say the same about pretty much everyone else. The only designs in the game I like are Capital B, the octopus girl, and Rextro. I absolutely hate the rest, I don't know how someone who designed DK, Diddy, Dixie, and all the Banjo characters could have dropped the ball this hard.
Posting shitty screengrab.
nigga what what's so well-designed about gorilla with a tie, gorilla with a cap and a gorilla with ponytails
I never say this but this is nostalgia speaking, there's nothing outstanding about the old rare designs. They aren't bad but you can't point them out as some kind of genius design.
And here's the front cover. This is the manual and the art book. It's a bit disappointing that it's only 13 pages, half being art, half being manual approximately.
At least 4 designs there look like straight out of Chinese knockoff cartoons. Holy shit.
No, but they're sure as shit better than Yooka Laylee designs
I loved him the moment he was revealed. Looks like a proper dastardly motherfucker, and the pun game in his name is insane.
>Capital B
>As in an uppercase B
>B for boss
>Also for bee
>Capital as in wealth
>Either the artwork looks better than the 3D model or the alternate designs look much better than the final design
Wowee kablowee.
>I never say this but this is nostalgia speaking, there's nothing outstanding about the old rare designs
This is kinda true
The only eyepopping designs are the stuff from Viva Pinata and Krystal
Still love them Kremlings and Kong family though
I'd have preferred a tiger, reptiles are shit
go to hell
I think the artwork and alt designs are pretty mediocre actually. Yooka is this weird squished chameleon monstrosity and Laylee's head is a box. Though the third pictured Laylee reminds me of Ren and Stimpy a bit.
>And Krystal
I don't know, I like them all except for the talking yellow fridge I have no clue what were they thinking with that
Reptile spotted
Nigga, Kevin Bayliss's modern Donkey Kong design is still being used after all these years. Pretty sure he did something special there.
t. tiger
She's a vending machine and I don't know what they were thinking either. According to the manual she gives tonics which gives boosts like more health, ability to breathe under water, etc.
I always felt that Steve Mayle's drawing style ended up getting hit by the ugly stick at some point during the Microsoft era. I always found all the redesigned characters in Nuts & Bolts really grotesque looking.
Here are some redesigns of Conga and a Termite from the canceled Banjo remake they were working on before N&B. You can see they have the blocky grotesque N&B style.
It's because they've taken the lower poly style of the 90s era and basically copied it into higher poly versions. Look at that Gorilla. You can see that both their faces almost look like they took the n64 era polys and just smoothed them. YL seems to be a lot better, save for the vending machine.
Too bad the sjw cuck game is shit and so is your taste, enjoy empty room simulator with ps2 graphics cuckboys
Viva Pinata is Mayles's best work
Best track in the game
Her design is better than "Take googly eyes, put it on X"
Cant say the same about her personality
>18 shills in this thread
It's almost as if the hate for the game is what's the minority
no (you)
It's almost as if everyone got tired of all these threads and stop posting in them
Here I did it for you
>wahhh why arent there more console war and trap threads!!!!111!!!!
I downloaded all of it (and the manual/artbook) but I haven't listened to it yet. I like going blind in a game even with it's music at times, it gives it more impact.
Same. Probably one of my favorites in the game.
There's more diverse discussion and opinions in those than in this hugbox
>talking about art, music, differing styles between rareware past titles, and motherfucking capital b
>only one person is crying about shills
Cuz everyone else fucked off.
There's no discussion, it's shilling, it doesn't matter how you talk you're still shilling
I can't wait for the 4/10 review and then you people cry about the alt right ruining video games and stupid shit like that
The best designs in the game are as follows
>Capital B
>Dr Quack
Yooka kinda fits in here for getting priority as a reptile and having an overall inoffensive design, but he's JUST a chameleon
I can feel how much of a sexy guy you are
I dont give a shit about your normalfag memeshit, I care about the fucking game
Aka the only thing that fucking matters
Based David Wise
>but he's JUST a chameleon
So what? At least he is nice and simpe, not like pic related
Literally the only character I don't like in this game. Fuck Vendi.
But he doesnt stand out
And the game is bad, case closed shill
holy shit you're what's wrong with Sup Forums
fuck off back to underage
Yeah man, I'm such a tasteless for not drooling and clapping my hands like a baby whenever I hear "dinga-linga dinga-Linda *kazoo solo*" for the millionth time.
I'll decide that for myself bud, now go back to your Faces of Sup Forums threads
Go back to >>> neogaf shill, your kind doesn't belong here
You're the cancer killing video games
>admitting to fucking trannies
Back to Sup Forums
Figure's we'd get a few bad designs. Banjo wasn't exempt from this either.
dont forget your responded to his trolling too
youre more retarded than he is
She looks really bad. Her shape is all fucked up and distorted. I cannot tell what she is from a quick glance at all. Definitely the worst character they've designed that I can think of.
You literally said you preferred console war and tranny threads lol
post the fucking download link, i can't be arsed downloading each file with a shitty youtube to mp3 program
Nothing wrong with feminine dicks faggot
This shit is lit
I don't see a huge problem with that, it's just some pig kid. A deformed one, but that's because he was mutated by the sewage coming from Grunty Industries. Even that isn't quite as freaky looking at Vendi.
*freaky looking as
The DK designs are timeless. If they weren't Nintendo would have redesigned them by now.
God fucking damn this is some good shit right here
is this wise or kirkhope
It's a very Kirkhope melody, but it sounds like he's actually trying for once
he makes good music
see: viva pinata
18 shills on a deadfags thread yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
I really want to play the version of this game that's as good as its soundtrack would make you believe.
I think the version that releases april 11th might be what you want
playtonic dev please go
>Octopus girl
Fun fact, despite being the only human, well originally human, character in the game, she's the only one whose lips don't move.
Those lips are moving, retard. They're just really small which is admittedly a bit odd.
Also, chopper is way too loud.
but seriously we cant let donald trump get the nuclear codes.
these transformations are freaky as fuck it's like human-centipede or sonic urinal level of disturbing
yooka's attack sound effects sound so bored. they should have made yooka into a girl
incredibly underwhelming but thats probably due to the lack of worlds as well
>sonic urinal
That's the first thing that came to mind, yeah.
>We know 3 transformations of 5
>A fucking Plant that looks like a satellite dish
>A snow-plow
>A chopper
I can only imagine what unholy mess is next.