Who did you side with Sup Forums?

Who did you side with Sup Forums?

>it doesn't matter what you pick anyway

bravo Taro, you've outdone Todd on this

A2 is a miracle of the universe.

...why would do only one rather than both?

9S first. I barely felt a connection to not-2B and the bitch killed my waifu.

This but my first was A2.

if it wasnt A2, the logic virus would have turned her and probably attacked both anyway

A2 because I wanted to protect what's left of of her smile ;_; . But she died as she lived, alone and hated any ways .

It's not a question of that you fucking mongoloid.
It's who you chose first and stood beside over the other one.
Use your fucking brain.

My boy 9s, he unironically did nothing wrong.

are you retarded

2b was already as good as dead

>siding with A2 just because she has perky tits instead of your boy 9S

bros b4 hoes

your gay

She was until she cut her hair off for no reason.

9S is just a buttmad manlet.

9S first because he's the protagonist
and than A2 so 9S is the final boss.

9S because I wanted him to be happy and I expected A2 would be his good end so I picked the one that I thought would be his bad end first. Either way you get the good end last so eh


What did you choose for Pascal Sup Forums?

I chose to erase his memories. Seeing him later standing in the middle of the empty village not knowing who he was anymore was heartbreaking.

she has it back in E

I went with A2 first because there was no way in hell her ending would be more impactful than finishing 9S' character development and oh boy Taro delivered with Childhood's End.

Going D => E made me cry like a little bitch.

I left.
Choose your own destiny, faggot.

I did the same
having him sell parts of machines as junk was really disturbing to me

A2, the hacking mini-game is boring. I like 9S as a character more, but playing him is just too fucking dull.

9S' hacking shenanigans are the highlight of the both endings.
In C he fucks A2 by disabling her functions while jumping like a crazed monkey and spamming the everliving shit out of his pod.
In D he can straight break A2's operating system, infiltrate her menu screens and brick them, effectively mind raping her.

Meanwhile A2's boss battle is just a repeat of forest segment with 2 new attacks because she has a pod now.


>In D he can straight break A2's operating system, infiltrate her menu screens and brick them, effectively mind raping her.
I tried doing this but I killed her before I got to this point every time, even just by hacking.

Leaving is the only true answer otherwise hes bound to make the same mistakes again

Is it me or A2 feels like she had more content planned but it was cut out? We barely spend time as her, we don't know anything about her backstory other than Anemone's logs, and her moveset is just a worse 2B

>and her moveset is just a worse 2B
She has way better mobility and B-mode that makes her way more powerful than anything 2B can achieve.

>the hacking mini-game is boring.
You should have made an exception for that one duel.
Look it up on Youtube,

9S because he's my nigga and I felt so bad for him after losing 2B. A2 is a cutie though.

Her backstory is in the side material novel.
Taro is incapable of telling a complete story in one piece of media.

> moveset worse than 2B
I'm sorry but best girl A2 has the best moveset

A2's story is meant to be a continuation of 2B's story. That's why A2 cut her hair.

>meant to be
>to be


>no reason

It was because of the data transfer from 2B.

Typical Japanese trope, but it actually made a little sense here.

9S. I rode the rage train this far, might as well finish the journey and ride it off the cliff.

I also had him stay behind.

it is a kojima move in a way, but to me it seems to signify that A2 doesn't really understand social interactions and proper behaviour
she cuts her hair to make herself look like 2B because she thought that would fulfill 2B's request, but initially she remains the same person, not giving a fuck about what 2B actually asked her to do
she starts changing with time, becoming less autistic and more understanding
and she eventually probably realises that cutting hair was a mistake and she has it back in E

While this looks fancy, i loved 9S large sword moveset more than the one of girls because he has like twice the range and faster startups.

Not to mention that if you learn how to position him for a charge attack it straight murderfucks everything it touches.

DLC will expand her story


neither because I don't play shitty weaboo games

Andromeda and HZD threads are that way -->

I killed him,

I accidentally missed the first hit and blew up some of the child robot corpses. Felt bad

You're so cool and manly user, where can I go to have sex with you?

>Stay behind

You nigger, who the fuck chooses that. I can't think of a better outcome than fuck off to another planet with Adam & Eve.


>betraying 2B for a pair of homos

Please stop existing.

9S because I felt I went through a lot of shit with him despite the fact that I didnt fully agree with his hateboner.

Also I found A2 too bitchy and with the limited time I spent with her; I was less inclined to choose her.

Currently playing through this game.

My only complaint is the way they handle deaths. I know that the first response is going to be "simply git gud my friend" but for real. What's the point of having you lose all of your chips when you die unless you pick them up? All that does it either make you never want to use your best chips when you need them most, for fear of losing them, or make you use save states like a filthy casual.

I know Taro hates hardcore gamers and wants to do anything in his power to spite them, but this is some next-level shit.

>being such a cuck you fall in love with the girl who's whole purpose in life is to kill you


Triggered lol

>Her whole purpose is to kill you but she can't help falling in lobe with you every time

Jokes on you, everyone's fucked. Still better than a gay cruise.

I'm not really sure how anyone could be having issues. If you're playing on a higher difficulty I guess, but there's no real points in this game where you're in serious danger of dying. The prologue is probably the hardest part.

I didn't think it was much different from losing all your souls after dying in a Souls game.

>Also I found A2 too bitchy
You can thank 8-4 for rewriting every character to be constantly aggressive and snide towards everyone else.

You only lose the equipped ones. Even then, getting back to your body isn't that hard. I guess I just am a masochist who enjoys some death penalty

How can it be gay if they don't have dicks m8 :^)

>said girl absolutely despises her job and only wants to be together with 9S
>sacrifices her own life for him the moment Bunker goes down in flames

Literally git gud. I didn't die a single time until route C and there's no reason you should either.

just load the last save

I swear to god A2 with exposed midriff and long hair is the most bonerific thing in the game together with commander

>unironically playing modern weebshit
Jap games haven't been good since n64

no need to spoiler or anything

Nigger what are you doing

why are you spoiling yourself

get out

fucks sake

It's been out for a month already, you have no excuse.

With the one that didn't turn into an insane edgelord over the course of five minutes.

And her voice... mmmhhhmmhh
> literal sex

So has anyone here actually played through the whole game beginning to end on very hard? How did you handle the later boss fights like the giant sphere that shoots a bunch of lasers at different angles

>everyone drooling over 2B's ass
>meanwhile these hips end up being criminally underrated

all machine lifeforms make the same mistakes, regardless of their failure. pascal is, after all, just one of the network's experiments on evolution.

I only finished this game a few days ago. Not all of us have enough free time on our hands to blast through it in a couple of days.

That guy should be avoiding Sup Forums altogether if he doesn't want to get spoiled though.

Nines was broken by that point. A2 needed to take him down.

>Going with a bunch of gayfags instead of staying with your Yandere

> "don't break too quickly now."

All my Steam friends who have the game use the 2B profile background and I'm the only one rocking A2 and her glorious hips

2B's my girl but I gotta admit A2 had the best hip and ass game.

thanks to this artwork, i always thought she would be barefoot

what a disappointment

For all the subverted expectations that the game threw at me up to that point, the children dying was a choice too obvious for me to think that that's what the game would do. I was expecting Pascal to go full bloodlust insane after engaging in combat despite being a pacifist for who knows how many hundred years.

> dat hips
> dat voice
> dat attitude
why do ppl even care about SnoozeB?

her hips look nothing like that, just see the webm


Am I really the only person who really likes the fight with Hegel?

>Dat Zelda boss intro and musical aur
>Weaving in between the lasers looking for an openning
>Running around the whole desert as it chases you in the air

It was pure bullet hell.

I finished it on wednesday
I pretty much successfully avoided being spoiled by Sup Forums even though I kept coming into nier thread, everytime I've seen something spoilery I would just keep scrolling and repress the memory of seeing it
and it did work

How is he even slightly a bro?
A2 did nothing wrong/

How the fuck does anyone pick 9S? He abandoned all reason and was fucked up beyond repair and wouldn't have gotten anything out of killing A2 anyway. A2 had nothing but good in her and 9S had to be put out of his misery. It's obviously the logical choice and that's why it's the C ending instead of D, it's what any reasonable person would pick first.

A2 also had some fun banter with wesker

he still kills himself after being saved by A2 from the tower

Is she supposed to be saying something there? They didn't bother animating the mouth? Not even a lazy half-life-1 sock puppet animation? Is this where we are now?

Wait, was P42 Wesker?

Stubbies are cute.

how did you not recognize him


Was anyone else slightly disappointed that there were only 3 playable routes? I feel like I didn't get enough time with A2. She just fucking dies out of nowhere.

>This Pod has serious concerns with A2's cognitive abilities.


It looks like a gamecube game desu

>turns out the fucking pods were the heroes of the story all along

A2 looks good with short or long hair cuz she's A2 and not SnoozeB