What's your favorite game Sup Forums? For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich

What's your favorite game Sup Forums? For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

> 2017 and favorite isn't crunchwrap supreme
> 2017 still not thinking outside the bun

git gud faggot

They should have never gotten rid of the spicy mcchicken

Wendy's does it better you disgusting neets

I like the regular cheeseburgers from BK. Only $1 and somehow only 240 calories, how do they do it?


Fuck off shill.

It's the bread. It's literally.more sugar than coke.

The spicy McChicken is still around though. They just took both off the dollar menu for some ungodly reason. Greedy fuckers.

OP Asked about video games you idiots.

I still don't get this me me.

i unironically love mchickens

>American bread is loaded with sugar
>American soda is loaded with salt

What the actual fuck, every time I visit, I have to buy expensive hipster bread or its like eating cake. None of the Americans believe me because they're so conditioned to eating Sugary bread, until they visit me in Europe and suddenly complain that bread tastes "boring".

Chrono Trigger

Anyone else here add ketchup to their mc chickens?

Or better yet, anyone here ever make the mc gangbang?

Everything in Evropa tastes boring because it uses legitimate, organic ingredients. The sugar is the best part about the bread. That, and the butter. But only if you eat in good helpings; eating the "proper serving size" of american bread will bloat you lmao.

faggot niggers. fuck the UK

mcgangbang is overrated meme reddit tier burger, doesn't taste as good as just eating them separate.


>overrated meme reddit tier burger

Relax on the buzzwords user. And after a while you get sick of eating the same shit. And to be real, all mc donalds items are pretty shit but we eat them anyway. Might as well make it interesting once in a while.

>adding ketchup
Nigger, everyone has had a mcgangbang. You can order them at the counter at most places.

>sugar is the best part about the bread

>Nigger, everyone has had a mcgangbang. You can order them at the counter at most places.

Not where I live, I actually tried ordering one once and the bitch didn't even know what I was talking about, so I just ordered the items and put them together.

bread is for fat fucks no matter how you make it

if you aren't on an extremely high protein, low carb diet, I don't want you near me.

For me, it's the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the best video game series.

Intelligent, nihilistic, with a WICKED sense of humor. I usually ask for an extra DLC pack and the developers are so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for a DLC pack and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for me" and the nice friendly Gamestop worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-me!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-me!" and ALWAYS give me the three DLC packs.

It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Gamestop

But it isn't interesting, it's bad

its really good fresh, its like the best and only good thing on the menu to order, its cheap as fuck.

anywhere that has an internet connection will make a mcgangbang if you ask for it, I guess you live in some hick neighborhood. It's the same thing as the grand slam and wendy's.

I actually live in an upper middle class town on a lake.

And I live in Iowa, literally no one I know here has ever ordered one. I think it's just a regional thing.

Three for free! Three for free!

>Ask McDonalds worker if he can make me a Big Mac but using chicken burgers instead of beef.
>He gets really confused and asks me to explain the concept of this to him 2-3 times
>Stares off into the distance with a pained look on his face
>Finally shakes his head and says "No I don't think we do whatever it is you're asking for".
>Order 2 chicken burgers in mild annoyance.

Literally what.

It's just a big mac with chicken patties.

This is why places shouldn't be allowed to hire literal retards.

You fucking sicken me you pig

yeah, i remember when i was 15

What other fast food item has its own fanmade weeb mascot?

Jr. Bacon cheeseburger master race

that sandwich doesn't exist on the menu so there's no way he can price it properly

>Variation of French maid outfit bviously drawn by westerner

Hamburger. It's cheap and healthy, assuming you only eat one.

>not liking the McGangbang


It's the best $1 sandwich right now for sure. I miss the olden days of $1 whopper jrs. Used to buy 3. You could get more meat and bread than a regular whopper for less cost.

I haven't eaten fast food in awhile. I miss it.

Maybe in your dreams, retard.

>almost no nutrition

I want to FUCK McChicken-chan!

Not when they skimp out on everything and the whole thing is paper thin

>so new he doesn't know what a weeaboo is

I hate this era of Sup Forums.


>not getting the Spicy McCracken

>game comparison
Every fucking time.

>he thinks "healthy" is pure calorie intake


Burgers aren't healthy.

Can someone explain this stupid McChicken meme to me

lurk moar newfaggot


It's actually just less bad for you.

I want McChicken-chan to be the new McMascot, I'm still mad about Ronald getting cucked for the Millennial generation.

First day on Sup Forums I see.

I forgot about Ronald.

What happened to him?

why does maccas refuse to acknowledge that an ideal combo meal comes with two sides and a drink? one side is just not enough flavor variety.