Niggers, serious sam complete pack is 90% off on steam

niggers, serious sam complete pack is 90% off on steam

buy it now

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Shit's boring as fuck.

HD first encounter > everything else

Its a boring game.

Serious sam 3 was a mistake, even more than 2

Second encounter (first 2/3 of the game) > First encounter > SS3 > Second encounter (last 1/3 of the game) >>>>>>> SS2

Which one specifically? Serious Sam Classics: Revolution? These games are so disorganized right now it's nuts.

>playing on easy mode


I have most of the Serious Sam games but this Classics Revolution seems like a good deal seeing as it's the first and second encounter merged together with some other bells and whistles, and it's a fucking dollar.

Bought it two years ago. Nice Kaban.

I love Sam's voice actor.

If I remember correctly he is (was?) a strip club DJ.

I just recently played SS2 for the first time (having already played all the other ones)

Holy shit what the fuck why is it so fucking bad? It doesn't even fit with the rest of the series.



They made a console shooter.


Was it even on consoles though? And what the fuck why are there so many CUTSCENES and why the fuck is everything kiddy cringe humor what the FUCK

Thank god they abandoned this terrible direction for BFE

>buying vidya

poo poo pee pee neo-Sup Forums get the fuck away from me

i know a place where its 100% off but i wont say xoxo

>not having it already
fucking casuals

it's on xbox
so is TFE/TSE tho

and there's also this which is only on GC and PS2 but it doesn't suck like SS2

so what is the deal with fusion 2017 (Beta)?

>Was it even on consoles though?
Yep, on original xbox, cashing on Halo success. It's such a sad joke really.

There's also Serious Sam on gba and it's hilariously bad

So Kemono Friends thread?

Bringing three of the serious sam games together as one with integrated VR support for an easier time updating and supporting the games.


For such a simple show Otter is given a fair few panty shots.

Literally all of them are /u/ though.

This. And I already have the HD versions of 1 and 2. And 3 looks worse in every way possible.

>90% off
>Absolutely no one trying to play multiplayer in it
Are you serious?

I could never get into the Serious Sam games. I got First Encounter and Second Encounter really cheap in a GOG sale, but the gameplay wasn't very good. The weapons don't feel satisfying. The machine gun was particularly disappointing, and I have a hard time enjoying an FPS without a good assault rifle or some other automatic, rapid-fire weapon.


>/can/ was a thing amongst april fools boards last week
With that knowledge in mind this image feels different.

And the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA enemies mean I can never play it with the sound off while watching a video, which is how I often like to play an FPS after I've finished it once.

Best friend coming through

Wrong pic friend

Excuse me, you got it wrong as well.


How did you feel about Serval's death in episode 11?

>Turning off the Serious Sam Soundtrack
>Being ADD enough to play an FPS while "Multitasking" videos.

I kinda hate you. Just go play a mobile game that requires 0 focus if you wanna watch videos. Don't mute a game that has a decent dynamic soundtrack.

How many times will you even play through Serious Sam to warrant being bored with any and all sounds in it?

holy shit, thanks for telling

my current computer can't play DOOM (2016), is serious sam a good substitute?

The Talos Principle thread?

This guy gets it.


Serious sam is garbage.

>oh hey another locked room with 20 waves of kleer running at me


>Next Encounter = 10873

which games are worth getting?

1st and 2nd encounter. Serious Sam 2 is interesting but not a patch on the originals and 3 starts off really slowly, to the point that it seems like they're trying to lampoon military shooters but it's so slow paced that the joke wears thin quickly. Get past that though and it's really enjoyable.

Somebody compared kemono friends to ratboy genius and now i actually wanna watch it

Are we all in agreement that Serious Sam 2 is utter shit?

In regards to the animation that's a good mindset to go into it with. It did turn out to be a pretty great show.

Where is this edit originally from?
Pretty amusing, especially the r9k one.
/biz/, /vr/, /diy/, /s4s/, /jp/ spot on. I would give /h/ to the hippo though, considering how provocative she was.