Have you ever dressed up to pick up your favorite game?

Have you ever dressed up to pick up your favorite game?

>standing in line to buy video games like some kind ofa peasant
Why would I ever do that?

Only when it's wrestling vidya

m'lady, doth I haveth thine permission to let my eyes gaze upon thine beauty for a moment?

there's something about movie bob that makes me recoil in disgust every time I see his stupid face.

Give me a auick rundown on movieblob

Is OP implying that most people go to game stores naked?

is this redditor implying that people don't go to game stores naked?

is this redditor implying that people go to game stores naked?

Neck yourself fat kid

It gives me joy to know this stupid fucking cuck will never reproduce and will probably die due to his diabetes

You're a big guy

He's autistic, fat and ugly yet somehow banged Anita.

If you enjoy opinions from slobs, might i suggest the movieblob. While his waste size keeps on growing.. your reply count will a keep going...

Is bob a successful CWC?

Holy shit hes a mastadon

someone post the book excerpts

"Yes kid, yes I do"






Typical Sup Forums jocks too stupid to understand genius. I'd ask you flyovers to grow some intelligence but I know you elected Trump to make sure that didn't happen. Don't worry, you won't survive the winter. I hope you enjoy your CoD and extinction while the rest of us play the masterful SMB3 and look forward to our perfect futures.

Autistic manchild who lived with his parents until he was in his 30s. Makes shitty videos and only income is from Patreon and his videos. Unhealthy obsession with his childhood including things like Nintendo. Spends all day on Twitter autistically reeing about "sub-humans" and how he's part of the cultural and intellectual elite and how the world would be a better place if everybody else disappeared. Also has diabetes.

No he did not.

>Typical Sup Forums jocks

>Also has diabetes.

Define successful.

The lack of chin most likely.

He chose to go home to play Super Mario Brothers 3 instead of attending his grandmother's funeral. Naturally, his family has since shunned him because he's a fat, autistic failure whose greatest achievement is a poorly acted youtube series with garbage effects.

>he literally painted his entire room green instead of just getting a green screen for his videos

>has no friends so he has to play every character in his Youtube skits

This is so sad and pathetic, he even does this in his "serious videos", like the one where he was holding a funeral ceremony for Nintendo magazine discontinuing where it's just himself in different wigs bowing in silence for 12 minutes while Nintendo Power covers appear in the background.

Seriously? what a faggot

>that posture

Golem get ye gone


Why is he wearing a pink wig? Is this a character he plays or something?


You can't be serious, nobody is that autistic, how old was he when his happened.

An overweight, diabetic, manchild preaching about how society and normal working people should go about things.

What a fucking pretentious loser

But Movie Bob is the exact embodiment of the snarky, angry, entitled, video game-obsessed manchild. He's basically Comic Book guy from the Simpsons, except even more angry.

Movie Bob doesn't have a real job, and I doubt he makes that much money from his videos. I heard he just lives in his aunt's basement, anybody know if that's true?

He's going out with Anita, she probably supports him.

Excuse me? We need to get overweight bigoted manchildren out of video games, and Moviebob's just the guy to do it.

Not sure about the exact age, but it's in his own biography.

Super Mario Brothers 3: Brick by Brick if you have literally nothing better to do with your life.

These walls of texts are always such a chore to read when you really only need two tweets to show how dumb The Blob is.

Shame it doesn't contain the one where he says that protecting the sub urbs is more important the 'your jerhbs'.

I can only imagine what the state of the world would be if people like Moviebob did nothing

But he already does nothing.

Don't worry, with his laptop he will be able to run the country.

I feel like if it weren't for the internet helping him connect with other weirdos that supported his asinine opinions and world views, he'd probably end up as a mass shooter.


Don't @ me bro!


For a while, CWC was making good money selling artwork and medallions on etsy before his laziness got the best of him, He def more famous than bob whether that's good or not.

probably the closest he can get to a woman outside of anita photo selfies

It's supposed to be Trunks.

I'm not kidding. Trunks from DBZ was part of his storyline.

There's no one who is ever going to match Chris-chan's levels of infamy. He was just the right blend of insane, gullible, autistic and responsive to provocation.


God damn I didn't think MovieBlob could get any worse

Whatever could he possibly mean by this? Does he think a state is just an office building? That states are for calculating shit? How do you build infrastructure with a laptop? How do you collect taxes? How do you discern the interests of the electorate and carry them out?

That answer was more autistic than what I originally thought it was.

dude what

Trunks has lavender (and later, blue) hair, not pink

also he's not morbidly obese

>no accepting beauty at all sizes.

He also threw a fit when he got called out for calling Chechens Christians

That's him trying to cosplay Trunks from DBZ, Trunks is a part of his autistic video headcanon..

Yes, I have watched his godawful skits.

there is no beauty at all sizes

How do you enforce laws and perform arrests with just a laptop? How do you put out fires with a laptop?

I'm libertarian as fuck but the state is absolutely an important and necessary part of society

>muh roads/cops/firemen/NAP
Shut the fuck up, libertarianism is NOT anarcho-capitalism, that's fucking retarded

It's nice to know that no matter how bad my life gets, at least I'm not Bob Chipman

Never played Sim City?

Does he even talk about movies any more, or does he just rant about Trump all day on Twitter for validation from a few dozen people?

Even at your worst you'd still be at most half a Bob Chipman.

Does Bobby play anything besides the latest Nintendo title?

>ever having unwavering brand loyalty

Show some respect, kid! Bob lost a lot of friends in The Great Console War!

Definitely not on his twitter. All he does there is retweet garbage and add on his worthless two cents.

After getting booted from both the Escapist and Screwattack, all he really does now is record reviews for movies, write up blurbs on some no name movie site, and collect patreon welfare checks.

Oh I see, he personally wants to control the nation from his computer as if it were an RTS game. Moviebob literally believes the true future of humanity is himself issuing orders from the comfort of his basement, that citizens are obligated to follow, and their effort and physical existence within the community isn't a 'state', but rather he alone on his computer is the state.

He seems to have an irrational hatred of shooters because he associates people who enjoy those games with jocks who bullied him in high school. Which is kind of weird because he was like in his late 20s when CoD was starting to get popular.

Yes he did. Also his dickhead is bigger than your brain.

He's literally 4x the man I am

I want to visit this magic fantasy high school that Blob and Dob grew up in, where jocks existed solely to bully nerds and shove them in lockers while going "GIVE US YOUR LUNCH MONEY NERD, IS THAT MARIO THAT'S LIKE A BABY TOY"

Literally any high school in the 70s or 80s, and some in the 90s

How would I know it's my favorite in order to dress up to get it if I didn't already own it?

Uh DUH CoD is the pseudo-entertainment of imperialist fashoconservative christojocks, it is LITERALLY the military industrial complex and is a corporate anasthetic for racist bigot flyover "trucker" types (who also don't work and are wageslave hicks who only care about muh herbs instead of a zoo). They should all be forcefully removed from their homes, systematically brought together and gassed by the peaceful global intelligentsia understanding militia, who are of course flawlessly capable of peacefully providing for every single individual on the planet if it weren't for those Trumpzis. They're the onea keeping everyone from their destiny of peacefully playing SMB3, brick by brick, and agreeing with him that they're all the smartest.

I went to high school in the late 90s and this was pretty much my first year. Once I started skipping classes and laying low and not talking to anyone, people just sort of forgot I existed and the bullying stopped.

He's morbidly obese. Anyone would be disgusted.

This shows how young you are. Shooters were popular with normies back during the n64 days and the popularity really hit a high with the original xbox.

> not posting the superior version.

jeez grandpa who let you on the computer

Guys, I think I just took the bobpill. Why won't these jocks just remove themselves? They're ruining this planet.

The bob pill is a suppository, hopefully you didn't take it orally.

Nope, never. Halloween isn't a thing where I live.