If only

If only...

this is some high quality bait

Almost triggered.

You need to try again OP.

This is bait

I wouldn't take anything other than DICE's graphics and sound design.

it's funny how they all suck now

EDF had better physics than any dice game

I'd rather shoot myself tbqh


Thanks for the laugh OP.

Replace CDPR with From Soft and everyone else with CDPR and you've got yourself a deal.



Witcher 3 is all you need baby.

Fuck Bethesda

How about
>Slavs quest design and choice
>Monolith Soft open world
>Yoko Taro story and characters
>dice's graphics
>capcoms dragons dogma combat

>cdpr combat/gameplay
>bethesda activities
>DICE physics

It would be shit

CDPR can't into gameplay
Bethesda can't into open worlds (since Morrowind)
Bioware certainly can't into story
I suppose DICE's graphics are a good start

>> cd project red
>> game play

Pick one

I was going to post that I'd prefer to have bioware cleaning the company toilets

and CDPR digging some ditchers

and bethesda making the mobile version

and what the fuck is a dice? some console crap?

but then I decided not to post

So, shitty combat, empty open world, fanfiction-tier story and motion blur everywhere?

Is this supposed to make me dream or puke?

Post more of these normalfag gamer pictures

>Witcher 3
worst combat ever,
worst open world, all that load time when you enter a house
just name a bioware story
who are they?

Only the Dice corner is correct

I'd rather have Naughty Dog do stories and characters at this point than have the once great Bioware create non-binary romances and plotlines. You saw Andromeda right?

Replace Bethesda with Nintendo and Bioware with Naughty Dog

It'd be okay, and nobody would like the story.

DICE are the Battlefield and Mirror's Edge guys. They also did a Need for Speed that nobody liked.

You would get a Ubisoft game

thanks, i know about DICE
i just mean , they dont even worth mentioning

What if:

Blizzard in charge of the amount of content.
Valve in charge of the multiplayer.
Rockstar in charge of quality control
Ubisoft in charge of the setting.
Croteam in charge of the story.
Team17 in charge of YouTubers
3D realm in charge of the release schedule.

Fair enough.

What a cringey picture. If it's not a white backround with black letters and arranged as a list, I immediately consider it 9-gag tier...

"... I choose to have many" urgh...

FIxed it.


Eh, 8/10. You know, good, worth playing.


No thanks.

Replace Bioware and Bethesda with From Software or Obsidian

Good job

change gameplay to platinum and youre set
hell even rock steady could cut it

>CDPR gameplay

You were so close! Now it's shit... :(

>good combat

rest is probably wrong too but i stopped there

You have to remember the average amount of games normies have played is in the sub-twenties, with a good part of those being sports and racing games and the FOTM fps. It's like laughing at retards, you musn't put yourself at their level.

DICE didn't make NFS.

Their game play is fair to middling
They haven't done true open world yet
They have never developed their own IP so they will have to lean on somebody.Unless they will finally put on their big boy pants ans take a swing at it.
They are fine with graphics(They are a little dishonest about them but still)

So nice try shill.

Guys guys what if
Rockstar makes the funny jokes
Activision makes the guns and music
EA makes the online and drm
Capcom makes the dlc
Mojang makes the world
Ubisoft handle the E3 reveal
Nintendo finger my ass
Yeah fuck you Op and your shitty ass idea fuck u i hate u and ur family

yoko taro is the m night shamallamadingdong of fucking japan. hes shit.

1/3 games in their series was playable. Let's not roll that dice.
Blandest open worlds in recent games.
Literally a reanimated corpse of a studio, ea puppets who can't write.
Dice has fantastic sound design, I can see how their Graphics and Physics might impress a consolebro, but we all know good western games don't come out on consoles anymore.


Platinum's "gameplay" is some of the worst in the industry.
Wildly mashing buttons between SO CUHRAAAAZY XD cutscenes does not a good game make.

We can dream

Sup Reddit!a

Oh boy this triggered me


>Team17 in charge of YouTubers