I work my fucking ass off with a 9 - 7 job that I EARNED THROUGH A DEGREE and these geeks just fucking get 90k for what? Just sitting on their fucking ass and playing video games because they're a little bit better than the rest?

What the fuck is the world coming to?

>falling for the wageslave meme

Basically you're jealous they managed to make a living doing something they enjoy.

oh man dont you just hate these people on the olympics jumping around and getting milliins of dollars, or those faggots who just move chess pieces on some square ass board and still get money?

fuck off


You have 3 options OP:
>neck yourself
>neck yourself
>stop complaining
You have to pick one or else your mother will die in her sleep

>People who do heavy training, dieting and dedicate their entire lives to compete only once every 4 years


>Sitting on your ass all day and playing

Are you retarded? Nice example moron




You think that is much?
People like Kripp who stream Hearthstone make 500k a year on top of getting everything like their PC, accessories, card packs and other things for free.

>Just sitting on their fucking ass and playing video games because they're a little bit better than the rest?
No, they're getting the money because other people watch them play it.

Niggers make $10 million a year throwing some orange ball around on a tiny court. And you're this mad about some gooks making less than 6 figures, one time, on some stupid game?

> 200,000,000 WON
But what did they win?

Then why did they win the tournament?

You're just an average joe at your job, they're among the best at what they do.

Get gud or off yourself fag.


we've come full circle

9-7 is a terrible schedule.

Based 10pm-6am reporting.

>a little bit better than the rest
That a pretty big little bit.

Reminder that if you earn less than 100k per year as a wage slave, you're officially a failure.

90k is pocket change in the esports scene my man, how new are you

>work sensible 9-5 degree-tier job and get a stable pay ensuring a good life as long as you don't live in mega rent areas like capital cities
>play videogames 9-5 and maybe earn equivalent to minimum wage if you're like 1 in 1,000 skill level, with the baggage that putting "played professional video games" on a CV is laughable, and your pay dries up once the game dies

Also OP what the fuck are you doing working 9-7, no wonder you're so angry all the time doing 50 (maybe even 60, do you work saturdays?) hours a week.

>wagie mad and jealous as fuck
lmao kys

>Dota 2

How come professional Overwatch gameplay looks exactly the same as pub gameplay

>People getting paid because they are better than you'll ever be at something you don't care about


>People getting paid because they are better than you'll ever be at video games

You're just bitter

>work my fucking ass off programming for ubisoft, zenimax and other fucking shitty companies
>(((youtuber))) makes more money than me to fucking record ice bucket challenges and other fucking nigger shit like that

because ow is a casual babby game with no depth

>make 500k
>on top of getting a free 1k pc
?????? you mean they get a free pc on top of a 500k salary?

a shit casual game at that

I don't actually envy their lifestyle. They're stuck in small rooms 12 hours a day practicing just one game which they might not even win.

90k each or do they split 90k?

But OP, it's because you aren't as good as them. Talent makes money, and you lack talent so you don't make money. It's that simple
If you're earning a degree for any reason other than honing your own talent, you're doing it (life) wrong

>Playing video games

Stop it.

>not making $850k starting when you leave school

Guess you should have went to a better school

I think 8-4 is the best one personally

what's worse is chad from highschool - "omg user! did you know that HOT FUCKING CHICKS PLAY GAMES? teach me to play play dota man!!! i need that pussy!"

you only have yourself to blame. if you actually took some time to read, you'll know colleges are nothing but marxist pyramid schemes by now.

Because they make corporations 40times that amount on advertising and merchandise revenue. What they make is sometimes paltry in comparison to what their owners make.

Yes they get paid because they're better than you at videogames, you'll have to hold that L. Not defending it, but you did ask for an explanation.

>90k split among 6
>subtract taxes
And that's for the fucking champions. Don't lose your head dude.

That's just sports in general. People make 7-9 figures just by throwing balls around.

>having a job

You can't even be considered a human being

Talent exists in all ways. Maybe they have faster reactions, better dexterity, and better coordination which can lead to their talent at video games. After that, they just need an deep understanding of the meta
It's no wonder that out of thousands of players, the same players consistently make top 16.
Talent exists in all things user

Street Fighter players make more, which is weird considering how SF and Overwatch compare in sales

Do you really think video games is gonna sustain them for life?
I'm betting some of them only do this on the side and are working towards a degree or something

Fun fact: Ray William Johnson was working towards a law degree before he dropped everything for vlogging.

It shouldn't surprise you at all that youtubers are worth more to big business than code monkeys.
Every fresh faced graduate with a compsci degree wants to work in one of those places until they realize for themselves it's just a meat grinder.
Channels with millions of subscribers get paid good money to sell the fuck out and deliver advertising directly to impressionable teenagers and 20-somethings.

We don't, and never have, lived in a meritocracy where hard work equals a good life. In fact for most of history it's been literally the opposite. Celebrity athletes and socialites existed as far back as ancient Rome, it won't stop anytime soon.

It can in S. Korea.
Competitive games are huge there and competitive gamers are close to celebs

Spoilers: There's tons of people out there making better money than you for less work, not just professional gamers. You made poor life choices, that's all. It's not entirely your fault, your parents should have guided you better.

This is 0.0001% of the population, people that can do something they enjoy, get over it most people eats rats for surviving.

college doesn't mean jack shit today. you are better off going full autistic in a area that you like before going to college so that you can streamroll over most competition and get recognized then went directly to it after HS. or have connections

>working 10 hour shifts like a cuck
>being retarded enough to actually think education matters
>not just playing videogames instead
>not doing something 'menial' instead which takes no wasted time in education apart from short courses any idiot could do

I make $95k a year as a crane operator. It's easy as fuck and any chimp could do it but it's considered menial so no one wants to do it. Cucks all of them

Congratulations, you have taken the first step on the path to communism.

Welcome OP.

If it doesn't take talent then why don't you get up on stage and beat them all?
Oh right, because it does take talent.

>implying they don't just drop out of school once they see the big dosh

honestly, if you played starcraft 14+ hours a day, 4-5 days a week (you wont be able to do it longer lest your wrist snaps), i highly doubt you would be "enjoying" it at that point.

People really underestimate how difficult it is to be a professional gamer, especially at the Korean level. And I mean that completely unironically.

than* went directly to it

>tfw I have a master degree in law and try to make a living off webshops
Working from my bed as we speak.

How do you go about doing that? And can I pretend to be Lego man

Isnt there some fuck in the csgo scene named biceps or something, where he has a fucking kid and a wife?

I feel you, OP. This is why communism will never work. Effort needs to equal rewards of similar magnitude in order to build a fair society.

I sure would be angry if a janitor had the same salary as a doctor who studied his ass off for 7 years to get his degree.

>Walking on grass and hitting little balls to holes

Work on a building site, be committed and take every single extra opportunity to get licenses and heavy equipment experience and over time you'll get it

People with 10 mil in a bank that gives 1% interest make 100k a year doing literally nothing. Get fucked faggot. (they can easily make more too with investing).

there's a different between doing a activity for extensive periods of time just for the sake of it. And doing it for a extensive amount of time to learn how said activity works.
people don't get a good STEM degree only because they do insane amount of math. most get out of STEM courses because they think they can brute force cauculus without understanding it

Kek this

You aren't special for getting a degree moron. A degree is common place now.


If you have an interest or desire to pursue something you -require- a professor and labs and equipment to properly learn, then yeah, you should go to college. Anything else is just a huge waste of money

I taught myself some SOQL, Javascript, and HTML without spending a dime on college, got a few certs on my own time and landed a job doing tech consulting for a database management company for 60k starting. No loans, no debts, didn't waste 4 years grinding classes

here's your (you)

>most get out of STEM courses because they think they can brute force cauculus without understanding it

This is me. 26, finished with school, and I -still- don't know calculus despite taking three courses and trig

I'd rather be a wage slave then play dota2 tbqh

take a (you) on the house

But a lot of CEO's break that mold

the irony of this all is that no woman would look at these guys as they play "games", but if you have a footballer, baketballer , sportsman etc who also play games, they are prized and idolized for playing games

In S.Korea you would probably get first pick

It could be worse, OP. You could work in EMS and make shit for money and see the worst side of humanity every day.

**oh wait, thats me**

are you kidding me bruh
these 2/10 fugly asian video game players fuck 9/10 hot slim european girls everyday
living the life

>the irony of this all is that no woman would look at these guys as they play "games"
You're greatly underestimating how popular competitive games are in S. Korea.
Also, look at Infiltration's wife. Hot as fuck.
Competitive gamers are like B List celebs over there

Even in America, as long as you are successful at what you do and aren't a literal manchild you can get most women

One of those is physically fit, and proven themselves against other fit competitors. The other is on the spectrum. Hmmm, tough choice.

8am - 6pm reporting
kill me______

something that literally half of the population can do?? YOU DESERVE MORE

meanwhile these are in the top 1% of the top 1% of the top 1% at what they do

shut up you useless wagecuck


>tfw she's gonna be old and busted and he'll age gracefully

This guy's said enough. Those people are stupidly good at the game, 90k is worth their time investment. They also have to maintain their skill to keep winning. Its not really such a solid deal if you knew what went into it.

Not playing the Kings game. Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again, unless you decide to challenge me to a 18 hole game of ball chess.

And the new young girls aren't gonna care cause he won't grow.

they are celebs you mean
>pic related

They arne't "just playing video games". On the contrary, they've forever ruined themselves any fun from any video games ever. Video games are an extremely hard job for them, and it's the job that can go away any moment and the one they can never be really respected for doing.

i'm so happy she exposed her titties in a movie

Dont they go to literal training camps for these games? Shits legit as fuck now, senpai.

post em faggot

>Shits legit as fuck now
No, it's not.

It's sweaty nerds doing the equivalent of a child wearing his father's suit.

Crappy bait and crappy fished

said every jobless teen/neet

What's keeping you for doing the same, since is so easy?

Hey, I'm just saying. If that's what people want to do with their money for the competition winners, I guess whoever started making the show, that's their money. Least with Evo, if they still do it, its literally their bidding money for joining in the competition. Shill, senpai.

Protons-neutrons-electrons BTFO.


she hasn't posted her boobs, it would be all over the internet

>Based 10pm-6am reporting.
My brethren.