What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?


Nothing. XD is my favourite Pokémon game besides Sky Dungeon.

Fuck off fag

thank you, I'll be here all week

the title, for starters.

XD was good, but I enjoyed Colosseum much more.


How do you say "edgy" in burrito?


They didn't realize XD would be a dumb may-may.

protag looks like a total fag for one




This nigga could steal your girl anytime

that's a tricky one
some people would say: Puntiagudo or Picudo
I just say "Filoso" because it fits more at the characteristics of a blade
do they even teach Spanish in you country?

The translation is used for a completely different purpose tho.

this is 100% of what went wrong with this game. you don't get to fight an epic groudon robot. it just evolves the guy's pokemon and you have another shit battle.

Not as good as Colosseum, but Gale of Darkness was really fun to play as a kid. Thinking about the nostalgia trip actually gets me to want to play it again

puntiagudo or picudo is used for a cactus. filoso doed not exist. i used the same word in english "edgy" as far as theres no word that would fix (except afilado which is the same as puntiaguado, but afilado in my country has also connotations for the youngs to call the people that are sexually attracted to everybody and always thinking of sex, "so their dick is always afilado")

you know these textures look so smooth and polished but his eyes are a bit uncanny.

The fuck does the XD in the title even mean. Also what went wrong was trying to make the setting as dark and edgy as it was in the last game while also trying to make it not edgy at the same time. It leads to this weird contrast where the story is really grim but it tries to play it off like any other pokemon game.