So when's the due date on that Amagami translation? Which route you doing first?

So when's the due date on that Amagami translation? Which route you doing first?

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nigger why dont you ask Sup Forums

they have majikoi based on the video game threads there

post more best girl



she is also best girl so it's fine

>no sexual content

Only Tsukasa because she’s my wife.


Well done romance is better than sex anytime.

And yes, I'm aware they're not mutually exclusive you faggot, good luck ensuring a large audience and budget for your game when it's not allowed to be published on consoles because of sexual content.

no. just no

Idk what this is but it's cute post more


oh shit i'm sorry.

It better be the citizen kane of drama/romance then, if there's no lewd carrot on a stick waiting at the end

my brethren of superior taste
keep doing god's work, my good man.

Will it have sex scenes?

Wait, you can't publish porn games on consoles ?
Even with a M rating ? Or Z rating, whatever that special rating for porn is ?

user there are loads of really popular romance VNs that have been really popular despite being all ages and I can also think of many that did have sex scenes that would have been a lot better without

They'll get an AO rating which is basically suicide for the game as most reputable stores won't stock those and it could be the case that explicitly pornographic stuff isn't allowed at all

Why does she have so much soap on her vagina?

Has to clean it extra good after that night with the bois.

On a scale of one to faggot how virgin are you?

I like seeing a pussy getting fucked as muxh as the next guy, but a good romance is pretty heartwarming and comfy. It has its merits.

I'll choose to just fap to porn most ofmthe time though

Ask your mom, she knows.

>those man shoulders
you mean you aren't a cock sucking homo?
sure thing, user. sure thing

>teen girl
>no pubes

Nigger it's been years. I've already read the game, the fandisk and the Tetris spin-off. All the routes are good besides Ayatsuji's route.

>I like seeing a pussy getting fucked as muxh as the next guy
