>patch 7.2 introduced a 99% skill based challenge in form of the mage tower
>90% of /nu-wow/ player can't finish it and cry about it instead
What happened, Sup Forums?
>patch 7.2 introduced a 99% skill based challenge in form of the mage tower
>90% of /nu-wow/ player can't finish it and cry about it instead
What happened, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
All the people who want actual difficulty play on private servers now.
WoW never required any skill, only information on which talents to activate and which buttons to press in a rotation
these numbers don't seem fabricated at all
>can be outgeared
skill based challenges died when they removed the proving grounds after MoP. Endless 30 on some classes was the only meaningful skill based achievement.
I mean I'm down for hard content but those mage tower bosses where downright unbeatable for most specs and you know it.
>99% skill based
more like 50%
That's what you get for playing a grinding simulator
Vanilla isn't hard though besides gathering around 40 people who aren't shit.
It's a gear check. Any skill based challenge needs to have standardized gear
>Vanilla isn't hard
Name a quest in wow more difficult than the hunter epic bow quest.
Artifact power, mob scaling and legendaries pretty much ruined Legion
>quit WoW early on in WoD because my raiding group broke up, never saw any content past Highmaul
>decide to give it a shot again today
>about to do the Legion intro quest
>it's a scenario
>not a solo scenario either, but with other people
>leave the group and cancel my sub
Was this some kind of joke? The introduction to the expansion is a "GOGOGO IGNORE ALL TEXT GOGOGOGOGOGO" group expansion? What the fuck
>only had to collect 763 more lockboxes for the insane title before I quit
>still haunts me that I haven't finished it
I feel like I should resub just to finish it
Pretty much this. Warcraft is more and more turning into Diablo 3 every day.
I thiught artifacts were a cool idea but overtime it became a boring grind and killed the fun for me
>enhance shamans cant transmog doomhammer into fist weapons
Literally the biggest crime of wow
>People still play this RNG grindfest of an expansion
Why do this to yourselves?
>the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen
>playing WoW
>Complaining about playing with people in an MMO
You picked the wrong genre
I'm having that itch again, i know it's shit, but i can't help it. Haven't played since WoD. Tell me how much it sucks.
>dragonslaying = boring, repetitive grinding with rng upgrades so you can already outgear new raids before they are even released
>minigaming = shit, like always
WoW has been bad for a long time, but Legion is the biggest pile of steaming garbage so far
>you can already outgear new raids before they are even released
How did the game dev team not realise what a dumb mistake that is?
just dont do it, it's the worst expansion theyve ever released
>PvP is literally the worst it's ever been
>Legendary RNG
>Artifact Power grind
>Nethershard grind for RNG loot tokens
>Warforge/Titanforging making high-level raiding meaningless
and on and on
I know I'm going to get bullied but go play ESO instead
It's gotten a lot better since Sup Forums formed its opinion
I stopped at 32, couple weeks later I cancelled the sub because the game became diablo 3 with time gates
>skill based
It's not bad
The sad thing us that they probably did and that it was intentional so that people who are ultra shit had some option to carry them through shit.
And givel how ultra casualized and simplified things have gotten it just makes sense that it was on purpose.
It's a gear check, but ok. Who cares about some shitty skins that will get taken away in a year.
>tfw burnt out on FF14
>want to resub to WoW even though i know its a mistake
>do it
>play for half a week then unsub
>proceed to log back on to FF14 and afk infront of FC house
fuck stormblood cant come fast enough
You're me right down to afking outside of house right now, except I still haven't caved. Blizz ain't getting my shekels this time.
90% of the 200 people who still play WoW.