Is Overwatch really that bad? I bought it this week and have had fun so far though I doubt it'll ever replace TF2.
Is Overwatch really that bad? I bought it this week and have had fun so far though I doubt it'll ever replace TF2
It's alright.
It is much better than TF2. Just half the people who play the game are cunts
Core game is great but quickplay and arcade matchmaking bring it down.
I don't get why people complain about quickplay and arcade matchmaking when it doesn't matter when competitive matchmaking is a fucking mess and actually does matter.
It's just like every other Blizzard game. They play it so safe to appeal to a wide audience that it gets boring really fast once you realize how low the skill cap is. Not a game worth $60.
OW fucked up by not letting custom servers be hosted from launch. TF2 thrived due to community generated content keeping it fresh, servers and their residents keeping you coming back. OW gets stale too fast and doesn't have the community of TF2 to keep you coming back.
I'm in a bad spot where comp is too serious to me and quickplay isn't enough. I'd just like to have a team that at least tries/is able to play the objective.
Its a slow ass 'arena fps' designed specifically for casual babies. The skill ceiling is so low even casuals could see it.
T. Quickplay only player ranked in silver
>buying this pile of shit when you can mastrubate to the porn for free
its just a meme dude
we hate it cause its popular
That is one of the big reasons I still prefer TF2.
It's $40 unless you give a shit about skins.
>Paying money for a SFM porn model repository.
not him but he's right and I'm GM, ready to drop this game for QC
It's a shitty video game where you rage harder for every loss
The only idiots who play it are cucks who have stockholm syndrome and sound like gambling-addicted problem cases:
GM is full of youtube scrub babbies carried by pro league players who aren't even on most of the time lmao.
Same thing with all these PC type arena shooters,why play piles of shit when you can wait for the SFM.
played it for a couple of hours during free weekend and i did not like it, but i've never really been a big fan of team games like that.
i played a bunch of Paladins too and i enjoyed it more than Overwatch, there is more potential to be really good and carry your team in Paladins in my opinion.
>raging at a video game
it's the perfect 'play once in a while' game
I don't like how dependent it is on ultimates swinging the flow of the match though
How was your 16th birthday, user? Did you get angry because you lost when your mother distracted you with a homemade cake?
The yuri porn is some of the best I've seen but the game itself gets boring very fast
It's fun when you first get the game and you learn all the heores how to play them.
Once you've learned everyone and you start playing to win, it starts getting shitty fast
This and then it leads to this:
It could be the new warcraft 3 of the community but I think this new blizzard see all those custom maps and mods to be a failure, I guess those skins sales must really be bringing the cash.
This tell a lot of the skill ceiling need in this game.
I've bought Overwatch and I'm currently playing paladins. It's a pretty fun game, they made some changes that I really think made the game better. It lacks the polish that blizzard gave but still, I rather play it than the game I bought for 60 dollars.
You will love it for the first couple of weeks, then the novelty will wear off. You will realize that most of the characters are so boring or useless to play (partly because of blizzards balancing) and that there are only 12 or so maps, with each map being the same exact crammed choke point bullshit. The game doesn't reward good aim or map knowledge or being able to work under stress, it rewards pressing l. Shift, e, or q at the right time. That's what it boils down to, and it becomes so boring that you will question why you even play it.
It's a really well made but extremely shallow version of TF2. Like the League of Legends to TF2's DotA.
Play it if you like games for toddlers.
>Like the League of Legends to TF2's DotA.
>TF2's DotA
what teh fuck are you even trying to say.
you mean Steam's DotA
at least learn the names of game companies before you start re-spouting meme opinions you hear on Sup Forums.
That's the same no matter the shooter, though.
Somehow the chinese knockoff that is Paladins manages to be more entertaining than this game which has the Blizzard(TM) tag all over it just to appeal to the average WoW retard.
Have a (You)
the game is very slow-paced, it's like the Smash Bros Brawl of shooters, with TF2 being the Melee.
I want Widowmaker to sit on me.
>had fun with the game
>ask Sup Forums if he should think the game is bad or not
What is wrong with you?
I want to sniff her ass
But how can I truly enjoy a game if Sup Forums doesn't give me permission to?
It's an analogy you morons. Overwatch is to TF2 as LoL is to Dota: worse in almost every way except marketing.
>Steam's DotA
You mean Valve's DotA 2?
I need this mommy in my life.
They're kissing the wrong set of lips.
Not gonna lie i bought this game because of the porn but the more i play it the more i ask, will there ever be a true counter to pharah other than muh teamwork and focus fire or will blizz just leave her to utterly dominate the sky in every match?