You should be able to solve this, Sup Forums.
You should be able to solve this, Sup Forums
I got the solution, it's called Google.
And your a girl
heh... nothin personnel... imp...
but i don't deal... with demons...
>end conversation
>whip out carsomyr
>crit him for 50 HP
>continue plot
7 and the imp is female.
Imp has 3 brothers and sisters.
Each brother has 2 brothers and 4 sisters.
Goddamit, you are right I'm an idiot.
if i read this in english inside my head i get double the headache
This one stumped me
English language is universal because it is so easy to understand, they said.
These are such bullshit
40 and 30
If the imp has as many sisters and brothers that means the number of his siblings is 2x which must be even.
That meas the number of his siblings plus the imp itself is 2x+1, which must be uneven.
Do you think 4 is an uneven number? Just how bad at math can you be?
>haha le epic riddles that are only hard because they're difficult to read
might as well do a double integral at that point tbqh famalama
>The poorest have everything
That wasn't the one that tripped me up, it's the one where a genie riddles you at the circus tent entrance in alkatha about the respective ages of a prince and princess.
>stump the imp
>have to play the coins game with him because he cant lose
cheeky little faggot
But they are not difficult to read and that's coming from someone who isn't a native english speaker.
Grab a fucking book.
Wouldn't this work with three if you're one of the sisters?
I had to write that one down in algebra. Too difficult to hold all those values in your head at once.
Three isn't an option, but yeah.
3 isn't an option, which is why it's a shit "riddle"; it's just a multiple choice question.
Then there would be 2 females and one male.
That would mean the only male imp has 0 brothers and 2 sisters. 0*2≠2.
maybe put a fucking comma?
fucking worse than layton puzzles
fuck this shit
Well the richest also doesn't have [every] thing, just a lot more so it's obviously not going for the literal sense of the word.
hes an only child.
See , get off the computer and start doing your homework kids.
hardest fight of the saga desu
The riddles in spellhold were pretty great though. All of them easy enough to figure out and none involving math.
brothers implies more than 1 brother user
Man. FUCK that fight.
Harder than fucking Demogorgon.
I always save the 5th level of watcher's keep until right near the end of ToB. All the best loot like staff of the ram etc is in the first four floors anyway.
Hardest fight is Melissan+5 if you have the ascension mod.
As long as the elder orb can be tanked with shield of balduran it's not too difficult of a fight. Just get your party out of los and aoe half of them down, drop some summons, and save the medusa thing for last.
im playing with ascension, tactics, and scs. got that to look forward to. ive beat ascension once but only managed the final fight on core difficulty. this time i want to beat it all on insane
Bloody hell. Good luck with that.
What classes are you rolling with btw?
half orc barbarian dual wielding foebane and blackrazor
ranger/cleric with flail of ages and later runehammer +5
fighter/thief elf with celestialfury + crom fayer
lvl 8 berserker multiclassed to mage
>its a riddle in CRPG's
>try and solve it for 10 minutes
Every time, why am I so stupid Sup Forums?
That's interesting. I've never used a barbarian because of low weapon proficiency cap, but I guess the rage makes up for it?
Also why dual class the mage at L8 when there's an extra attack per round at L13? Not enough exp to max out L9 spells in good time later?
R/C and F/T are both awesome multis though for sure.
They way it is formulated, it seems as if the sum of brothers for each and any individual brother corresponds to double of the sum of sisters, which renders the whole "riddle" impossible to solve.
Whoever wrote that should have his hands cut off and be promptly euthanized.
I picked Barbarian for resistences to cutting/slashing/piercing damage. With hardiness I have 100% immunity to everything. Rage is nice too, with unlimited whirlwinds I don't really miss the extra attack.
I dualed at 8 because that's the level I had when I left Irencius' dungeon, after whcih I stole every scroll in Athkatla and powerleveled to level 8 mage to avoid downtime. Could've waited till 13 but I still tear through everythign with black blade of disaster and timestop like nothing, Except for things immune to time stop
Speaking of which...
The first time I fought Demo was right after I'd first learned time stop. That was something. I've been using improved alacrity instead ever since.
BBoD and timestop? I always thought the classic combo was shapeshift/timestop. Huh.
that was easy
im gonna kill abazigal now
>BBoD and timestop? I always thought the classic combo was shapeshift/timestop. Huh.
There are sevel I suppose. Timestop + Harm on cleric/mage for ultra-cheese...Still, nothing mroe satisfying than mobs simply disappearing after they've been level-drained to death.
I find CC->triple Implosion more fun. A few good rolls and you can instagib a boss from the pause menu.
that was harder than it should've been
>As many brothers as sisters
The only way that works out is if it's an odd number. The only way this works out is if it's 3, however that would imply she only has one brother
This one is fun
Start at Four and then pick the next answer if that fails until I get it right since the question doesn't give me much to go on.
C3 but the the trollies is full of niggers so you crash it on A5
hang on, no combination seems to ad up to 5 people