Other urls found in this thread:,_1st_Edition/Cyrodiil


The most interesting part about that page is:
>Experience with Vulkan or DX12
NOVIDIA cucks BTFO. First Total Warhammer goes AMD, then Bethesda. Team Red wins yet again.

Starfield will have a multiplayer aspect?

Fallout Online already exists




>Elder Scrolls Online 2

They wouldn't dare

>yfw this is the highest probability

Just where does it say 'multiplayer'?

That's just a position for an accountable code monkey.

How is it going to fuck up the lore
>BoS is allied with ghouls
>Enclave is allied with super mutants
>vaults are mid tier dungeons and there are hundreds of them

I don't follow Bethesda very much do they care about the lore?

w/e it is, hope its a massive failure so they have to sellout to obsidian again to actually make a good game

>mid tier


>I don't follow Bethesda very much do they care about the lore?
The only time bethesda ever cares about lore is in mainline elder scrolls titles, and even that might not be safe.

>Fallout MMO
God I hope not.

Along with a fallout one, its really is a possibility. Either that or some other game that has ties to Bethesda, like dishonored.

>getting hyped for anything bethesda

>the last bastion of single player games falls

What the fuck do I do now?

Someone who can write Quake Champions netcode


Understandable. They haven't really made anything worthwhile in a long time. Its sad, honestly. And with the downplaying of tes and fallout to get a more modern audience isn't really executed well either.

>is in mainline elder scrolls titles
I am still mad about fucking Cyrodil.
I will always be mad about Cyrodil.
When I fuck my wife, I am mad about Cyrodil.
When I go to work, I am mad about Cyrodil.
When I eat, I am mad about Cyrodil.
When I shower, I am mad about Cyrodil.
When I sleep, I dream of being mad about Cyrodil.
When I have my first child, I will still be mad about Cyrodil.
When I have my last child, I will still be mad about Cyrodil.
As I lay on my death bed, I will still be mad about Cyrodil.
Every single atom amongst my ashes will still be mad about Cyrodil.
As my remains travel through the systems of nature, incorporated intro plants, livestock and eventually other people, I will still be mad.
Those I inhabit will be mad, and they will continue the cycle, incorporating the entire Earth, corrupting it with hatred.
As our sun dies and scatters the ashes of our planet to the heavens, the essence of my hatred for Bethesda will spread throughout the local cluster, infecting all in its path with unknowing, invasive and perpetual hatred.

quake champion is primarily coded by some halo multplayer dev

dishonored multi could be LIT.

Don't know much about Cyrodil lore, give me the rundown on that hate famalam

>mfw TES6 retcons Valenwood into generic high fantasy elven land #43654

Fallout is not the only game being ruined by Bethesda.

Completely forgot about that retcon, my bad

>Experience developing for online multiplayer environment
>Not even a requirement, it's just in "desired skills"
False alarm.
What was wrong with Cyrodiil?
I'm not familiar with the lore 2bh.


>tfw they use chim to root down the trees or cut them down from existence

In EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF LORE, in game, in books and external sources, Cyrodil is a thick Jungle, and the Imperial culture that inhabits it is a direct mix of Late Republic/Early Empire era Rome and Eastern mythical concepts.
The ONLY piece of lore they kept was a LOOSE affiliation with the Emperor's Blades and Bushido/Samurai culture; even then, the only link was the equipment, there were no aspects of the Bushido code, there was no formality or cultural cues to link to the lore.

Oblivion delivered a bland, cookie cutter and nondescript North Western Europe - and not even a varied and interesting one like The Witcher 3 gave us - Oblivion had tiny ZONED FUCKING CITIES, surrounded by fucking mowed grass and a scattering of trees.
The only thing to punctuate the land between boring town and boring city, were fucking copied and pasted dungeons.

They saw the lore, lore that had existed for well over a decade and thought "Eh, too hard, do you want it bland or uninteresting?" - the answer to that question was seemingly "Both.",_1st_Edition/Cyrodiil

stay mad

To continue:

Here is a DIRECT QUOTE from Morrowind:
>"Cyrodiil is the cradle of Human Imperial high culture on Tamriel. It is the largest region of the continent, and most is endless jungle. The Imperial City is in the heartland, the fertile Nibenay Valley. The densely populate central valley is surrounded by wild rain forests drained by great rivers into the swamps of Argonia and Topal Bay. The land rises gradually to the west and sharply to the north. Between its western coast and its central valley are deciduous forests and mangrove swamps."

And you know what we got?




Ha, I've actually been wondering why Blades carried around katanas for seemingly no fucking reason.


There was a reason and it's particularly weird that basically every town is generic high fantasy with literally no Roman or Japanese cultural cues.

That's basically like me fucking your mum, and saying "But I was actually your dad all along" and it being all okay.

Actually, you know what, it's like being a kid and playing some sort of game where you pretend to be cowboys/soldiers/etc and they ignore you "shooting them" only to turn around and say "Oh, I have a bullet proof invisibility cloak".

I should mention, that the time between the events of Morrowind and Oblivion is 6 years.

If that was true, Cyrodil transformed from a land THICK with fucking rainforests and mangrove swamps to a temperate Western European landscape in SIX FUCKING YEARS and not a SINGLE CUNT in the entire game mentions it.
You think it'd be a pretty important thing, lore wise.

it was probably CHIM'd to always be that way by Tiber Septim himself, retroactivally altering time so that Cyrodiil was always like it was in Oblivion.

They still have that MMO no one cares about.

who's to say the 1st edition guide to the empire is from the timeline you play in? there's the loveletter from the 5th era, and Pelinal was a mining robot from the future.

The way they handled the lore was obviously ridiculous but Oblivions cities weren't even that small they had a lot going on compare that to Skyrim... That was the fun thing about oblivion the side quests were actually pretty well written and fun to do, the main quest line was just retarded.

insider here
the next elder scrolls with allow online co op play for up to four players


Different studio.

TES 6 has co op campaign which can be played online through PSN/Xbox Live/Steam

>t. worked in marketing with bethesda until the 4th of april when i got shitcanned for getting a DUI

I think it's much more likely that they're lore raping hacks.

>cities weren't even that small they had a lot going on compare that to Skyrim...
Yeah, but they were small and underpopulated compared to Morrowind.

Bethesda are behind the new Quake Champions. Thread closed.

I'm going to vomit.

this better be shitposting

Take this and replay Oblivion with the jungle you wanted

Honestly, the paper boats thing in Cyrodil would've been cool. But nope, forests.

no, Pelinal's the insane swarm of nanobots, the mining robot is the autistic elf waifu that isn't even canon in the first place

Couldn't it be the result of a dragon break?

But what about the Roman/Japanese derived society?

It's just standard Bethesda quality.

>Experience developing for online multiplayer environment
Division: Bethesda Game Studios
>Division: ZeniMax Online Studios

And maybe they are just seeking people to develop a better "paid mods" backend.
Multiplayer experience could just mean experience in network (paid mods).

not shitposting. the marketing is basically going to be based around the fact that it's a giant world that reacts to how each of your decisions affect the world around you whether you're working together in co op or not. thats why Todd said on stage the technology didn't exist yet for TES6 (of course it did) the marketing is going to be based around how ground breaking and technologically advanced this next TES is basically.
you will have the option to work together with up to 3 friends (or strangers) in your campaign. each save file is stored locally and then uploaded to the cloud so if you play offline, but then come back online, changes in your world will be integrated into the other players worlds. that's the best way i can describe it right now.

by the way this was all part of the marketing, bethesda sent the press anonymous tips about hiring a multiplayer programmer to generate buzz and get people speculating about what it could be for.

we've posted on Sup Forums tumblr twitter and reddit as "shills" before. todd posting was created by bethesda's marketing department.

Well this is deflating


If this happens I will have one save file for me and one absolutely cancer save file that I will use to ruin everyone else's games.

Much like your cock.

>todd posting was creating by bethesda's marketing department
You mean Todd is Bethesda's creation.
It makes sense.

>changes in your world will be integrated into the other players worlds.
Endless griefing, now in your RPGs!

you can't just have one file and inject that into other peoples games, once you start a file its tied to the people you start it with, as far as my understanding goes. you can't jump in with a friend half way through the game, you need to start with them to be able to play the file offline.

you can of course jump in and play with others at any time, but you can't continue to play the file without them unless you've started with them.

i havent played it myself btw these are just the bullet points we were given in marketing from memos emails and internal demo reels.

>you can't just have one file and inject that into other peoples games, once you start a file its tied to the people you start it with, as far as my understanding goes.

I start a game with random people, and absolutely ruin their shit until they have to start a new save file - then repeat?

Please no, every post apocalyptic mmo has been a bust, and after Fallout 4 I doubt they could pull it off

its literally just going to be borderlands
if fo4 didnt immediately clue you into this with all the shit they basically straight copied then youre dumb

So it will no longer hold any semblance of an RPG?

Thinking about current Bethesda, that makes sense.

>muh jungle


haha you're stupid user

>fallout mmo

Literally just another elder scrolls online, nothing to see here

>I honestly enjoy boring and bland landscapes that completely trash the interesting lore laid out over the course of a decade.
>What's that? You have a gigantic nigger dick coated in smegma? I'd love to suck it.
t. 373221940

I'm not even mad about the jungle thing. I just thought that Cyrodiil was the most boring and uninspired place ever with no real character to it. That's worse to me then retcons.

>and not even a varied and interesting one like The Witcher 3 gave us

stopped reading there. fucking shill.

>not a single person mentions the change in game

Honestly, if they retconned it to something interesting? I wouldn't of cared as much - mind you I would still have been pissed, just probably not ME3 levels of pissed.

Look, I know it's now popular to hate TW3, but they did damn good and interesting landscapes. You can't deny that.

you can antagonize them in little ways, apparently the economy is the big thing they're working on right now, so if you really want to fuck with the other players you can do things like drive up prices of items essential to their builds, but I haven't actually seen this in action in my time there, and it's been talked about in the past (for skyrim, FO4 and even oblivion) internally and dropped in all of those games, so who knows if it'll actually get in the game.

one thing that's going to bum a lot of people out, at least on Sup Forums, is that just about every NPC is non-killable to prevent exactly what you're talking about. they want to have this integrated MP co op campaign, but they don't want greifers to start a game with someone, disconnect, kill every NPC and then reconnect just to ruin the other persons game a month in or whatever, so unless they're enemy NPCs for the post part they're non-killable.

they're going to try and show it off as "the players become the NPCs". you will be able to manage shops and armories and mills in these worlds and you can either work together to conquer the main storylines or you can obstruct eachother, there's a faction system that I don't know a whole lot about other than it can be used to either help or hinder the people you're doing co op with, but again since they dont want greifers to ruin the game it's not like it's going to railroad anyone.

bethesda didnt make ESO

I like Fallen Earth

Honestly, i think this is pretty cool. except for the part where i can't kill NPCs.

>>BoS is allied with ghouls
well if its the Midwestern BoS it could work but id be giving Bethesda too much credit for thinking of that

God damn, multiplayer was a fucking mistake.
Well, I'll still fucking buy it just to push the limits of how bad I can fuck with certain things.

If items are persistent across gameworlds, what's to stop me from obstructing or otherwise hiding an essential item?

Kill yourself friendo.

Well yeah, I consider most of TES4 to be lost opportunity the game.

>Kill yourself friendo.

Skyrim Remastered
Skyrim Online
Skyrim Repackaged
Skyrime: Revenge
Skyrim 2
Skyrim Online: Secrets of gnomes or some shit
Skyrim 2 + Skyrim 1 Remaster pack
Morrowind runner mobile
Skyrim: Revenge VR edition
Skyr im Online korean ripoff
Skyrim: Skyr im official game

Time to go outside and make some friends

I didn't mean to be too harsh, but if you want to play multiplayer games, there's like a MILLION of them out there, please don't bring that cancer into my RPGs.
Every single singleplayer focused game that has tried to incorporate ANY multiplayer elements has subsequently become trash - especially beloved RPGs being turned into grindfest MMOs - TORtanic being a prime example of how to ruin a decade of work and lore building.

I can't really answer that, i wasn't on the dev team. I'm sure it's a problem they're thinking about though. at one point I heard from a co worker that the idea of you not logging in after x amount of time would lead to your body or grave appearing in game somewhere, so the others could loot you, but that didn't come from anyone on the dev team and it was never announced officially to us in any way. I'd expect they're going to have some kind of way to prevent that though.

Also, there is one major quest line that intertwines all of the 4 players together, but outside of that each character has a different quest line. All I know about the story is that it starts on a prison transport ship like morrowind with all 4 characters together. After the introduction you can work together toward the major intertwined quest line or you can go on and do your separate campaigns either together or apart. It's going to be another one of the main marketing points at the reveal. Expect todd to use the phrase "It's like 4 elder scrolls games in one"

I also know the location of the game but I don't want to say it and ruin it for people before the game is even announced. some people are going to be very upset. others are going to be very happy.

Chim you fuck I ain't gonna explain shit.

They're rumoured to be removing "The Elder Scrolls" main title from their games and going with only subtitles. The next game won't be "The Elder Scrolls: Hammerfell", it'll just be "Hammerfell"

>"It's like 4 elder scrolls games in one"
Where have I heard this before?
>"TOR is KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6..."

>I also know the location of the game but I don't want to say it and ruin it for people before the game is even announced.
I'm guessing Summerset Isles, so that they can make the most boring world possible, or Hammerfell and everyone will have to play as Redguards.

there was concern that the TES name had no brand recognition with the flop of TESO but they are not dropping the TES name any time soon. it will be less prominent on this upcoming game but it isn't gone.

>I also know the location of the game but I don't want to say it and ruin it for people before the game is even announced. some people are going to be very upset. others are going to be very happy.
Dude, if everything you said is true you're already going to get royally fucked for breaking whatever contract you signed for non-disclosure. Tell us where it's gonna be as the cherry on top.

nothing i've said so far has been exclusive information to me. i'm not worried in the slightest about any legalities. it's not like any gaming publication will publish what I said anyway. the info will die when this thread does. anyway, thats not why im not leaking where it is. i was a genuine fan of the games before i started working at bethesda. i dont want to ruin the surprise by leaking it early.

If you're the dui guy you basically said the date you were fired and for what reason. I doubt many people got fired on the 4th for a DUI in Bethesda. But props to you for telling us the info

>next elder scrolls will have multiplayer co-op

It could also be a colleague pretending to be the DUI guy.