>biggest economy in the world
>has never made a good game
>biggest economy in the world
>has never made a good game
They've consistently produced better games than Japan you retarded weeb faggot
oh shit, source?
No but seriously what was the last good American game
Not really.
Also not really.
Americans are better at making games with mouse and keyboard, japanese are better at games with joystick.
Horizon: Zero Dawn you stupid weeaboos.
Every game ever made in the USA
New Vegas
mad rice farmer spotted
>most american game on the planet
>japan onry
fuck my life
madden 2017
Divinity: Original Sin
Civ series
Just needed to name one to invalidate your premise. Have a (You), dont spend it all in one place kiddo
It's ubisoft-like garbage, and its probably possible to list 5 american games better than this released this year.
when did being a weeaboo faggot start to become acceptable here? i guess the invasion of redditors from r/anime was too much
Ahh yes, my favorite American game is ubishit garbage made in the Netherlands too
You're trying too hard fampai
>353th open-world game with survival and crafting elements
Best amerifat game coming through
Too busy keeping the world safe from MUSLIM COMMUNIST ATHEISTS!
You're welcome!
>It's shit
>It's not even made in the US
Some time around 2003.
>be American
>get shot
how are you supposed to make games from hospital?
I won't get shot if I shoot first.
>shoots first
>gets sued
>that will be 2 million dollars plus tip
Something appears to be wrong.
Black ops
Halo 3
New Vegas
shovel knight
To name a few
>ubishit garbage
That's not how it works senpai.
2 of the best platformer trilogies ever and the best kart racer ever
it's just Sup Forums trying to fit in AGAIN
>talking about countries makes you Sup Forums
so thats what they mean when they say that gamers are just a bunch of kids
>communist atheist
wat, nigger?
America is ruled by the Jew and wants games that sell not games that are good
Guerrilla studios are located in amsterdam
That's not China
>>biggest economy in the world
Why isn't the flag Chinese then, OP?
How is the original halo not one of the best games ever made?
Sup Forums is Sup Forumss playground
>shoot shoot shoot
>thanks America
Also shovel knight is overrated trash and im embarassed for them for making their own amiibo line
Are you implying The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion isn't a good game?
go back to your own board please
>Also shovel knight is overrated trash
im sorry you couldnt get past the first level
Fallout 2
Anything from blizzard
>has never made a good game
Huh? We literally invented video games.
Damn near anything made by LucasArts back in the day would be another good example.
NFL Blitz
RTS and Diablo-copy are about the only genre I enjoy in Western games
Others are sh!t. Especially many Western RPG are sh!t, they encourage you to get lost in that world instead of getting anything meaningful, I wasted my highschool years for Skyrim and Witcher, just to notice that I could buy much better games (JRPG for example, P3,P4,FF,DS, etc etc) with actual story and encouring me to live on. Should have spent my time on calculus and trigonometry instead
I thought this game was pretty good
Fuck off, commie.
>biggest economy in the world
Cuck: the country
We are you fucking dipshit
>implying the US dropping nukes on Japan didn't directly influence the games they make
You're welcome world, we make all the games
we are though, the USD is the most used world currency
>any name ending with berg is Jewish
God fuck off.
that's wrong though, the US is shit
Americans in the majority don't care for video games like they did in the 90s.
Why do you think they took Tech TV off the air while there's still around 10 Sports channels on air?
except overwatch, valve did it first.
OP said good
Making games in America is insanely expensive, so they have to dumb them down to maximize the potential target audience, and flops are usually synonym of bankruptcy.
Only old game studios with none or very few flops get to do whatever they want: Valve, Blizzard, Bethesda and Obsidian.
Everyone else either dies or get's bought by a big soulless publisher.
Japs, slavs, brits and germans don't have this problem. Their games are more flop tolerant and thus they can take risk with their games.
Shovel Knight Specter of Torment.
This is probably just my take on it, but it isn't that America makes shitty games for the sake of it, it's just that they need a focus and creativity. AAA struggles with this due to needing to pander to stay afloat with their big ass budgets, and a lot of Indie projects feel the need to have a message or get up their own ass, and their gameplay suffers for that, if it ever exists.
>none or very few flops
>get to do whatever they want
u wot m8
Haven't you fucking children ever played a Midway game? Sierra? New World Computing?
Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms
Not an argument. The free market has decided that those games are all excellent.
Age of Kings N Shit was better
Dota 2
>All these triggered westaboos ITT
wew lad
And this.
America rules, Weebs just die.
>call an entire hemisphere shit
>surprised when people disagree
Fuck off you nazi Sup Forumstards
It's just a shame these charts don't represent the games that are actually being released, huh.
Think when japan copied us and made their own chan image board.
I hate Sup Forums
Dota 2
This is true.
What games other than The Witcher came out of Poland?
Doom is the greatest game of all time.
Flying Wild Hog (Hard Reset and the Shadow Warrior reboot)
People Can Fly (Painkiller, co-develop Gears of War)
Techland (Call of Juarez, Dying Light)
And then there are a ton of smaller studios making shovelware.
"Westaboos"do not exist. There is absolutely nothing wrong or unusual with showing favoritism towards the most dominant country in the world. We're one of the biggest nations in the world, have the best economy, military, and pretty much supply the entire globe's culture with our superior vidya, television, movies, etc. We are not cucked like Germanys, not livng in mud huts like Kenyans, not starving like Venezuelans, and not defecating on roads like Indians. A Japanese man who believes the world revolves around Japan is delusional. An American man who believes the world revolves around America is objectively correct.
Excuse me? Did we all just forget about Fez or something?
>Smack-talking Spyro the Dragon.