>dlc should be free
>pls buy w3 expansions (thats totally not dl content, check the dictionary)
Hitler was right about Poland.
>dlc should be free
>pls buy w3 expansions (thats totally not dl content, check the dictionary)
Hitler was right about Poland.
Why do people dislike CD Projekt Red?
They're popular now
Go home Germany, no one likes you besides mudslimes
The image that the marketing dept sold does not match up with reality.
People tend to get angry when they get lied too.
>The image that the marketing dept sold does not match up with reality.
This. Potatoshills are fucking annoying to deal with on Sup Forums.
It's only shitskins that are upset that their country can't make the best based gameplay of all time. East just does it best.
Ahh ok classic Sup Forums I understand.
>The Shitter 3
>best based gameplay of all time
Oh look. A console fag.
Merkel and Putin should agree to invade and divide up Poland again, they're getting too uppity.
Name some of your favorite games, boy.
Same thing that happened to Valve, they make really good games and the contrains hate them because its better than something they can make.
>what are expansions
underage go away
It's always either this or the few other webms from the Imlerith fight. Those are extremely dated as can be seen from the HUD. Fuck off.
I love all of my games equally, since I buy only after pirating.
To be fair witcher 3's "expansion" could easily stand on it's own merits as a GOTY.
All of their little piddly shit DLC was free. Content other devs would have sold for $5 a pop. What they sold were major expansion packs that nearly doubled the games content.
The content from the expansion could have easily been a standalone expansion it had everything needed to make an entire game, not just selling an outfit or a weapon for a few bucks.
Witcher 3 has some of the worst hitboxes in videogames ever, they didn't fix shit, you fucking potatoshill.
But they literally did release two massive content expansions for W1 and 2 literally free
>Dark souls
>shits on witcher gameplay
>But they literally did release two massive content expansions for W1 and 2 literally free
You're acting as if that is something exceptional, it's not. Other devs just don' make a shill campaign out of it.
>implying huge expansion packs are the same as the shitty small DLC weapon packs that CD Projekt was talking about
OP got BTFO like every dumbass asking for list of fav gaems
>people complaining about combat in an RPG
Post some ff15 webms, that has way more intuitive combat right?
Or better yet any final fantasy.
Or any rpg period really.
>skyrim, wasteland, blackguards, divinity, dark souls
>complains about witcher's combat
You need to find a better hobby seriosuly
>Or any rpg period really.
Witcher 3 is an action RPG set in a medieval fantasy setting. This means that it has to contend with Gothic and Risen games when it comes to judging the quality of combat mechanics. Both Gothic 2 NotR and Risen 1 combat mechanics blow TW3 out of the fucking water.
Skyrim, souls and divinity combat are superior to trash batman snapping combat of w3
>good combat mechanics
i mean i love it but let's be real
>Skyrim, souls and divinity combat are superior to trash batman snapping combat of w3
You're probably being ironic here, but modded Skyrim (TKDodge+Dual Wield Parry mod+Mighty Magic+Duel Combat Realism) shits on TW3 combat, yes.
this LITERALLY never happened in my playthrough
Do you remember the "Small team of plucky underdogs doing it out of love" storyline they were selling?
Now compare that with the real world version of CDProjekt.
They are a massive govt subsidized company that very much cares about money.
They are more than willing to lie to attain said money.
They see their fans as nothing more than sheep to be fleeced.
Nothing can contend with gothic 2 it's a game made over a decade ago from when games were good, and it's still much jankier and infinitely less balanced than witcher 3.
Risen 1 has trash combat, not sure what you were getting at there.
>skyrim has better combat than anything
Also souls doesn't even have a story, it's not even the same genre, all of it's development was put into combat in tiny levels, and it still has shit combat.
When did they lie?
You forgot to mention how CDPR literally sells cracked games on GoG or how they sent out LITERALLY threat letters to random people assumed to pirates SOLELY on a fucking IP address, which resulted in a scandal where an elderly woman got the said threat letter, LMAO.
CDPR are fucking scum, literal subhuman animals.
Nigger those expansions are bigger than most AAA games
I have never encountered anything like this ever in my 200 hours of playing
>Risen 1 has trash combat
Your opinion is trash and irrelevant, but nice try, kid. Risen 1 shits on your trash game based on the fact that it has trajectory based dodging without any kind of i-frames and manual input of attack direction and trajectory alone.
>souls doesn't even have a story
>there's no narrative that is being shoved down my throat, so there's no story
LMAO, Witcherdrones, everyone.
>how they sent out LITERALLY threat letters to random people assumed to pirates SOLELY on a fucking IP address
That wasn't CDPR, that was the legal company they hired jumping the gun
>werks on my machine ;)
The downgrade.
The selling the "Plucky underdog" story was a lie.
The first is excusable the second less so.
So CDPR hired literal thugs to intimidate innocent people into paying them money? Gotcha, senpai.
this thread was not made in good faith
Are you retarded?
They threatened the old lady out of love.
Love of money that is.
Wasn't a downgrade, just a different art style. They revamped the graphics engine again for BaW
They never sold the plucky underdog story when Witcher 3 was being advertised in full force. If anything people mentioned how they went from literal nobodies to bigger than Capcom in under a decade
>there's no narrative that is being shoved down my throat, so there's no story
Item descriptions aren't a story user, they're just backstory. There's zero purpose in everything you do in a souls game.
Nice mental gymnastics you got going on there
>20$ expansion is bigger than 60$ full price games like "the order 1886" and "horizon zero dawn" together
how dare these jews!
Did you fall for the lie or are you paid to defend it?
How many times did your mother drop you on your head as a kid?
>our game will look exactly like the initial trailer
>>game looks two full console generations behind what they initially showed
>there was no downgrade! we just sort of made everything look much worse but that is totally not a downgrade!
>we sure hate drm
>>proceed to ship all of their games with drm
>threaten to sue families for piracy
Classic poles.
>it's OK to kill people as long as you hire a hitman and don't do it yourself
>it's OK to intimidate people into paying you money, as long as you hire some thugs in suits and don't do it yourself
Who gives a shit? Gameplay is what matters in a game. And Souls shits long and hard on Witcher.
>CPR add more colour to the game
There are mods that make the game look like the trailer again, and they don't impact performance in the slightest
If Poland listened to Stalin their lives would have been better
>moving the goalpost
>meme souls
Breath of the Wild shits all over Dark Souls if you want gameplay and not constant roll dodging to avoid cheap shots
Blood and wine alone had more content than most stand alone aaa titles, guess your faggot ass doesn't know what an addon is.
>wave left, wave right, block
>good combat
Yeah because witcher 3 isn't competing, it's not an action-oriented genre, 2/3rds of the game is talking.
The problem is dark soul's combat carries the entire game and it's still shit.
>There's zero purpose in everything you do in a souls game.
You are retarded and have no clue what you're talking about. DS2, fir example, even has a coherent story in the traditional sense of the word with a more or less traditional narrative. You haven't even played the games, you shitcunt.
It's still better than roll roll roll roll sign, mouse button click spam.
No, no it's not
Simply because the sign adds some variety
It is good, yes, because the system actually works flawlessly and has actually functioning hitboxes.
Playing this game at a bitch 4k makes it look like the top photo
Eat shit console cuck
>turn down settings on PC
>durr downgrade
Dude, even if I gave a flying fuck about Witcher 3, this is a bitch thing to complain about. The xpacs are literally 20-30 hours worth of content; a full game, similar to old xpacs. If you're really mad about it, I guess we can drop Brood War and literally every other great xpac, because it's DLC, right?
Why did hitler hate poles so much anyway? You can barely tell them apart from germans except that poles have the occasional QT chick. Was it autism from being inbred?
Turned down settings lul
Nice post m8
Please keep your shitposting to yourself, you're standing to defend DS2 which is embarrassing.
Here let me break down DaS1's entire story.
>cinematic tells you some vague backstory about a battle that has nothing to do with anything, then proceeds to tell you to rekindle the fire
>wander around for a bit until you ring the first bell
>snakemonster tells you to ring the other bell to unlock the door
>do so
>snake tells you to clear out anor lando to unlock the next door
>do so
>snake tells you to kill the 4 bosses to unlock the next door
>do so
>kill gwyn
>story concluded, your decision is irrelevant because nothing is canon and this is all probably a dream anyway.
Haven't played BotW yet, can't comment. Looks good though. And not everything you don't like is automatically a meme.
This is why consoles are cancer.
>you're standing to defend DS2 which is embarrassing
>not defending the best game in the franchise
LMAO, are you one of those gay memers who think DS2 is bad?
>Here let me break down DaS1's entire story.
So the story is there and you are actually a schizophrenic retard contradicting yourself? Well done.
He was a jew.
but every relevant pole ever was a jew
Why so angry user?
Does it hurt your fee fees that people point out CDProjekts sleaziness?
Grow up user or get a thicker skin.
You'll need it here.
That's because it's not true.
Webm related, top notch hitboxes. I had one with a grave hag flailing her tongue about too but I can't find it.
>So the story is there and you are actually a schizophrenic retard contradicting yourself? Well done.
Oh I'm sorry, was my satire not ripe enough?
Perhaps I should have said """STORY"""
None of that shit is a story user, the only person you fight that has anything to do with the """STORY""" is gwyn, every other fight is just an excuse to get a door opened with zero explanation as to why.
You shouldn't post your incompetence to perform simple tasks as argument, you're just embarrasing yourself.
>actually a max settings PC shot
>worthless dumbfuck fanboys keep parroting retarded shit instead of just posting a screenshot from their own game that looks anywhere near the top shot's quality to disprove it
As expected of genetic waste.
>uses the biggest jew company out there as an example
CAs free-lc has been worth shit, brettonia was nice, tho it should have been in the game from the start anyways.
Source: your ass
I'll take that as "numerous"
Yes they went with the Bioware model.
Cutscene filled waifu sim with a save the world minigame.
If you prefer graphics go with CDProjekt.
If you prefer combat go with Bioware.
>None of that shit is a story user
Nice opinion, too bad it's shit. You don't get to define what technically is or is not a story, shitface. The story is there, even the traditional narrative is there if we're talking about DS2. You are wrong and will just have to deal with it.
More like source: the game at max settings. Where's your screenshot, you little retarded shit?
>CAs free-lc has been worth shit
It's the most free content they have EVER released for a TW game, opinion discarded.
That's not the bioware model that's the rpg model.
And bioware stopped using that model in DA2 and ME2 when they made a waifu sim with endless grind gameplay.
>this company used to shit my mouth
>not they don't, aren't they great?
>we sure hate drm
>proceed to ship all of their games with drm
you can literally buy the game on gog.com with absolutely zero DRM You stupid retard
How come when it comes to Witcher 3, opinions vary from ''BEST GAEM OF ALL TIME!!!''! to ''COMPLETE SHIT BUY SKYRIM!!!'' and rarely anything in between?
Personally I think the game is more than fine, the combat is nothing special but works and narrative is superb. By biggest gripe is how poorly the open world is used, it's beautiful, but there's barely any logic to enemy placements and it feels like it might as well have gone with level scaling. I am very spoiled by Gothic 2 in this regard though so forgive me.
>You don't get to define what technically is or is not a story, shitface.
There's nothing to define user, story is an excuse for doing things, the closest thing to a story DaS1 had was the snake monster, he is literally the game's entire story and you have to make up his motivations with head-canon fanfic bullshit.
Sorry but my 10 year old laptop isn't capable of running the game. If I were at home on my desktop that would be a different story
Here's some guy running the game at 4k
Stay butt-blasted, potatodrone. CA has released over 30 hours of content with the Bretonnia faction alone.
The fact that you keep responding tells me you are getting angrier and angrier someone is invading your hugbox.
By all means feed me more of you tears kiddo.
because it's cool to hate on things