What is it about BotW that makes it better than past Zelda titles?
What is it about BotW that makes it better than past Zelda titles?
>that nose
>that underbite
Why is she a meme, again?
I never go to gamestop this shouldnt be happening
It's a meme dumbass. BOTW doesn't stack up to the originals, but it's a fun game and a good launch title.
Depends which originals you mean. If you're talking about the NES titles, then no, it's not quite as good as those. But it destroys any of the other '3D' Zeldas with ease.
LttP and OoT are both better games in my opinion by far. I'd put it above Twilight Princess I guess.
At least it's a huge improvement over the shitfest that was Skyward Sword.
"with ease" is exaggerating, but it does end up being better. Mostly because 3D Zelda before BOTW is hot garbage, so it's not a hard thing o accomplish.
>3D Zelda before BOTW is hot garbage,
Can't disagree with this.
It's the opposite. BOTW is a damn good game but it doesn't stack up to OoT, MM, or even WW & TP.
It just goes to show that you can still preserve a sense of exploration and discovery in a small and condensed environment and doing so cuts out all the filler and allows debs to work on things that are actually interesting instead of programming the umpteenth identical mountain.
Yeah fuck your thread.
Source or contact deets. Need. Now.
Hopefully you're not referring to the story or the voice acting or giving Link a personality or some other autistic shit.
Thank you. I love jerking off to tan polo shirts. Any USEFUL sauce?
Captcha: punch CAREFULLY
Kayona Kim
Past Zelda titles were Skyward Sword, the two god-awful DS episodes and ALBW (wich, if he wasn't cashing upon the ALTP permaboner wouldn't have been as successful as he was).
So it's not like it was hard to achieve as long as they were willing to put a bit of effort in this.
Also 2D zelda are better than the 3d ones. Fight me.
>Also 2D zelda are better than the 3d ones. Fight me.
I'll fucking kill you! is what i would have said if you were wrong. which you're not.
Yes thank you. I don't know if this makes us gay brothers, but my dick is super happy
aren't her tits just nice and perky?
Going back to the roots of the original NES game probably helps.
I see no tits.
Beyond words. user.
Are you being treated for you brain damage? Or...?
Who's the girl?
Unironically, the ability to deftly impart a sense of exploration and discovery, which most of the other Zelda games except for the first couple practically don't have.
Makes you wonder why it's taken them this long to get back to what Zelda was originally about
Sense of exploration, which the series hasn't been encouraging for years. It doesn't hand hold, which is the antithesis of exploration. Other games would force you down a linear path, while you can go pretty much anywhere in BotW.
That and it also has tons of interesting mechanics and physics systems to play with
Kiu Kang
Processing power limitations.
Kim is such a cutie.