Why people don't finish their games?

I mean it, go see how rare is a trophie for finishing a game, any game, you will see its pretty much around 50% rare, that means there's a whole 50% who bought the game and didnt play.

Why people do that why would you buy a game that you wont play

I'm suffering from some kind of attention deficiency that's only getting worse with age

some people dont hunt for achievements and/or they didn't finish the game because they didn't enjoy it

maybe they rented it

Because people play games nowadays to feel in, so it's all about HYPE HYPE HYPE OMG HYPE LE BEST GAME EVER I'M SUCH A NERD LOLZ until the next Hyped(tm) thing comes out and you gotta switch to that.

Same reason why a lot of people will waste their time in the shittiest way possible, which is watching other people play games instead of playing them because it makes them feel like they are not alone.

This is also why cinematic experiences like Uncharted or Witcher are at an all time high instead of games who actually give a modicrum of a fuck about gameplay.

So they just buy on a whim? They should at least watch a few gameplays/reviews for fucks sake!

Honestly? I lose interest.
I don't know man, i lost the spark, you know? That feeling when during school you just couldn't wait to go home and play, thinking all day about what happens next.

>People that didn't finish the game didn't play the game at all

You get bored of the same gameplay patterns and seek a change.

watching gameplays doesn't mean people will like to play what they are seeing. many people get interested on gameplay videos and trailers. then, the moment they get a hold of the game in person they lose interest on it.

I havent even installed half of my games on Steam desu, just because I dont feel like playing them right now; or ever

Money well spent, huh ?


I usually stop playing games at the last level/boss. I move onto another game, as by the time i'm at the end I've gotten good at the game and don't feel the need to carry on.

If developers don't bother to finish them, why should the players?

Dumb anime poster, figures

I'll usually buy games based off reviews, I've bought a couple games with great reviews that I just did not like enough to finish playing

Your numbers are a bit off. Usually the trophy for getting past the second level is around 60%.

half the achievements are for doing something out of the way, which most people don't have time for. they just play the story and move on.

I know it won't affect the numbers that much but did you ever think that some just haven't beat it yet? I'm on my first bloodborne playthrough and just beat the one reborn so I don't have the last boss trophy

They just dont realize they grew out of their hobby they had as kids. They keep buying new games and wonder why it isnt fun.

Didn't realized beating the game is out of the way

Some people start up the game on the wrong account, some people bring it over to their friend's house so they can try it, sometimes trophies are bugged. There's a lot of reasons why trophyscores are like that.

Are you talking about getting every achievement/platinum or just finishing a story or final boss?

does it matter?
my heart says no

Did you read the OP?

I only play like one new game every few month and I usually end up finishing it eventually. I think the people who rarely finish games have big 100+ game libraries or something. There's always something else to be playing so they won't stick to anything. At least that's my guess.

Yes, I did, what about my post confused you?

Because games suck dick these days. It's much rarer for a game to grab my attention and be so good that I really want to play it.

The last two games that gave me that feeling were Witcher 3 and BotW.

I used to beat every game I played but that stopped with FFXIII which was the very first game I just couldn't be bothered to finish. What a shit game.

Its just that in the OP is clear at least to me he's talking about finishing the game/story aka beating final boss

>7 years old, no games
>mom gets me gamecube metroid prime bundle in 02
>go to school eager to play it when I get back
>some kid came over and snapped the disc before I even got home
>the gamecube gets given away
>be mad for 15 years
>buy a gamecube and metroid prime last year
>still stuck in magmoor

I know if I played this as a kid it would have blown my mind and shaped my gaming experiences. But the magic is gone, I can look back and say "wow this is great for 02" "ahead of its time" but its too little too late.

I will finish it, I have it out right now and am trying to do it blind but I keep dying to the heat in the magmoor place, I have the morph ball and the rockets...

After spending some time here I've found that some people believe that finishing a game means 100% completion, so I had to ask.

Fair enough senpai

The question isn't why they live a life like that.
It's why should I?

That's literally a low vibration life though you failed normie.
>drinking alcohol
>having casual sex with multiple women
>eating food for taste rather than nutrition
>listening to the kind of music that normies play
These are all objectively harmful activities. Enjoying a game isn't, assuming you are actually enjoying it.

I get a game, play it, get close to beating it and then pick up the newest hottest game and get distracted by that one. It's a never ending cycle.

>game isnt as good as you expected
>not autistic enough to finish games that you dont enjoy
>have money to buy multiple games so you dont have to finish every shitty game, unlike kids on Sup Forums

I just beat the game and do side content that I enjoy, then when I feel like I'm not having fun anymore I move on to the next game. Maybe one day I'll learn how to play Mahjong for Yakuza and get lucky with the RNG for Catfights, but I'd rather move onto Nier and go back to Yakuza in the future.