>tfw finally stoned as shit after a long week of tests listening to 50s music and downloading fallout 4 with my new 60mbps connection
good vidya-related feels thread
Tfw finally stoned as shit after a long week of tests listening to 50s music and downloading fallout 4 with my new...
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You must be 18 years or older to post on this forum young man.
i'm 19 and i've been here since i was 12
>dude weed lmao
>Fallout 4
Normalfag detected
>60mbps connection
jealous, I have to live with 16mbps
that's about 6GB per hour
>60MBPS is considred fast in some places.
Would kill myself if i'd live in such a shithole of a country.
Also, weed may not be very dangerous physically, but it kills motivation like no other.
t. former addict
i know, i'm a former addict too. op here.
>downloading fallout 4
So it is true that the biggest problem with weed is that it makes people more complacent with mediocrity and turns boredom into enjoyment...
Fallout 4 is a great shooter/exploration game
lol so true
Fuck Fallout 4 dude, just play some STALKER
Shit. Thats a good idea. I'm reinstalling fallout 4.
No, it isn't. It's the videogame equivalent of Twilight: stupid, superficial and not really good at anything, but very accessible due to pandering to very cheap and low standard demography.
OP this is my favorite swing song to smoke to. It just sounds so wonderful
You mean like, Buddy Holly?
play some risk o rain
ill listen to it, thanks user
Can we just turn the thread into sharing old timey songs?
>hurr durr i don't like it so it sucks
No, I dislike it because it sucks. Do not reverse causality here. Also, I'm sorry but since when is this Reddit circa 2009? The fact that Fallout 4 sucks is not exactly a surprising or controversial idea around here.