Lesbians okay gays not so okay

>lesbian main character
>shes so cute and hot and exotic and also lesbians are a srs issue u guise

>gay main character
>im unconfortable with this and why do they need to say his sexual orientation like its important? its just a game

What are some videgames where the main character is a homosexual man, and when will gamers grow up and stop being triggered by gays? Everyone is more than pleased with lesbians though: Ellie from The Last of Us, the girls from Life is Strange, etc.

Gays are wrong, fag
So are lesbos

Stupid frogposter

I'm okay with people who are genuine about being okay with both or being okay with neither.
What bothers me is that most people seem to be okay with lesbians but not gays. I guess you are sort of an exception.

I'm posting on the topic of videogames, if you don't want to discuss them why are you here? Especially in these times when muh story and muh characters are so important to gamers.

>when will gamers grow up and stop being triggered by gays?

Sounds like you're the one getting triggered.

Maybe I'm triggered by hypocrisy.

That's what I mean, it's very hypocritical to "hate" gays if someone then were to say that lesbos are hot
Gay is gay, any form of being gay is gay
lad or lass

Anyone who is ok with lesbos but not gays is a fucking dickhead

I agree with you, excellent

yuri is pure and sometimes hot
gays are just fags

If you make games for straight men then it isn't okay to put gays in there because straight men don't like gays.
If you make games for gays then it is okay to put gsy men there.
You don't make games for homos generally because homos are a really smal population, unless you don't want to make money.

That's it, now you can delete this useless thread.


> Straight men being this triggered

What's the matter, heteros: You gay?

OP, you're making a false dichotomy here. People who are into something because 'lesbians are hot' are not usually the same people saying 'srs issue u guise' and 'im uncomfortable with gay men'

Some people just like lesbian fanservice. There's nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with people who want to consume BL entertainment and don't want to look at lesbians.

If your strawman actually exists then I'll smack them around with you, but I don't think they do.

>2 things I like doing things I like
>2 things I dont like doing disgusting stuff I dont like

Its not that hard to figure out

Straight males love women, lesbians are a double serving of women. That's not so hard to understand now is it?

Should've gessed that you were just shitposting.

>im unconfortable with this and why do they need to say his sexual orientation like its important? its just a game

who that actual fuck are you quoting, frogshitter?

There's nothing gay about boipucci

gay is wrong
a woman loving a woman is gay
lesbian = gay
lesbian also = wrong

Dudes are the primary consumers of niche, non-casual games. Dudes enjoy lesbian porn and have been trained to enjoy the idea of lesbians so long as they aren't bulldykes. Dudes don't like faggots, they're disgusting and should only be in a game as comic relief.

male = straight men don't want

female = straight men want

wow, liking gay women, faggot

lesbians =/= gay

as you can see on this handy chart, gayness levels are directly correlated to the amount of penis involved.

Male-Male: 100% gay
Male-Female: 50% gay
Female-Female: 0% gay (as there are 0% penis involved)

I just find women much more appealing than men, op. Sorry.

>(as there are 0% penis involved)
Thanks for pointing that out. I was utterly confused until you clarified.

His OP can you give me some examples of when what you said happened? Also the majority of Sup Forums didn't like the whole Ellie is gay thing because Muh SJW menace.

This, lots of Sup Forums is still irrationally angered by lesbians

In games lesbians are usually just regular girls that like other girls because it's hot/pure. It has nothing to do with real world issues and they rarely act like real world lesbians.
Gays are pretty much the opposite.

I can't remember a game that even had a gay protagonist. People don't understand that boys liking boys is pure


You are telling me you never saw any guy complain about a gay character by saying "why do they need to say he's gay? just don't tell us his sexual orientation, it's not important to the story" ?
It's the most typical complaint against gay characters. Saying that being gay is not relevant to the story so they should just not point out that they are gay.
And the unconfortable part is just quoting what average dudes feel.

But people say this about lesbian characters as well. Here's an idea how about writers actually write some decent homosexual characters for a change

That's good to know. Fuck The Last of Us, there was no reason whatsoever to make the jailbait qt a lesbian.

Lesbos are a sexual fantasy of men.

Gays are disgusting.

Why do you think Blizzard wont' add any gay men to their games? it would be suicide.

Making my pee pee hard is reason enough

Fuck off Chad

So masturbation is gay?