$500.000 a year

>$500.000 a year


Other urls found in this thread:


A clear proof that BotW is a game of the century

A clear proof that Nintendo hardware is garbage

>only $500

i almost feel bad for them...

that's a funny way of spelling Xeno blade

>PC gamers prefer to give money to basement virgins that spend all day masturbating to hentai than actually buying a 150 dollar console(Wii U)


>PC guys are so desperate for something good to play they'll give these scammers who make a DRM closed source emu half a million just so they can play a console game on their 3000 dollar machines

Think about this. Ruminate.

Who ?

Use a fucking comma, you euroshit. How the fuck to you denote the tenths place?

fuck breath of the wild, we need that demons souls emulator with networking because its fucking dead on ps3

PC gamers are rich, what else is new

souds to me like youre just buttblasted

go be obese and illiterate somewhere else

>not smash

Still waiting for BotW to be playable, and not just bullshotted.

$500,000 a year? Should be possible right?

A lot of those subs are going to dry up once people get tired of the new Zelda game. Count on it.

apparently it is playable if you preload all of the shaders which fills up my friends 24 gigs of system ram (which also got updated to use less ram)

its gonna rise even more once a switch pokemon game comes out

that artstyle is familiar, sauce?

we already have melee netplay

casual get out

Gee, I wonder who is behind this post.

some guy who made the succubus (male) doujin, goujira4go

>Supporting this instead of supporting the people who actually make the games.

Oh no, I donated $4 to someone! That's less than half the cost of a burrito! I'm so butt devastated!

its absolutely fucking pathetic that your first monetary comparison is a burrito

>but if i give them money i get the games for free

Why? I live in SF. The burritos here are fucking amazing.

Americans, ladies and gentlemen.

>All for one game instead of shit like all of PS2 emulation

>Rest of the world: gives $20 to beggars of the street who smell like they haven't showered in months, so they can buy drugs.

Don't deny it. I see tourists doing it every day.

>buy the console and the game for $600+
>donate $4 to wizards to play the game on my high end computer

You would have to be a complete dumbass to go with the first option.

Anyone else feel this shows how much better off Nintendo would be if they weren't limiting their games to their exclusive shitty hardware barely anyone buys?

Why are they even still in the hardware business?



maybe if the switch wasnt just an nvidia tablet running open source freeBSD os - oh wait it is exactly that- just another scam console

>Pay $5 so you can play a game on the hardware you already own instead of having to buy an obsolete $150 hardware

I fail to see the problem here

>Make great progress in Cemu, lots of games shaping up to run flawlessly soon
>Botw comes out
>Thirsty faggots suddenly want to play that game but not buy a console for it and mass donate to the devs
>Devs focus mainly now only on Botw to satisfy their backers
>Other games start breaking and some are in a worse state now
>Wii U emulator transforming to Botw Emulator now

Fuck this. My Wii U died and I want to play my games.

they deserve it more than that bald lardass neckbeard subhuman Notch with his $2 billion.
At least those guys do something for that money.

>PC gamers' parents are rich

wii-u doesnt even have games, try dolphin 6+++

>open source freeBSD os
what proof

how do you think people are playing BOTW on nvidia shields?

What does notch have to do with the Wii u though?

I would gladly donate to a PS2 emulator.

By streaming it with cemu? Retard

the same way you can with dolphin


>botw on shield
top result
you can keep the soon you fucking dunce

imagine if the devs made it on for hardware for the current year

would buy day 1

STOP IT it's not a tablet first.
It's wrong you shouldn't says that because you are just DUMB. Right boys?

he got $2 billion for doing fuckall. basically winning the life lottery of the millenium.
those guys are actually working for those $500k
Why are Nintendownies always so god damn retarded?

If this won't turn out to be the best, most accurate emulator ever created, I'm going to have a good laugh.

>Switch is so shit, people would rather pay half a million a year than buy the console for $500

what a disgusting bunch of hacks, the ps2 or dolphin devs never held their hobbies hostage behind a paywall
stop supporting them

Cemu doesn't emulate the Switch, only the Wii U

>all that for literally 1 (one) game

with this much money rolling they will just stall development for easy cash.

>people are donating shit tons of money for the perfect Wii U emulator
>meanwhile no progress on improving PS2 emulation for actual gems like Burnout 3.

I wish they had but it's perfectly fine on what it's on. No reason to not support the hard work of the people who put out a game you want.

I just worry this pirating stuff will get to the point where the roles are reversed. Right now, enough people buy games to keep developers making games. What happens if it gets to the point where not enough people buy games? No more games for us.

Isnt in the longrun just cheaper to buy a Wii U

You sound jealous, do you work on Cemu by any chance?

No, not at all.

>want to support the people who made it
>locked behind a paywall for a console I don't want made with malfunctioning obsolete hardware

>can just give 4 dollars to a bunch of nerds instead

I'm sorry user but the Switch and WiiU are so shit people would rather give millions of dollars to a bunch of nerds than buy them

I just don't think that's true or will ever be true.

The video game industry is bigger than the movie industry and it keeps growing.

Plus games are easier to make now more than ever, cheaper too.

And I did buy the Switch and Zelda for it but I fully support CEMU because I want the best possible experience. It's really not perfectly fine after you're used to playing stuff at 1440p @144hz on an IPS panel

I fapped to that
I feel pretty gross desu

Why don't ninty shut them down?

no legal precedence

plus I think it would bring more attention to CEMU and that's probably not a good thing

My computer is good enough to run current games but too shit to run sixth-gen emulators, and that's why I'm not donating to any of the current emulator projects.
If Breath of the Wild were available for PC I would buy it.

Piracy makes it way cheaper then consol gaming.
You also dont have to pay 60$ a year for online..

Why do PC gamers fall for the worst scams every single time?

>$3k dollar machine
>Patreon is donation, the thing itself doesn't cost money

A $500 machine will outperform a switch HANDILY.

just wait until they get sued for 5x that for damages from nintendo

nintendo is just waiting til it hits peak to jump in and fucking destroy that shit

So you are a pirate because mommy didn't gave you allowance?

Have you ever considered that not everyone has a mother that shits out money like its no big deal, you manchild?

I only used to get 10 gulden each month.

Always with the food comparisons, Amerifats.

There's literally nothing illegal about what there doing. It's why haven't been already sued

I'm just really curious, why does nintendo let this pass but uploading gameplay is so bad? seems like this is far worse.

Did anyone had a doubt?

>b-breath of the wild isn't that good!


>Use assets from Nintendo games to create "fan" games as opposed to something original which of course they're not capable of because that would be too hard, even monetise it
>Nintendo shuts it down

>Actually asking for money to pirate intellectual property and people donating to them
>Not expecting anything to happen
It's gonna be glorious, I tell you.

Nope, because im cheap.

But even buying PC games is cheaper then consol shit.

who's this fluid druid?

Want to know the funniest bit?
They have zero incentive not to systematically delay progress in order to keep the emulator from completion and keep the patreon money flowing.

Literally a retard. Paying even $1 for something you will get for free anyway.

It's funny to watch Nintenbros actually be in such outrage over emulation and demanding Nintendo take it down along with any fan games out there. As if emulation doesn't exist across the board.
I used to think Sonybros were the biggest drones but lately it's becoming clear that's no longer the case.

Absolutely disgusting.

don't worry, I send nintendo $5 in the mail every year along with a written haiku telling them how terrible they have been for the past decade.

Nintendo are not clever when it comes to managing online content
They can't do anything about emulators if there's no evidence of using nintendo's code, but if they can abuse systems to try and control content people are making about their games, they will, despite it not being helpful in the slightest

How do you not know Hitomi?

Well, sure if they weren't getting paid for it. They are getting paid to copy a console wholesale and the game(s) on it. How is that not illegal?
If Nintendo can prove intent they are fucked. It's only being done so poorfag NEETs who can't save their NEETbux can play Zelda without paying anything.

I will admit im a nintenbro, that said I do have an issue with cemu
Make an emulator, cool more power to you, but when you start making money from it is where I feel they cross the line.

I mean someone could come out tomorrow with a switch ps4 or xbone emulator, I honestly woulnt give a shit unless they started begging for """""""donations""""""" and locking the emulator behind a paywall.

>he doesn't understand what donating is

I'd buy the shit out of Zelda if Nintendo was a third party that developed for PC.

Instead they'd rather keep developing shitty consoles, so I'll do my best to bankrupt them to the point they have no other choice.

Voting with my wallet.

>getting butthurt if someone is being paid for something people want and are willing to pay for
You're just as pathetic and laughable as the rest of these triggered drones. I don't even donate, I'm just not a retarded platform worshiper that gets butthurt over normal free market decisions, especially when the emulator itself is still free.
That being said, try to talk about PS3 emulation and Sonyfags go full sour grapes mode so it's not just Nintendobabbies.

I do. I was just farming (You)s. Thank you.

>Not throwing Sony and Microsoft under the bus as well

Get outta here with your bias. All three consoles are under powered shits.

And why don't money community don't take and
share half money with Nekotekina (rpcs3)
Why can't
>Share money and got 2 console emulator
But instead
>Get one nearly-perfect emulator just because of 1-2 games
I will never understand

Two "engineers" make more bank than probably 10 other engineers at Nintendo themselves. Also tax deductible because donations!


Im sure you buy chinese knockoffs of brand name products as well?
Like your nykes shoes, shorp tv, polystation 4

its very much illegal
and has always been, youre just a dumb newfag who hasnt been around for the countless emulator lawsuits and shit