Be down to earth and honest, go full shill, I don't care either way. If you've gotten both, that's great.
>inb4 should have gotten Nier: Automata when it came out, then you wouldn't be hung up now that Persona 5's out
Only recently just fixed my PS4, wasn't working around the time Automata came out.
Other urls found in this thread:
Persona 5 if you're at least okay with a turn-based, dialogue heavy game. Nier if you're not..
Do you want an ARPG or a turn based JRPG.
They're pretty different games so it should be any easy choice, even if you like both genres.
Nier if you like ass and don't mind repetition, Persona if you like VN/dating sims.
They're completely different games, what kind of genre do you like more?
>hurr do I want an apple or an orange decide for me Sup Forums
I don't know faggot what do you feel like playing
persona 5 is a pretty big time commitment, cant speak for automata
Nier, not a short game but won't take as long to beat. Tackle persona afterwards.
I have both but haven't played enough of persona 5 since I've been busy. Fuck idk which one you should get. Nier is really good but I've also played it long enough to experience it's flaws and such as well. Persona 5 so far is also really fun, but I haven't played enough.
Persona 5:
Comfy af
Good characters
Pinnacle of turn based combat
Cool art style, settings
Fun shmup/character action game
Good story that continues through 6 different playthroughs
Good characters
Great animations and movement
If I had to say I'd just go for persona 5. But idk how much of that is me just being hype for my new game. As much as I liked nier, I just really like the comfy setting and light jazz music and characters of persona. Plus capturing and merging personal to make new ones and Stat management and time management and building the perfect party and relationship links to use in the dungeons is really fun and addictive. So yeah get persona 5, then nier will eventually drop to like 40 bucks once you finish persona 5 probably.
nigga I dunno just give your opinions on the game you played and I'll take that into account when deciding what my money will go to.
nier it's a good game on every level, persona is an autistice weeaboo garbage trash game that nobody plays but the worst kind of basement dwelling scrublord also the story is considered good only by people who thinks deathnote has a good story
I bought Nier last month, put 20 hours into it with sidequests and main story, finished route A and lost all interest in replaying the game a second time with a character with far worse moveset, traded it in for $28 to buy P5 which I'm enjoying a lot so far.
The answer is both.
If you can't afford both, it all comes down to what you like more. An RPG made by Platinum or a JRPG made by Atlus.
Both are fantastic and much better than their predecessors.
Nigga you fucked up tremendously.
Yeah 9S chapter is a bot of a hore but you can rush through it and finish in like four hours, and then Route C is the wildest route and back to a 2;-like character in a brand new plot.
I bought both but you can finish nier quicker.
Bit of a chore*
2B-like character*
Persona 5 is sold out in my entire country, should I go digital? It's fucking expensive though
>be me
>Go to buy Persona 5
>"Sorry we only had 3 in stock and they're all gone"
Why is this allowed in this day and age?
Rush through the game I've already beaten once to beat it a third time with a character similar to the one I beat it with the first time?
I'll pass. I got my money's worth out of Automata but it was nothing amazing.
you just pushed me towards persona 5 more than any post prior to yours
haha they're both shitty weeaboo games haha you guys are virgin beta cuck faggot autist cringe buzzwords for enjoying this hahaa now give me a (you) so I can go back to plebbit happy
>3 copies
that's a lot
There was only 1(one) copy in my entire city. Yes, a single fucking store had a single fucking copy in the entire city. And it's the biggest city in the country.
I was lucky as fuck.
Do you have a gf, a job, friends, pay your own rent/house?
Then Nier.
Are you a fat faggot that lives with their parents, never goes outside and no gf?
Then, Persona 5.
Please understand, I'm not making fun of anyone in particular. It's just that I've heard Persona 5 can take upwards of 80 hours, not including trying to get the most extras to complete.
I'm a person of the first type, and I love Nier, and it easily fits into my busy life. 30mins before work or 2 hours before sleep, Nier is great on a slim time plan. If I had Persona for example, I would only be able to play it for 4 hours on the weekend and it would take me close to 3 months to beat on the first go.
Yeah I had a similar experience.
>Check every store ever
>One store in fuckville has 3 copies so I go there
>"Yeah we have 3 copies. But I don't know where they are."
I had to go home emptyhanded, fucking mediamarkt
You answered your own question. A lot of the games you receive are filtered through American publishers. It's why NISA had such a huge influence in Europe, because they take on distribution for several different companies.
>Be UKuk
>Get arrested when you get mad at muslims for laughing at another terrorist attack
It's literally nowhere. I can't believe I ethier have to wait 4 weeks for restocking or buy it off of scalpers.
And no, I'm not buying into the digital jew meme.
I see someone watches danooct1
>You answered your own question. A lot of the games you receive are filtered through
American publishers.
And this means what exactly?
I don't understand. First you say that fat faggots who live with their parrents and have no gf should get Persona 5, and then you say you love NieR. Make up your fucking mind, faggot.
where you from? UK?
when I meant shill I meant gush, not be angry children on the spectrum
You can order from here if you live in Europe.
About the only thing the same about B route is the environment and a few key events. C/D route is Chapter 2 and picks up where A/B left off.
You dun goofed, m8.
Did the game sell out in your country?
>I see someone watches danooct1
I'm just stating a facts. If you have loads of free time, get Persona 5, if you don't, get Nier. I don't know why you fat recluse get so mad at being called what you are. Your condition is self driven, not an afflicted ailment. Is this triggered self defense brought on by feelings of under accomplishing?
but I got a copy already
the only one
Not the same user, just pointing out the image is all.
That image is ancient, I got it in 2010. It's derived from how spelling correction doesn't catch mite when you meant to say might.
I don't know how many copies they sent here in Australia but it wasn't too hard, although I did buy it on the morning of the day it released. I'm just glad that they released it in PAL regions at the same time as the US, we didn't even get physical copies of SMT4.
What's the problem then?
I am LITERALLY in that position.
Do I get some apples from my fridge or some oranges?
Some guy on Youtube who does virus videos has it as his profile for a long time since 2009.
He's actually pretty interesting if you find obscure computer viruses from the DOS and early windows era.
>Didnt preorder Persona 5
>Literally every shop in the entire city doesnt either have it or has sold out
Yeah, UK.
>I'm just stating a facts.
>a facts
At least go to school first before you try sounding all high and mighty.
At least you can find weeb games in stores there.
Here in Romania you can only find shit like pic related in stores. 2 long rows of normie garbage
You're about 9 years too late, sonny. Hold on, let me sip this home made latte before you rant about an anonymous person on the internet miss pressed a key.
Aigh't, go ahead.
When I bought it Persona 5 wasn't on any shelves or anything, I had to ask for if they had it at the counter. Last 2 games I bought were Nioh and Nier: Automata and they weren't on shelves either.
>Xbone having any games outside of multiplats
Hell, Xbone isn't even getting some of the multiplats, just look at Nier Automata
it's fucking amazing, I don't believe any game can top it
I don't want to play Automata until I play and finish Nier
They didn't have it in stores at all here. The retailer in the previous pic always keeps weeb games as "Online Exclusives". You have to order them.
You've gotten pretty worked up over some guy basically just going "lmao you made a typo".
That's petty.
I browse, Sup Forums, don't I?
nier is goty so far
It's not necessary. Besides, as good as it is, OG Nier is Jank as fuck and all the Automata hype has driven the price up.
Just watch an LP.
>cool story
>bland characters
>frustrating gameplay
Persona 5
>frustrating story
>cool characters
>bland gameplay
Okay, I played Nier
It was good but not as great as everyone has cracked it up to be, I'm probably one of the few to find the story meh and it has very little replayablity outside of the first playthrough, assuming you were paying attention to what was happening.
The combat is good for a while, and depending on your playstyle and if you grind it can be difficult and challenging or a cakewalk.
The music is pretty good.
Yeah you didn't finish the game. You reached about chapter 10 of chapter 17.
The ending system is dumb and doesn't do any service for the game.
Nier is a fresh experience, with combat similar to other Platinum titles if you've played those. Persona 5 is a classic jrpg done PERFECTLY. I have both and have beaten Nier, while I am 50 hours into Persona 5 and maybe halfway through the game. Both are fantastic games with their own strengths and minimal weaknesses. Get Nier if you want something that will continuously change the pace, providing new ways to play the game at every turn, while introducing a solid cast of characters and unique story. Get Persona 5 if you like jrpg's and want to play one of the best games in that genre. Every character so far has been unique and likable, stemming from their own unique weapons, guns, armor, and codenames that help them stand out and allows you to pick favorites easily (or not because they're all so likable). However if you don't like classic Japanese style role playing games back in the ps3-ps3 era, you will most likely dislike Persona 5 quite a bit. If you're getting both I would recommend Nier first because it's quicker to finish.
What is frustrating about Persona's story? In fact I've never heard someone describe a story as "frustrating".
Nier is a much more special game. Don't get me wrong, P5 is great and you should play that too when you get the chance, but I think Nier Automata is much more likely than P5 to stick with you and be remembered for a long time.
Both, get a job you worthless NEET
It's frustrating for the same reason I find harem animes frustrating: I can't put myself into the shoes of the main character if he's a bumbling retard that's completely oblivious to the very concept of sane thought.
The entire game's dialog system is rigged to make you feel like you're a shadow of a character who can't actually influence anything that happens; and when you *do* act out it's in a cutscene where you can't stop yourself from being retarded
It just makes me so frustrated being unable to do the first fucking thing that would come to the mind of any intelligent human being. (Except when 3 days later, makoto or futaba end up miraculously coming to this conclusion anyway, with your main character reacting with a “surprised!” or “confused?” emoticon...)
They're both overhyped meme games by weebs who jack off to underage teenage anime girls and cry over "3DPD" women who never liked them for being fat smelly neckbeard sacks of shit.
Pick the third, best option. Kill yourself.
You tried hard making this bait so I will give you a (You).
I'll agree that the main character is shallow, but I always assumed they did that to give the other characters more spotlight. There's a pretty good amount of character development in this game, if there was a dedicated main character, I'm not sure the other characters would be as fleshed out. You're right though, it can be frustrating; I see your point.
You should get Nier on PC for starters.
if you really want both get P5 first by the time you beat it nier should be in the bargain bin
Shallow != Retarded though
There's literally no excuse for not killing off ryuji as soon as you realize his habit of blurting out “WE'RE THE PHANTOM THIEVES!” in public and bragging about how awesome “his” exploits are is infectuous.
Yeah the main character should have definitely murdered his powerful persona using friend in cold blood. That would definitely fit the context of the game.
MC could kill ryuji 10 times over and still have a dozen personas left
token friends ain't friends, user. ryuji's sole committment to the PTs is that he wants to be famous/popular and get laid constantly
Pirate Nier on PC because it's a bad game that's nice to waste time with if there's nothing else to play.
Pirate Persona 5 on PS3 because it's cheap as fuck and an actual good and fun game.
P5 CE edition worth it? Keeping an eye on it on ebay, looks like price is coming down to reality.
>MC could kill ryuji 10 times over and still have a dozen personas left
nuttin personal, kid...