How do I enjoy vidya again? Serious question, I'm part of the old Sup Forums and this inquiry is aimed at you guys...

How do I enjoy vidya again? Serious question, I'm part of the old Sup Forums and this inquiry is aimed at you guys, if any of you are left. Has the quality of vidya just diminished? I remember playing Gears of War when I was younger and I thought that was the shit. MGS3 was awesome. I loved Midnight Club. Jak 2 & 3. Random ass games I just loved to play.

Nowadays, after I get home from work I can play vidya if I want. But I hardly ever want to. I mean, if I open the damn game and start to play I might find myself having fun, but I can never really muster the will to actually open the fucking game.

Anyone else get this? Is the quality of games right now just shit? Are we in dire need of more multiplayer games? The game I'm referring to when I say that I don't have the wherewithal to open is Nier, its a great game and I like it, but I find myself thinking I'd rather be in bed watching netflix or some shit. And its a lot more games than just Nier. The only game I've played recently that I played the whole way through was RE7 (which was fantastic).

What gives guys? A lull in games? Do we need better development? Are the games of old gone? Is this a for-profit super industry now? Do we need more multiplayer?

Do any of you feel this feel, and if you do, how the fuck do you fight it?


Read the fucking post or just leave. I'm actually trying to have a conversation.

bumping with ass because who doesn't love it?

every fucking game under the sun has multiplayer fuck you


fuck off retard

Get off Sup Forums and you will enjoy vidya again.

Also OP can't bump threads

You're a faggot, fuck off.

Short answer: you are a wage slave and your life is shit and subconsciously you know that it will never amount to anything better. That's why you can't find joy in life anymore. So you are waiting for the inevitable death just like the rest of us.


just here for the ass


I can see we're off to a fantastic start.

Things get old when you do them for a long period of time, and vidya has not had any major innovations for over a decade outside the graphics department.

It's not that vidya is universally worse, it's that you're used to the formula so very little leaves you awestruck or takes you by surprise anymore.

I'm also a philosopher and I know that that is patently untrue. You can cast off the shackles of "wage-slavery" whenever you wish. There is no such thing. You make yourself a slave to those who can procure the things you want.


Many games have pvp, but pvp is shit. We need more co-op.

You grew up. I'm not motivated to play Persona 5, and I own it.

Every year I grow up I just want to have a family. I realize media will never make me happy, and it only inhibits me from doing things that matter...I'm on fucking Sup Forums.


I could say a lot of things. they would persuade no one.

so fuck that.

take LSD. it won't magically fix you but it just might help you realize what a wall of text from me will not, about what is actually bothering you

or not. its your call. keep trying to make the tail wag the dog if you want. post smug anime girls if you want.

Serious answer: Always have an old favorite to play as a back-up as you playsomething new, and if you feel you aren't enjoying whatever you're playing, drop it without hesitation. In extreme cases, take a few days off of everything, then play another old favorite first.

Nah, she has a decent bum

>How do I enjoy vidya again?
You don't.

t. another oldfag

Thanks for a coherent, thought provoking answer. I hadn't considered this.



Stop blaming the games. The problem is with you and you all but admit it.


gets funnier every time you post it redditor

you're getting older and have less time to sink into games, you can't get deeply involved into them like when you were a kid and only had to worry about school the next day. Games haven't changed that much, you just have.

I get this. I find myself not playing a game sometimes because I want to immerse myself, which I just can't do anymore.

I don't. Video games were a tool for escapism for me when I was a teenager. Even though I always saw myself as "someone who play games" I never fully enjoyed them as I did all those years ago.

kill yourself, attention seeking faggot.


We in fact need LESS multiplayer, online multiplayer that is.

There are lots of games nowadays whose unique redeeming quality is that it's multiplayer. Game can be a total turd, but people have "fun" playing with friends or being total trolls. People get fun from interaction with other players and not because the game is well designed.

Look at your examples, all the games you say you loved are single player.

It's true that the overall quality of games has dropped in the last few years, but 2017 has been a great year so far, even if only Zelda and Nier came out.

There is saturation in the market, and there is so much focus on online games, which need you to play constantly or you are left behind. Most games that are supposedly focused on single player also have an online component, that draws resources from the development, and in result makes the single player worse.

Just keep playing games at your pace, don't force it. Play games where you can take your time, comfy games.

The new Zelda does it very well in my opinion. I've been playing it since it came out, I haven't cleared it yet. I come home at 21 and I work all day, but everyday I play it like 1-2 hours before going to bed, and sometimes I don't even progress at all, I just play and kill some enemies and get to some unexplored areas.

Take it easy bro.

Also, great butt

Thanks man, this was a great post. I just need to chill and check my pacing. I also agree with what you said about multiplayer, it must detract from the actual development to some degree in terms of resource.

Thanks for the good post bro. Here's another butt.

I give gaming a break and take up other hobbies. After a time, I come back to gaming and it has the old spark for me.

>I don't multiplayer so nobody else can have it
fuck off

>white people find those flat asses attractive

feels good to be a high test latino

I've dropped dude. I understand what you mean. Whenever you drop acid, acid will find a way to tell you what you need to fix. But I'm just talking about games here. My personal life has naught to do with it.

you play like one game a year and it's alright, the problem is that big game publishers have these patterns and they just make more and more generic shit

there are only a few releases every year that are quality. Personally im having to play older and older games just to get good game play anymore. Its bull shit that im forced to play pixel eye rape like daggerfall because modern devs are to retarded to make interesting games anymore

When you do this, do you entirely switch gears? Like for example, from full on playing vidya to full on fishing? Just an example. I have musical hobbies too. I think you may be on to something here.

i fucking love tight perky ass
god damn it

i dont have any friends how can i get lsd

I need to get a girlfriend.

Whatever helps you sleep at night shitskin.

>When you do this, do you entirely switch gears?

This guy truly is the whitest asian.

So it is partly market saturation then. I thought as much. Yeah, I'm starting to go to emulators and shit. Its just ridiculous at this point.

As some other user pointed out, we've come far by way of graphics, but now that its a huge "flop or miss" industry, very few publishers are willing to try something that switches up the formula.

I think I'll do this. I have other hobbies I've been downright ignoring. This I think will help, thanks user.

ew butt is for pooing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck man. Hope you find that passion again.

If you're in high school, do it, best time of your life. Same for college, but your gf will have taken many dicks and you'll have to worry about here taking dicks.

After college is the same as college but there's less girls and they've all taken lots of dick and they have a high chance of cheating on you.

Just get a fuckbuddy.

>My personal life has naught to do with it.
I'm inclined to disagree.
we're just talking personal opinion vs personal opinion but this ear has been fantastic re:vidya for me. and as narcisistic as it is to say, if I have been enjoying these games and you have not then either you've been playing the wrong games, or the issue is not with the games but with the difference between you and me.
and I'm not saying I"m perfect, but in this specific corner of life I am enjoying myself more than you are, so it seems a fair assessment that what is preventing you from enjoying vidya as much as me is indeed a twix of your personal life rather than the state of the industry.

>she'll never sit on my face

why live

I appreciate where you're trying to go here, but have you considered that we may just be two very different people? How old are you and what do you do for a career? You have a point but it doesn't mean there's something amiss.

It's all about finding the game that "does it" for you
For me it's been Zelda BOTW and Persona 5 for me
I hadn't been able to put in more than 5 hours in any vidya for quite a while until I got those
I dont even know why I was able to get into them so well
I hadn't enjoyed anything remotely like BOTW for a long time and even though I loved SMTIV I couldn't be bothered to get that far in it, so it was a surprise that I had no trouble sinking tens of hours in both BOTW and P5

because maybe one day, if you play your cards right, some girl like her will.

that's why, user

Its posts like these that make me wish I had a PS4 or Switch. Funny thing is, I could totally afford them, they just have so few games to warrant a purchase. I feel so left out on some of this shit.

I don't wanna get into detail but basically, I have no cards to play

>How do I enjoy vidya again?

By not being a faggot. I gave up on recent releases, and I'm just going through my backlog and having time of my life.

Kek I played both on havked ps3 and wii u
I do kinda want a ps4 for remote playing but eh, 200 bucks is a bit steep for me right now to spend on another console

But you have a great ally, time.

Don't sell yourself short. Many people didn't become the most successful they've been in their entire lives until their 30s, 40s, 50s even.

These girls don't age. Well, they do, but more 20 yo sloots will arise to accommodate you. Just try and find some cards.