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I'm currently playing FC and having lots of fun, the pacing is great and the story isn't a trope filled shitshow like Berseria was.
Moar free games.
The only reasons that would make me buy a ps4 are Falcom's games, Persona 5 and Bloodborne.
The first ones are all coming, Persona is likely to be released in the future to pc/switch and Bloodborne I will just play on an emulator five years from now.
Cold Steel was boring. I heard the 2nd game is more interesting, but I really don't want to slog through 40+ hours of jrpg tedium if it gives me the same feeling the first did.
Trails of Cold Steel also on PS3
Trails in the Sky 3 also on PSP
I just care about playing 3rd.
Is Trails in the Sky a Christian vidya?
Erika best Trails mom
i'm playing TiTS FC and i like it but does it get harder?
>He didn't go on hard mode
That's the problem with TitS FC and SC. Normal mode is way too easy, Hard mode is actually pretty hard, extremely so in SC case. The prologue boss is barely beatable in SC on hard mode.
yeah i expected to save it for a 2nd playthrough but its really easy so far
>3rd coming out on may 3rd
what did they mean by this?!
>Persona is likely to be released in the future to pc/switch and Bloodborne I will just play on an emulator five years from now.
good luck dude
Part of me wants to shitpost this to death cause PC, but I know that XSeed is doing this in response the the Ys8 fiasco. What do I do bros?
Viral marketers shitpost and make memes (pronounced meem) in order to promote products
>the story isn't a trope filled shitshow like Berseria was
Trails is built around anime cliches.
It just doesnt seem that way at first
Maybe if you don't know anything about anime cliches. Otherwise it's obvious the moment Cassius appears.
All of the Japanese producers are moving to PC. PC is the market that grows faster and every platform is just becoming a specialized PC, which makes true PCs even more worth it.
Atlus will cave in evetually.
Wasn't this shit already for PC to begin with. TiTS at least, not sure about Cold Steel. Nobody is surprised, Falcom has always been a PC developer primarily
Yeah. Typical PCfats gettng excited for a game they already had for decade
Shit gets crazy near the end of FC once you get the main story, wish I could enjoy it for the first time again.
can't wait to pirate it
Currently playing the 2nd Trials game on PS3 and I got to say damn is this game boring can't even remember how I managed to finish the first game.
Give me Tales and Final Fantasy over this any day of the week baby.
You must add "for west" because i don't think Japan will follow the trend for a while. Also isn't porting usually publisher's idea?
Enjot your scraps
when are zero and azure coming out
Don't buy XSeed console releases, and wait for the inevitable superior PC version. That's it.
If you mean the definitive version that console plebs will never get, I will.
Thanks again for beta testing.
>being a namefag
I'll enjoy my 5000 new lines thank you.
Calvard when?
>Retarded Laurafag
Not even surprised to be honest.
Hatsuu said this on stream
>Cold Steel getting ported to PC is only possible because the game sold really well on PS3 and Vita
So no fighting and you fucks better buy it. I'll double dip again.
I'm sorry you can't appreciate patrician tastes.
Don't worry it'll sell more than on your Shita and nogames station 3. Next you're gonna be crying about the inevitable Persona 5 PC port. Kill yourself sony cuck.
Jusis Albarea pleasures nord stallions.
I wonder how many people will actually follow through and double dip. People were excited, and said they would, but I can't see why. Playing through an 80 hour RPG again is not easy, especially with so many other games out there not played yet.
If the Steam audience buys it, that's great. No need to buy XSeed consoles games ever again though.
kek. He's probably already crying so go easy on him. They just lost 2 games today. Can't wait for the delicious tears of sonybros when P5 gets ported though. Whole catalog will be filled with golden faces and it'll be glorious.
Now I'm interested how the sales will turn out after all the series is niche as hell and I'm sure a lot of people will be turned off by it.
Gonna spam this image when that happens.
Yeah but it looks more modern (even if it's PS3 graphics), and is weeb as fuck. It will do fine.
Hopefully Yakuza follows soon after. Sonyfags deserve this for shitting up the whole board all the time.
>All of the Japanese producers are moving to PC
>pc port
So, every modern JRPG ever?
>yfw in the next few months
Weeb games are more profitable on PC than your Shitstations. Every Jap dev is finally moving or porting superior versions for it.
pc kucks are really the worst fanbase, jesus
>boo hoo
Your own fault for shitposting 24/7 and posting golden faces.
They are not a charity - they don't care what you think. The only thing that matters is that XSeed and other companies that focus on Japanese games know the rightful financial potential for PC gaming.
Getting the definitive version of the game (that you won't get) is just an added bonus. Thanks for beta testing.
Be honest, who actually expected PC port for CS1&2?
Playstationfags getting BTFO left and right.
Only sonyfags didn't expect it to happen. Everyone else waited for the definitive PC version.
I short of did with all the japanese games coming out of fucking nowhere recently.
Cliches ≠ tropes, so long as the latter are done well and with some unique flavor. Trails does that admirably, at least through the Crossbell games (and even throughout Erebonia). Cassius works well because even he fucks up.
Then drop it.
XSEED would be happy to, but Falcom hasn't rejiggered the source code to make room for new lines. And forget about Sony allowing them to go over the (cartridge) memory limit for the Vita release just so Falcom can let XSEED add the lines (since Sony seems to want content parity between cart and digital). Maybe DLC could make it work, but it all comes down to Falcom anyway.
Not me, but I knew XSEED would probably do it since they're starting to commission PC ports regularly. For that matter, Sara's not actually responsible for this project, she said in yesterday's Trails 3rd stream that another team's been doing this.
The release date is what surprised me - the port announcement did not. I expected the port to happen months later after TiTS 3, not so soon.
And ports of XSeed games have been happening for a long time, like Senran Kagura.
>All of the Japanese producers are moving to PC.
Uhhhh, should we tell him guys?
Truly a glorious year for Falcom fans.
The SK/Uppers team actually did those ports, while XSEED/Marvelous USA hasn't done anything in-house yet other than a code re-write of Corpse Party PC if that counts.Recently they got Durante to fix up as much of Little King's Story as possible, and that was handled by a Japanese port team. These Cold Steel ports show that XSEED's going to do these regularly, so long as sales prevail.
>Implying he's wrong
Consoles are dying, face it. Mobiles and PCs are the future
I kinda doubt it's getting ported anytime soon (think 1-3 years) but the emulator is making nice progress.
fucking YES
now I have to finally finish off the first game and play the second
it surprised me, although not completely, its an easy cash grab for the company
crossbell when
Well if P5 gets ported, I don't think it will be before P3 or P4. Other SMT games like Nocturne may get ported as well beforehand to test the waters.
PC shits don't deserve great games like Trails of Cold Steel.
I'm never buying anything from XSeed ever again. They betrayed us so many times.
Winter 2015
>Japanese console-to-PC port
>superior in any way
I'm a legit PC'uck and even I believe that's false. At best, PC only gets an "equal" version, and getting a game after consoles isn't what I'd constitute a superior version at all.
kek, eat shit, sonyfag
3 years since I played the Japanese version on Vita. Would get it again for superior English localization
who dares pirate Estelle's game!?
What the fuck ever happened to that Zero fan translation that was supposed to come out end of last year?
Gotta say I couldn't finish FC.
I kinda dropped the game toward the end, I found it a bit dull.
How's Cold steel?
Editors are busy with real-life shit. I'd rather it take a while to come out than for Zeromonkey to return, steal it back from them, and do a bad job editing.
Don't try it if you couldn't get into FC. They're both rather slow, though I love FC's dialogue and subtle details that build up over the course of the story. Have you tried using Cheat Engine to speed FC up?
Ah right, right. Like Nier. And MGS. And pretty much every other console franchise ever.
Leader abandoned it. Surprise, surpise. Either way, others took over. Mainly 3 people, they've fan translated some other stuff and one of them has their own Kiseki fan site that they've run for over 10 years IIRC. And here's what we know so far:
>Coming out after the 3rd (which means fuck all, but they're still aiming for this year)
>Game is translated, but there's a shit ton of text to edit
>Evo voices were patched into the game
>Evo character portraits were patched into the game
>Someone else working on bringing the fan translation to the Evo version for those who have a hacked Vita
Ao is also being worked on, but by other people. When someone asked the Zero team if they'll move on to help the Ao team as well they said they want to finish Zero fan translation first and after that who knows.
No need, cucks
>Evo character portraits
This kills the project. Evo portraits are awful.
I'd rather wait for a normal port.
Release Memories of Celceta already.
No, that disgusting Chinese port doesn't count.
Maybe there'll be a way to patch the originals back in. The editors are friends with another hacker who did the Memories of Celceta PC patch. Actual translation work seems good to great, and I trust the editors working on this.
I don't play on PC, but enjoy Coldsteel guys. Those are really good games.
Actually their not. Cold Steel ruined Kiseki
i couldnt get into FC either, but i really like CS the combat is better and the characters too
I never got to finish the Sky series. Did Josh ever smash his "sister"?
What's a bimbo with a stick gonna do about it?
It's not great, but the recent patch fixes things a lot, even letting you use shaders to add proper shadows back in. And 60 FPS + widescreen makes a big deal, enough for me to suffer when using warp stones.
Sen III, according to Kondo, is apparently going to make tonal changes for the series going forward. I have a feeling they're going to really up the pace in Erebonia and maybe Calvard, and bring writing back up to snuff now that the Sen audience has aged. So I don't think Cold Steel's ruined the whole series, not until we see how this arc concludes.
It's implied they're doing it, but they also adopt a kid.
Sky isn't very good, probably one of the most overrated series on Sup Forums. FC does nothing whatsoever, just a long RPG solving mundane problems for people in the world, and while SC actually moves the plot forward, half the game is solving the same exact mundane problems you solved in FC.
they should just remake sorcerian already
Do you prefer Cold Steel then or what? I think that's a reduction of the conflicts and people encountered in FC, let alone character development and humor. SC actually has a more obvious flaw (villain-of-the-week for five chapters) but works around recycling in fun ways. 3rd is just weird.
Truth, but it needs to be huge and not simply re-do the old 15 scenarios. I'd also like to see them rebuild the old PC-88 scenarios (maybe even Selected Sorcerian) and heavily develop the game's systems and role-playing capacity.
the idea of sorcerian just has so much potential especially today
shame we're mostly stuck with the shit sierra port
Yeah, we need a localization/fan patch of Sorcerian Original at least. The games are playable w/o Japanese knowledge but cumbersome and not as rewarding. Even classic Xanadu's already in English, wonder how Japanese players felt when they had to stumble through those games.
Pic related
Why do people like you even try to play JRPGs if you suffer from ADHD?
That's what this series is though. The first game is supremely boring tedium disguised as "worldbuilding" and shit actually happens in the 2nd, before throwing it out for the 3rd.
When does SC pick up? Beat FC and had a blast but SC is suffering so far.