Saturday, April 8th, Year of Our Lord 2017, 11:45:50 AM Eastern Standard Time

>Saturday, April 8th, Year of Our Lord 2017, 11:45:50 AM Eastern Standard Time
>he STILL hasn't hacked his Nintendo® 3DS™ handheld gaming console

there's LITERALLY no excuse

What the fuck is this

I don't even have a 3DS but I can't help but wonder how stupid you have to be to pirate games in you7r handheld. You are just making it harder to survive and fucking up the releases of games you want to play.

I bet you kids even say shit like "ALL GAMES NOWDAYS SUCK" and don't even realize ow ironic it all is.

jesus christ i don't trust OP at all now

Whats the point and it looks really hard also don't have a cable to connect it to my pc.

>no excuse posters are spiders

I knew it.

Nice spider fingers, faggot.

I need someone to spoonfeed me exactly how to get it running and play pirated games and nobody will do it

Thats a good excuse

Is there even anything left to play on 3DS?

I know Fire Emblem is coming and some Atlus games but it really seems like there's nothing of value on it anymore if you've hacked it already.

How far along is Switch Hacking? I was told we could have it down within a year.


Why are you so desperate for me to hack my 3DS? Why are you always making threads about this? Are you getting fucking paid or something?

I just buy the ones i like, what's your deal?

Why the fuck does it matter the 3ds is almost at the end of its lifespan


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with OP's hand?

Stop trying to get into my 3DS's pants.


mostly because i already have physical copies of every worthwhile game on 3DS bar a few newer ones,and with hacking it I risk not being able to play online, bricking it, etc.

So what's there to play on that thing? I haven't touched a handheld since Gameboy Color™

I do have it hack.
But I'm also a buyfag so I only really pirated download only titles and some older games I missed out on

Too busy with the current release schedule to even consider touching my 3DS though.

What about the fact that the 3DS has no games outside of Pokémon and MH and I buy those anyway?

> tfw on 11.3

Just fucking kill me already...



>Playing handhelds
>be older than 16

Choose one my man

>playing handhelds in public

Hoping you guys don't do this