Trails of Cold Steel 1, 2 and 3 coming to PC

>Trails of Cold Steel 1, 2 and 3 coming to PC
>Ys VIII coming to PC
>Persona 5 coming to PC via emulator
>all these weeb games coming to PC because Jap developers have finally woken up to their senses that PC gives them more money than consoles
>PC is now the home of weeb games
>Umaru S2 announced

Is there any reason why people should give $ony money by buying PS4 and Vita?

Other urls found in this thread:

>put CD
>play game

>Is there any reason why people should give $ony money by buying PS4 and Vita?
Nioh, BB, Spider-Man and SAO games

>in 2017

>>Persona 5 coming to PC via emulator

u wot m8

pcsx3 can play it albeit rather poorly for now, in fact, given the power of the cell it's impressive that they got this far


It's funny, you can't even do this with consoles anymore. Instead its
>put cd
>download cd contents to console hdd
>download patch from server

PS4 doesn't run games from disc.

>pcfag umaru shitposter

I missed you dude, I hope to see you everyday now that we have the S2 coming soon.

With Sega even getting into the game now, when will Atlus wake the fuck up?

If PC was truly making them more money than consoles then it would be getting simultaneous releases for everything, not afterthought ports 2 years later.

>Trails of Cold Steel 1, 2 and 3 coming to PC

I think OP wants to discuss the Umaru S2 announcement disguised as a videogame thread.

It's like this, since PC has no games they'll gladly wait 10+ years to emulate console games.

>not afterthought ports 2 years later.
If they're an afterthought, why are they better than the console version?

it's true, but in comparison with PC games is still much faster than downloading a full game from steam shit servers
thoug, the psn servers aren't better, in fact they're shit too

>Umaru S2 announced

To give incentive to people that already bought it and beat it to double dip on the PC release

>PC has no games
Are sonybros mentally retarded? Then again, they did waste $400 on a meme console.

>Steam is the only way to get PC games

Steam servers are much faster than psn. Don't know what you're even on about

CS3 has not been confirmed, but CS1 and 2 have

Yeah, found the twitter post just now myself.

CS3 will have an inevitable PC release anyway because CS1 and CS2 PC releases say so.

Thank dog I don't have to buy an inferior meme machine like the PS4 just to play a single game.

>Persona 5 coming to PC via emulator
Just two more years PCbro-chan!

>Implying consoles allow you to just pop a game in and play anymore.

The Steam download speeds aren't the issue, it's the decryption time.

Yeah, if you have a shit CPU.

How anyone can like that steaming pile of garbage is beyond me.

Sega has always supported pc, idiot

I never watched the anime but I think she looks cute as fuck, and also probably funny.

Wow. A bunch a literally who games and Persona. How will sony ever recover.
What the fuck does your shitty anime have to do with sony.

The only reason to have a PS4 is if you want to be an early adopter, as PC releases are not guaranteed day-one release. Or if you want portability for Vita. That's really it.

Because whenever the PC version comes out it will be the definitive version. Just look at the additional stuff that Trails of Cold Steel gets on PC that the PS3/Vita players won't get (which XSeed confirmed). So if you are patient, you get the better deal. Not to mention PC exclusives like TiTS 3. Also, PC releases have a strong chance at being cheaper. And all weeb games come to PC now - not just XSeed, but Aksys and NISA do it too.