Reminder that King Harlaus did nothing wrong

Reminder that King Harlaus did nothing wrong.

Also Mountain Blade thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody plays that shit game

(You) now get out.

Saddle up and gather the butter, boys!

Who /feast/ here???


Of course he didn't, he has no personality and M&B has no storyline except that which you imagine in your own head.

Filthy Rhodok scum spotted.

>Still no Butterlord



reddit shitposter detected

Have you ever asked him about Isolla?

Bannerlord when?

It's Mount AND Blade not Mountain Blade REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Isolla says she'll provide massive rewards to anyone who can get her on the throne she righteously belongs to
>wage long bloody war that many people die in, other sides even declare war on us sometimes and we manage to beat them back
>we finally win over the prime Swadian
>her first step as Queen is to release Harlaus because he didndu nuffin

And I thought Nords were fucked in the head

>mfw Turkey will be plunged into civl war before Bannerlord is released

Female rulers, not even once

Say that to my face fucker not from your castle, see what happens.

I have no clue what to do in early game. I get hired by Ragnar as a mercenary but I can't join any of the big battles so I'm stuck fighting looters and deserters forever with my small squad.

>win tournaments
>set up enterprise
>start army
>join faction
>gain renown and right to rule
>Defect and start Kingdom
>Conquer map

Why can't you join big battles? If you have problems with your troops' upkeep then you can join tournaments and buy enterprises to eekp yourself afloat. And if you want to you can swear to become Ragnar's vassal who'l then give you a fief to get taxes from.

I just can't get into MB. I win a thousand battles for my lords and they NEVER suck my cock. Then i simply betray then and steal their kingdom but it's so boring that i just quit halfway in the war.



Is there anything worse than being Vaegir, they're the second oldest faction development wise but always forgotten in the general scheme of things. They can't really fight their neighbors, Nord infantry destroys them, Khergit horse archers destroy them, no way they can compete with Swadian cavalry. Their top tier troops don't always spawn with shields so they're about as half as useful in sieges.


>playing Dickplomacy
>want to keep cucking the peasants by taking their women hostage but have to worry about honor dropping

>Being this mad that Rhodoks Rhorekt your shit


There's M&B sex mods?

What mod?

Never t.Sultan

I do that too, as soon as I have to start filling castles with troops I start a new game. Mid-late game M&B is repetitive. I hope Banterlord adds a victory condition that isn't "conquer everything"

What's a good way to play as the kheregits, I fucking love ramming my cav cock into everyone, but I can't seige for shit.

Meanwhile, on Dhirim Sup Forums...



nearly gagged pulling up this image btw

Are we part of the sarranids or the nords now? I don't remember.

Stop feasting

What i do is "collect taxes" for a faction i dont want to join amd keep the money to fund some enterprises

Is this a mod or has that always been in the game and I've never used it?

Also I wish you could make the text smaller it takes up half the bloody screen

We're being besieged by Nords on one side, Khergits on another and Rhodoks but Harlaus has called for a feast.


top kek

Feast it is then boys

Who's the ruler of the week this time

I'm pretty sure you can change the amount of messages being displayed by default.

As for webm - I'm pretty sure it's a mod. Not sure which one exactly.

Are there any mods that get rid of the troop cap in battles so I can fight with all the men at once without having to wait for reinforcements?

>Pike bracing
Every mod with pike bracing conversely has shitty cavalry units

How am I supposed to get people's help in conquering the map when everyone except my ex companions has a -99 relationship with me?

it's a tool that works with any mod, or vanilla if you want.

harlaus is a nigger and he can't fight
he's a manlet

Is this the Floris mod?

>mfw playing as mountain crossbow jews

Anyway, hope I can play as whatever the ERE faction in Bannerlord is

AWW FUCK, Thanks OP, i feel like feasting now but ive run out of butter.

bannerlord when already
