How are you "the Nintendo Switch will bomb" people feeling now?
How are you "the Nintendo Switch will bomb" people feeling now?
well it's selling worse than wii u, so probably pretty good
Where are those Switch game announcements, user?
I still think it won't sell much. Something between WiiU and Gamecube, or around Gamecube
We'll have to wait and see how it does during the Christmas holidays, when more games are out and sales/bundles are on
Wii U sold under 1 million units in its first six weeks. We are on the fifth week of the Switch and it has already sold over 2 million.
It can still bomb.
Especially if the third parties decide not to support it. Despite what Nintendo would have you believe, their systems aren't successful with a single 1st party release each month.
Pretty good, thanks!
It'll do better than the Wii U, but the fucking VITA did better than the Wii U
Why are you lying?
What? WiiU sold 3 million within the first month, granted it was a holiday season.
It's only been a month and its sales are already slowing down.
>"T-This will be the end of Switch's campaign", says increasingly nervous sonyfag for the 4th time this year
>Most first party franchises are dead
>Mario and Zelda are starting to age and are being milked to death
>The manchildren who love Pokemon keep Nintendo on life-support
>Fire Emblem is getting shilled the fuck out in order for Nintendo to convince IS to not go third party
>Splatoon and Xenoblade being the only successful 1st parties in the span of 15 years
Nintendo is in pretty shit shape, now that more people are taking the nostalgia-googles off. Only way to save it is to let more third parties flood in like they did in the Super Nintendo and Gamecube era.
Pretty good considering the normies are realizing its trash and theres only 1 game
Vita was worse than the PSP
PSP was worse than the DS.
One thing is selling like hotcakes when you're released.
Another is maintaining said sales.
>Mario and Zelda are starting to age
I don't agree with this.
In fact, Mario Odyssey and Zelda BotW are looking to be the most well received games in the franchises ever.
Also you can't say that just because they announced only splatoon and xeno2 for Switch that those are the only successful IP.
Kirby, Animal Crossing and the Wii Fit series all perform well regularly.
reading comprehension
If the Switch gets a mainline Pokemon game then everyone else is fucking done. That's an additional 30 million sales easily.
>2 months away from E3
Pretty good. I'll soon have Nintendo games on my Playstation and PC because hot damn is the Switch an armageddon assfuck turbofailure.
>b-b-but it sold better than the wii u's launch!
Do you honestly think it has legs though? I've said it a million times, it won't get good third party support and multiplats because it's underpowered. It sold for now because zelda hype, but this thing isn't going to be getting shit like KH3 and Resident Evil 7 like I keep hearing people request
>"T-This will be the end of Switch's campaign", says increasingly nervous sonyfag for the 4th time this year
it doesn't have nearly enough games. the next release is summer for splatoon 2, and christmas for mario odyssey.
also you can tell switch owners who can't afford all the consoles are living in denial about switch with nothing but zelda.
i beat breath of the wild a month ago on wii u. there's nothing more to talk about with it. its honestly bizarre if you're still playing it.
There is also evidently the issue that the game carts cost more than blue ray to produce.
Publishers either make less money on Switch games - and thus have less incentive to port to Switch - or they have to price games higher as a result.
So I guess you indirectly answered my question.
What do you think separates this from the wii u though? It will have only first party support with a paltry third party support because it's underpowered.
Why do you think it will work THIS TIME? Because it's portable?
I like how people forget that the PS4 was literally in the same shoes as the Switch, but they had even less games then than the seitch has now. Stop looking over from your mighty horse, you were not there from the start either.
It HAS bombed.
Horizon Zero Dawn has stolen Zelda's thunder, outperforming it critically and commercially. Upcoming titles like Shenmue 3, The Last Guardian, and God of War will continue to cement PS4 as a powerhouse.
How is it even selling if there is none in stock
Wii U sold 3 million in its first month, idiot
Switch is a good deal under that
PS4 actually had multiplats, which is something. Compare that with Switch.
At the switch reveal a couple months ago it was announced over 85 games are in development. I don't know what you mean by 3rd party support.
I've said this in another thread, but it's literally okay when PS4 launched with a small library because it had GUARANTEED third party support in the long run. Nintendo Switch does not. A console can not truly succeed without third party support. The industry survives on multiplats. I know it sounds extremely hypocritical, but the Switch launching with shitty library is not okay because it is indicative of the long term library, but Sony is already getting tons of fantastic third party support that the Switch has to directly compete with
>Says increasingly nervous sonybro for the millionth time in his life
>nintendo fanboy resorting to lying about a last gen console to make the new one look better
I wonder if you'll be making up shit about the Switch's sales years from now when Nintendo's next console shows up.
They always have these impressive numbers and third party logo splashes at console reveals. The wii had it, the wii u had it. Odds are most of those games are old ports and downloadable smaller games, then once those lazily shat out games don't sell, third parties abandon ship and go "well i guess nintendo fans only want to buy nintendo games!"
Armageddon. Assfuck. Turbofailure.
lol this
You can't compare sale numbers and say it cant sell when YOU CANT FIND ONE FUCKING CONSOLE ANYWHERE.
When they're sitting on shelves unsold then you can talk shit
/biz/ please go and stay go, industry success means nothing for a 4channer like us. The Wii U has the best games of last generation but it underperformed in sales.
>At the switch reveal a couple months ago it was announced over 85 games are in development.
Like the two hundred games that were in development for the VIta, right? Most of those projects never see the light of day buddy. It was at an announcement by the company trying to sell a product. Why are you absorbing marketing without even an ounce of critical thinking?
Wii was a 480p console in a 720p generation and still managed to sell based on good marketing and word of mouth.
I feel like Zelda and the Switch have definitely nailed marketing and word of mouth down for launch.
Mario being the closer for 2017 will likely seal the fate of the Switch to be honest.
>The Wii U has the best games of last generation
No, its library was weak as fuck. I say this as a former Wii U owner.
>industry success means nothing for a 4channer like us.
Yes it does, success means more games. I liked the wii u as well, but only having a handful of third party games that were all lazy, and then nintendo killing off the wii u after less than 4 years is bad no matter how you slice it (no wii u didn't have a 5-6 year lifespan just because that's the amount of time that passed between wii u and switch. the wii u died when starfox zero launched and was shit)
hands down one of the worst Nintendo lineups they've ever had
>Pokken tourney
>Mario 3D world
Are these not good games? They are exclusive and target a different audience
Uh, they still aren't "there", retard. The PS4 is the most pointless console ever, LITERALLY more pointless than the fucking Wii U. It lacks Zelda BotW, Xenoblade 2, Bayonetta 2, Mario games, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8, Smash, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and so on. It's a huge piece of shit. 99% of it's decent games are playable on PC in better. See Dark Souls 3 in 60 FPS instead of 20.
>but, but Cemu
Is an unplayable piece of shit.
Smash and Mario were pretty good and Xenoblade wasn't my thing but lots seem to enjoy it. None of them are the best games of the gen though. Also, Pikmin 3 was a shittier version of the previous games.
Even if those are all good games (3d world was a pile of fucking trash) that's like 6 games. Most people who play games as their main hobby need filler games in between, even if they aren't that amazing. This is where multiplats come in, which the wii u didn't have.
The most wii u had was some more platformers and mediocre first party smaller games
>>Mario and Zelda are starting to age and are being milked to death
Mario yeah and the fact they tried to over-add Toad to everything didn't help.
Zelda is doing fine. Sure there's a lot of fans constantly bitching about how 'x' is not Zelda enough, but it's stayed consistent over the years.
>3d world was a pile of fucking trash
No it wasnt. When will this meme end. Even if it didnt compare to 64/Galaxy and wasnt the formula we wanted, treating it like its a bad game is absurd
>Milked to death
When it comes to mainline games you couldn't be more wrong. The last 3d Mario game was 3d World in 2013 and the last 3d Zelda game was Skyward Sword in 2011
As it's own game it's pretty good, but as a mainline Mario game it's fucking embarrassing.
I feel like shit. Anyone wants to buy mine?
its really not
It's been out for three years.
Where are all the third party games?
There's a reason it's selling more in it's 4th week than the others.
It will continue to do so in all of the following weeks. I'm sure you knew that though...well I hope you did.
>Paid online with zero improvement over the previous generations
>Lack of upcoming games
>Rediculous controller gimmicks coupled with an 80 dollar somewhat normal one
Why buy any game system with a grand total of 3-4 good, upcoming games marred by a subpar subscription service?
I mean fuck I only played splatoon and smash on the wiiu.
If you're unsure now, wait for E3 to see future game reveals