Play Persona 5

>play Persona 5
>come across this





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Are you aware that Persona 5 is heavily about Japanese politics and the workings of their society?

I-I hate the media too! Will I get a qt jap gf now?

Most Japanese dont believe their media either

fuck off onrmie

seek sunlight

You seem tired. You should go take a nap.


That very sentence shows that it's not about fake news that makes her like him, it's that he doesn't do it for fame and attention.

Honestly if you're this pedantic to think that any negative view towards the media is somehow a political statement based on the latest talking point memes, you deserve to get triggered so hard that your whole experience is ruined.

Which one is it?

Both. Just go outside, man, you've had enough internet.

I don't think that's possible today. You should go to sleep.

Are you aware of something known as localisation user? Western localisation teams can change the context of any cutscene completely and insert political messages/memes, Nintendo Treehouse is the most infamous one for doing that.

That's not true.

For reference, approximately 30% of American's trust their media while 70% of Japanese trust theirs. That is a record low for Japan and they consider it alarming.

>Are you aware of something known as localisation user?
Are you aware that one of the issues surrounding Persona 5 is that virtually no localization was done, and they translated everything completely literally from the original text this time around? i.e. no "wassup persona"

>no "wassup persona"

but thats in the game

No, you don't understand. That's literally a huge factor in the game's plot no matter what version of the game you're playing.

You're going to need to cite your sources. Every Japanese person I've met that wasnt over like 50 does not trust politicians and believes the media lies to cover things up.

Not everything has to be about politics you know, maybe it's just about media.

I'm saying this Persona is about politics. Why is it so out of line for one character to mention that they like a person who ignores the media? The game isn't in overt support of any American politics. Do you have such a wounded relationship with politics that seeing a one-off line like this sends you into a spiral?

This is good politics. Distrust of the liberal leftist news and corrupt establishment. I.e., i like this man b cause he thinks for himslf. Bad politics is putting in sjw.

you dont have to play the game lad.

Devs do not design games to appeal to your specific interests. (You) are not entitled to a game tailored just to you and can fuck off with your crying because devs didnt make your perfect game.

Keep your tantrums off this board.

I don't know if there's something such as good politics, but I agree that not trusting everything you hear is a good thing.

Google it yourself or continue to believe personal anecdotes trump statistics. Your choice.

The domain of politics is that which affects the governed people. It's wide definition

>liberal leftist
D'aww, are you mad they're not suckling Daddy Don's teat and the only one that did harbored a pedophile?

Honestly, this isn't really politics, at least not this statement alone. Having a distrust for media can be for things out side of politics. Whats the context of this unless its spoilers, I'm only at the first boss.

It's about the main villain and traitor, GORO

No, if you say something you have to prove it, we don't have to do your research for you.

>i.e. no "wassup persona"
Then why is that scene literally in the game?

Just like how trump had a 1% chance of winning, right?

Daily reminder that every single Japanese statistic is a lie because when asked a question a Japanese citizen will always respond as if their society was ideal, and when asked to do a job any Japanese public or private worker will lie to get the case settled as quickly as possible, so as not to apppear inefficient or incapable.

I mean they straight up show him talk to the lady at the beginning of the game, not much of a spoiler

I'm not going to just listen to some dipshit on the internet who probably has never even been to Japan. You either provide actual proof or you can just fuck off. Absolutely no one I've ever met believes their getting the full story in Japan, unless their senile or something. Its hard to even believe those polls are truthful as Japanese people either do not actually say what they think in public or they are skewed.


Why am I the only one that needs evidence? "Every Japanese person I know says they don't trust the media" is hardly compelling evidence for declaring the entire nation of Japan doesn't trust their media.

If we use that sort of data for extrapolation then I can declare there is not a single person on the planet that trusts their media.

During the development of Persona 5, there were large protest movements against the conservative LDP and Abe by some liberal entities around 2014. (The movements has fizzled out now)

Thats why politics made it into the game, along with other Japanese social issues.

You think its in there because of the us election? Fuck you, the US is not the center of the world.

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

It quite literally is, look at the map

if you don't have any evidence, nobody has to or will believe your statement.



Seeing as nobody presented credible evidence then all we can conclude is no one here has any fucking idea what level of trust the Japanese have in the media. It's easily googled but apparently there are some people that really don't want to find out that trust is a lot higher than they believe it to be.

Are you trolling? The US is in the middle of the world

Calm down nigga, it's a throwaway line.

liberals hates the media as well, not sure what your point is

meant to quote you

>Get cucked in real life
>Get cucked in a game

Liberals, thank god they always lose.


Use a map that doesnt cut off half a continent

Hating the media is actually bipartisan. A majority of both conservatives and liberals hate the media. Everyone hates the media, because it's filled with liars and rats.


>implying any of the retards here have played that

Any map that covers an entire continent is wrong by design. China and Russia are twice the size of the USA, but in that pic, it is just as big as they are.


>play a game about society and societal relationships
>don't want to see any discussion about society and societal relationships

Excuse me, are you an idiot?

The game came out last year in Japan while the US presidential election was still ongoing

Stop posting and screech for your mommy to make tendies to stop the rumbling in your tummy you autistic retarded Sup Forumsposter.

Nobody cares. Everyone knows the Japanese are disingenuous when asked about their society by an official.

It's a non-partisan issue. The "bipartisan" hatred of the media is that both sides hate "the other guys", not all media. Most people are not political zealots.

Wrong. I believe that guy more than you and will move forward knowing the Japanese don't generally trust their media.

>caring about what an NPC say

Fucking pathetic


I can't tell if this is bait

>Japanese newspapers remain some of the most read in the world, reaching around eight in ten households in 2015

Yep, this sure sounds like a nation that distrusts their media alright.

Keep your enemies close

Most maps would put America on the left? Or what you like those Cold War maps that make America the centre so they could make themselves feel threatened on all sides?

>no source
>not also accepting the fact that most Japanese youth aren't proficient enough in their own language to fully comprehend most articles in a newspaper

I'm specifically not posting sources because I find it fascinating that people would rather assume their wild speculation is correct than to actually verify it's correct when it's so easy to verify. You could easily google that phrase and find the source.

But then again, this is the site where when people are faced with facts that contradict their opinions they conjure ridiculous notions about a culture of lying leading to false statistics rather than just accepting they might be wrong.

haha it was a social experiment guys

I find it fascinating that you'd rather assume people aren't as smart as you when they are in fact fucking with you

This doesn't change the fact that not one person has actually posted anything to show that Japanese trust in media is low. You all just assume what your "reckon" must be right, i.e. you're a fucking retard.

Well it's my reckoning, god dammit. What type of person doesn't believe themselves when they reckon?

Someone who values the truth.

Why are you talking to yourself?

>Do social link involving a politician

>Japanese newspapers remain some of the most read in the world, reaching around eight in ten households in 2015, thanks to a strong reading tradition and well-developed home delivery networks. Although in total around 44m papers are still sold every day, circulation has been falling steadily – down by 18% since 2000. 1 The left-leaning broadsheet Asahi Shimbun has been amongst the most affected. Recent controversies over the retraction of stories on so-called ‘comfort women’ in the Second World War and the Fukushima nuclear disaster have led to sustained criticism from conservatives. It has seen its circulation decline by around 600,000 copies in the last 15 months alone, and has been forced to cut wages.
>This trend matches the Japanese general public’s hesitance to openly discuss political or societal issues in their face-to face communication.

>values the truth yet only includes the things that help his argument and then are completely torn apart in the next sentence

Is Girl /ourgirl/?

>make a game with tons of DLC
>don't make a season pass
>all DLC totals to $90
Fuck these greedy assholes

>the first thing I find on the internet is the truth

>all the Japanese people I know
>probably a fat ass from Alabama posing as Kenji or Sakura

Nice selective use of evidence in a misleading manner. Circulation is dropping because online media is taking off. That's happening all over the world. Consumption of Japanese media is still extremely high per capita.

>>values the truth yet only includes the things that help his argument and then are completely torn apart in the next sentence
Pot kettle.

This is a bait thread my dude, OP just being a faggot as usual.

>Historically, Japanese news brands have been widely trusted, but during the nuclear disaster in 2011 it was suggested that the mainstream media failed to report the real truth behind the accident and instead became a mouthpiece for the government. More recently a number of respected TV news presenters with a reputation for asking tough questions have stepped down or not had contracts renewed after allegations of political pressure from the conservative government.

>hitler a character in persona 2
>offhand remark from nameless faceless character in 5
>GTFO with that shit!

Oh cool, just make up some other reason why they're going down. Why not?

A single scandal != all Japanese distrust the media all the time

>Most of the time I trust...
>The News: 43%
>Journalists: 21%
>News organizations: 33%
Sure looks like that 70% you were saying earlier. You can kindly fuck off now

>get Fortuna to a higher level
>it's a pain in the ass
>Now you know what rewards other s-links will give you!

Wow, this would have been really useful 40 hours ago!

You're a fucking idiot. Fukushima is what woke people up to realizing their media is lying to them.

Really, so you're simultaneously going to pretend you had meant all media of all time, while insisting an industry exodus after a scandal regarding the reporting of a nuclear disaster is irrelevant to he populations faith in that industry?

Do the Japanese people not trust the mainstream meteor?

Mainstream meteor is a threat to this planet and probably works for Ghidorah

Would you trust this meteor? I would if it let me body swap with a cute girl

That's old data from the post-earthquake period. Trust in media has risen for just about everything except social media. Japanese don't seem to be quite as retarded as the rest of the world.

How do i make more people believe in the phantom thieves?
Ive done all the requests i can, the next request is locked behind another door.
And Yusuke keeps texting me that we should do the request.

>backpedaling from his own article
>Digital News Report 2016
>making up more stuff without any sources

So you're taking it as a given that all media is completely honest?

Im not shocked to hear seems to me like american media is more reality show than reality

Oh but don't worry, you're a retard if you don't listen to that reality show, according to