ITT: things that happened
ITT: things that happened
Sup Forums is full of normies, more news at 11
>we did this yearly
>all the sudden its frowned upon
i want reddit to leave.
The angry one was better.
can you post the original angry one
im in it and i dont have the file anymore.
Looks like a fun time OP. Why are you being a nigger?
Indeed it is.
Isn't that Ali Rapp at the front? The one who *arguably* got fired because of Sup Forums?
Half of these people arent at nintendo anymore
>i made two of these
Not a single attractive person
Hey, Audrey's got 2 good things going for her.
Is it wrong that I want to bang the shit out of Rapp? I know she's a deranged literal prostitute, but still.
>implying Bill Trinen isn't a 10/10 would bang
nintentoddlers need their own containment board
Nah, go for it.
>bra is too small
Why does momma trying to hide the ballistics
Man, I fucking wish. Ban all the sonnygers.
>the chad in the middle front
>not attractive
>that time Australia sent Kojima a birthday card
>the two girls sitting
>not attractive
Fuck off
Eric is a hunk
>Bill fucked all the Treehouse girls before hiring them
>Bill fucked all the Treehouse guys before hiring them
>Bill fucked that EA rep before and after the Switch presentation
The man is a goddamn animal.
He's still Reggie's bitch though.
I think this is it.