Gen 6 General, Talk about your favorite games from gen 6.
Gen 6 General
Gamecube was the best console in the generation anything else was the wrong choice
Dreamcast was the best console in the generation anything else was the wrong choice
PlayStation 2 was the best console in the generation anything else was the wrong choice
Gamecube and Ps2 combo was the best
PC + Gamecube was god tier in that era.
>hop on PC and play Battlefield 2, Counter-Strike, and Age of Empires
>hop on Gamecube and play Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine
Xbox was the best console in the generation anything else was the wrong choice
Xbox was the best console in the generation anything else was the wrong choice
Now that I think of it pc had some pretty good games in the 00's.
Xbox + Gamecube is the best. Only thing you're missing out on is Silent Hill 4.
Considering this is a thread about gen 6 games and not consoles, this is one of the best.
Is it just my associations based on my own childhood, or does anyone else get a somewhat (for lack of a better word) "gloomy" feel from the 6th gen, in contrast to the 5th at any rate?
I guess it would just seem that the 5th gen was really fueled by 90s culture, with games generally being upbeat, colorful, and lighthearted and mascot cartoon characters en vogue, which I guess would reflect the economic prosperity and general relaxed social climate at the time (in this sense, one could argue that the Dreamcast had more in common with the 5th gen than the 6th).
In contrast, the 6th gen is when lots of games started to have dimmer, darker palettes, generally going for more "tough" aesthetics than the prior generation (even in kids' games; just look at the Jak & Daxter series, for example, or how Mega Man started to become more focused on anime drama than ever before). This sort of seems to reflect the machismo culture that arose in the 2000s, as well as (and probably due to) the more sober climate that came about post-9/11 once the paranoia set in and the war began.
I've always argued that anything that could be said about Capcom at a given time could be said about the entire industry at that point, and just compare their mid-late 90s fare (Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom, Mega Man Legends, Rival Schools, early and cheesy RE) to what they were doing in the following decade (DMC, Onimusha, Mega Man Zero, Chaos Legion, RE4).
I dunno, I just always feel inclined to play 5th gen/Dreamcast games when it's sunny outside and things are going all right, but generally reach for my PS2 and GameCube when it's overcast and rainy in the middle of a long week.
Is SH4 actually any good? I thought I remembered hearing some mixed opinions on it.
It's always a rainy long week.
dreamcast is the greatest console of all time!!!
>buggy never fixed
What the fuck is this game even. I still see it in sale bins for like 50 cents all the time
neat webm
>certain copies of the xbox version have a bug where you cant beat a certain boss battle
lol fuck off faggot
I found it pretty meh. especially coming off of 2 and 3. I would personally suggest fatal frame 2 if you haven't already played it.
Scared the hell out of me as a kid.
Was fine for me on gamecube.
Watch your language stupid piggy.
>works for me!
and no shit it worked on the gamecube, i said it didnt work on certain copies on the XBOX. learn to read you dumb nigger!
It's the best cop game ever made
>dumb nigger
Dumb piggy.
I was implying that you should play it on another system. Fucking emulate it's old as shit now.
heh stay mad :)
>heh stay mad
Wasn't mad.
Learn to read, I was advising you.