People are emulating our games, how can this be happening?

>people are emulating our games, how can this be happening?
>should be make our hardware more powerful?
>should we make our games harder to emulate?
>should we try selling games on PC?
>people are still emulating our games, how can this be happening?

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who are you quoting?

Obviously nintendo, you autist.

Sauce on them saying any of those things, you autist?

not an argument fag

I'm sure his dads live at Nintendo.

Nintendo games belong on Nintendo consoles not PCs.

Well considering they've been on PC for the last 20 years, I'd say that's irrelevant.

Don't give them any ideas.

Nintendo actively threatens emulator developers with DMCA lawsuits, and has shut down many emulation projects involving their systems. They also don't sell games on PC, or make the games harder to emulate, or make their hardware more powerful.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

they would make more money just having their shit being sold on steam


Way to move the goalpost, fuckwad. All I'm saying is that OP is right.

>what is bullshit for 100 alex

They can just keep sending threats and lawyers like they normally do.
There is nothing wrong with that.


Bumping to trigger some more Nintenbros


>should we try selling games on PC?
I would absolutly buy a lot of Nintendo PC games. Specially the Kart series.

You dont even need top-tier hardware to run their games. Their shit will sell like fucking hot-cakes

>should we try selling games on pc?
That would probably increase pirating, not stop it

tfw I get to play botw in stable frame rate soon™

Getting people on the hardware platform is always the first priority

Lol via piracy not legitmatley.

Nintendo don't care about PC and they can't do anything to stop emulation without evidence that shows that the emulators are using code owned by nintendo

They could actually topple Blizzard if they wanted to as far as the "runs on anything" market goes

never ever pcbro

and also increase sales

they shut those ones down for linking to roms

>Unironically using a pewdiepie image
This is the state Sup Forums is in


Nintendo would make a shitton of money selling games as a third-party. Their hardware sales have been shit since the Wii, and even then the Wii was just a sucess amongst other failures (GC, N64).

They should just whore out their IPs for every console and make millions.

where do you keep your back?

>and also increase sales
But not sales of their hardware, which is an important part of their business model.

Being able to homebrew nintendo hardware has always been a thing, its tradition also a selling point

Walk that fucking dog while you wait.

Theyre already selling millions of pokemans and mario without whoring out thi

they'd probably make more money anyway

Yes, but imagine Pokemon on mobile. Even the older ones with wireless trading would sell like hotcakes on ios and android. Nintendo actively hates money

>source: my ass

I'm sure nintendo is jew enough to have looked into this way more than you did.

No not really all those games will be always online then to prevent hacking and shit, people arent ready for always online.

>I'm sure nintendo is jew enough to have looked into this way more than you did.
This actually, Sup Forums always assumes that they have already thought of it and knows that its not jew enuff

I could see nintendo doing something like that, but there are games that require online on mobile already. I think the Final Fantasy ports do?

It's hard to say and it's absolutely not something we're going to find out any time soon.

You're deluding yourself. A traditional top-down game just isn't suited to a touch screen. There's a reason so many mobile games are shallow puzzle shit.

Why? What assumption are you making here? That only PC players pirate? That it's not possible on consoles? That if it were possible, console players wouldn't also pirate?

Or perhaps all three? Maybe you should check out /hbg/ one of these days.

Of course, just look at the pokemon Go, nintendo should give a go to pc. The argument from epic developer that pirating kill their games on PC is wrong, look at all those japanese deveolper doing millions with their games on PC. Senran Kagura estival came just after a year of releasing the shinovi versus. Because it's selling like hot cocoa in russia.

Neither Senran Kagura games sold well on PC so great example.

>Their hardware sales have been shit since the Wii
So by that you mean the wiiu sold badly? Damn you got a point there.

>They should just whore out their IPs for every console and make millions.
Like they already do?