Find a flaw

Besides some items being too powerful

Some items too weak or not having upgrades.

Inconsistent pacing tied to rng or fishing cheese

>Inconsistent pacing tied to rng or fishing cheese

Melee class being a joke.

too many ore tiers

Above ground is far too sparse and has nothing to explore

Early and end game both become fairly monotonous; although the mid game is fantastic.

No underground ocean biomes

I'm considering plaything this.

Can you be a full on mage in this game? How viable is it?

I'm not sure if it's even possible to kill the final boss on expert mode with melee

Early hardmode sucks

Art is shit. Setting may as well have been designed by a 10 year old.

>Progression game
>Items being too powerful


Biggest flaw is that it's literally minecraft but in 2D. Easy cash in for this lazy asscunt on the minecraft hype train. Pretty clever actually, literally just copy and paste a popular successful game, but since you lack talent and skill just make it 2D retro pixelshit.

Magic is less of what you typically think it would be and more weapons with unique effects that use mana as a resource; it is viable however to start using only magic weapons once you get one.

You either get great items early or slog through on expert

Fishing at the start for a shark pickaxe breaks the game

Both require rng mechanics working in your favor; what is there to not understand?

Really, the only flaw I have is that the early game can be a bit of a chore, but I like that you can break convention by fishing for stuff that you need.

Early hardmode is a drag


Too much content

Yes, that is a bad thing


And of course hipster nostalgiafags like this eat it up. You can pretty much sell anything to nostalgiafags, just make it pixelshit.

Inventory system hasn't been able to keep up with all the stuff added over time, inventory management is hell. Progression has become a bit too cryptic for new players thanks to all new content added over time. Later game (Fishron+) is balanced around cuhrayzee gottagofast dodgejumpwooooo -gameplay where sanic speed projectiles or autoaim is a requirement, leaving melee completely fucked over and making about half of other good high tier weapons complete shit (like Inferno Fork, which is the most fun weapon in the game imo).

Introduction of "classes" was also a mistake as dumbasses can now only think the game through them. Plus it also made it so that you can't just swap weapon types multiple times mid-fight to optimize your fighting capability. They made the game too MMORPG-y, really.
Between 1.2 and 1.3 was the best Terraria. 1.3 has too much bloat, even if the bloat is quite decent in it's own right.

summoner class is useless

Fishing ruined the game

Sadly, it's always been a supplement.
bees on the wall of flesh a best

>ntroduction of "classes" was also a mistake as dumbasses can now only think the game through them. Plus it also made it so that you can't just swap weapon types multiple times mid-fight to optimize your fighting capability.
If only they could make more armor sets like the ice and desert ones, allowing for weapons from multiple classes to be efficient. Also, melee should be totally reworked. And summoner deleted.

brony dev

Melee sucks, physics are super limited.

the moonlord range weapons are kind of lackluster.

What is this weapon?

The fact that everytime you smash a crimson altar/whatever the other thing is called in hardmode it spawns random blocks of shit in your worlds that fuck up your biomes and make it nigh on impossible to get all the best shit from the underground jungle

Really pisses me off, made me drop the game

shit drop rates
corruption/crimson too annoying

>Not having a Home world with curated biome-separation and a separate world for harvesting early hard-mode ores exclusively

alot of mods fix that. Thorium spirit and calamity I Think can actually fix things

Like in every other game similar to it, the beginning is so fucking slow.


>Art is Shit
Half true, the game got some pretty sprite work once Tiy left, Crono is a good artist. Then again sprites aren't for everyone.

you can with patience and lots of autism

Paladin's hammer.

The progression path is too linear, at least for me.

I played only once, and although I enjoyed myself, I don't see myself playing it for second time.

>explore surface
>get basic tools
>build house
>dig deeper, get better tools
>beat a boss
>get better tools
>beat harder boss
>dig deeper
>build more houses
>dig deeper
>beat another boss

After exploring lowest level I dropped the game.


>get terraria, wait out for the moon update
>Moon update is there
>everyone on my steam wants to play with me
>some guy steamroll the game for me and my buds
>never get to play it on my own

maybe i should replay it again

You get the luminite needed to create the absolute endgame gear from the last boss in the game.

>he didn't quarantine the most precious biomes to prevent corruption


i just noticed i've had terraria sitting in my steam page for the longest time (probably 4 years) and I've never played it

what mods should I get before I jump in?

Really can't find one.
Game was a complete blast, I wish I could brain bleach to replay it all over again.

If there's one single flaw to find it's the inventory management. Keeping track of a million different items with chests was a nightmare.
Also there's too much differen between normal and expert, where normal is too easy and expert too insta-shotting.

lrn2play faggot

I feel like I just don't have the right mindset for this game. It's fucking boring constantly mining for materials. I feel like there's something I'm missing.


You just have to grind it out, it took me 3 separate tries of dropping the game early before I could finally play it and have fun

Try exploring. Abruptly deciding "fuck it, let's wander" and start digging a straight vertical tunnel into the unknown felt amazing and new to me.
Even better when you suddenly drop into a new biome or area.

You only have to "mine" in the first hour of gameplay. Exploring holes going deep down require absolutely 0 mining then you should pop a spelunker potion if you are looking for ores and use bombs.

Fuck Red for nerfing the shadowbeam staff into oblivion
>Nerf damage, increase mana cost, and introduce a damage penalty on pierce
The ricochet effect isn't THAT good; it's immediately invalidated by the heat ray.

Well looks like we found that flaw OP was looking for

Reading comprehension much?

Find some friends who want to play (and haven't yet) and play together.
Do it vanilla first time.
Pets a cute.

Yeah but I'm finding it hard to grind it out. I've tried several times but I always get bored. I think the combination of tedious mining + the constant inventory management and needing to use a light source just gets really old. I also find placing objects on the walls is kind of sloppy and not as seamless as, say, placing items on blocks in Minecraft.

I love Terraria's visual style and overall theme but actually playing the game is such a bore to me. I would probably enjoy a Creative mode.

Three viable endgame builds

Wait what meme is this?

I play Melee on almost every run of the game, I an do expert no problem, including fisheron and Moon lord, you're telling me ranged / magic is better?

Time to make a new game

Yes please, tell me more about how the class that should be able to get into your face and fuck it up can't do it and needs ranged gimmicks in it's weapons.

yeah the immense difficulty of the last few things has both positive and negative effects on the overall enjoyment of the game

i like a big final challenge but FUCK it just feels like a numbers game at the end with no skill involved whatsoever

>after exploring lowest level
So you didn't even got into hardmode, did you??

Try summoner. That class is literally a joke.
killing Moon Lord in less than 20 seconds doing nothing while dragon tears shit

Using the Terrarian yo-yo is pretty busted. You can just hide in a hole and kill everything through a tiny gap for the string to pass through.

I think it finally clicked for me when I decided to just do a straight tunnel down and ran into a cave that opened into different caves and explored those, did you try that?

I consider a yoyo-class something different from melee, those are broken as shit and no fun.

i dont understand what to do in this game
i just dig around and get killed

what am i supposed to fucking do?
dig right?

>Want to play Melee
>Early game is a nightmare at times, most of Hard Mode is trivial
>It's fun after Wall of Flesh and before Golem, then it gets boring
>Want to play Mage
>Literally need to kill Moon Lord and get the best weapons to be viable
>Feel like a god, but what is a god without a world to shape?
>Want to play Ranged
>Consistently viable, but not incredibly strong until after Plantera
>Too many ammo types when there's only one good one anyway
>Want to play Summoner
>Only good weapons pre-Plantera are the Twins and event summons
>It's lackluster no matter what
>Want to play Throwing Class
>Yoyos don't count as throwing, but as melee. Oh, the only throwning armor sucks too.

Melee is most fun all around, but it gets boring fast. Magic and Ranged are tedious and less enjoyable until endgame. Summoner is fun if you like to watch enemies die slowly while you do nothing.

Yoyos are broken as fuck, and make Melee reign supreme. Godly Terrarian with all the best accessories is just unfair.

Oh boy magic is OP bullshit I guarantee that.

Yeah I've explored underground, it's pretty damn cool when you find a cool lit-up area. But when I'm down exploring my mind is always thinking "How will I get back up?". That makes it a little hard to enjoy for me. And I'm always feeling like I'll run out of resources to keep mining. To me the fun part is the exploration, not the resource management.

There being no weapon and armor upgrade system really hurts the game.

I hate having to grind for hours trying to get a certain drop, only for my weapon to be completely useless in the late game. Especially since some weapons are unique.

>giving advice how to step it up
did you get past 4th grade?

Friendly reminder to never stop laughing

>Literally need to kill Moon Lord and get the best weapons to be viable
Razorblade typhoon says hi.

The difficulty scaling is crazy fucked
The Moonlord is bullshit




What did he mean by this?

>defeat Wall of Flesh
>destroy altars
>corruption/crimson starts spreading
>lose interest

Every time.

You can use blocks that you mine,ropes,dig in diagonals, wood platforms. Whenever I was gonna go down I would run around the surface world cutting down a bunch of trees and planting the acorns then make like 200 platforms to go spelunking.

Calamity Mod post-Moon Lord is fucking difficult.

How am I supposed to beat the Profaned Guardians? Goliath was piss easy and Leviathan was just a matter of patience, but those Guardians are a fucking pain.

>beat Wall of Flesh
>Crimson/Corruption spikes through my Desert
>Pyramid prevents most of it from being corrupted until much later
>have a fuckton of crates lying around so I can just rip them open, make shit and go at my own pace until I decide I'm ready for Mechanical Bosses to show up on their own

Oh right, I forgot about that since it never fucking drops.

>Gotta kill the second hardest boss to get a good magic weapon before Moon Lord

Still bullshit.

Fishing breaks the game entirely (chests make mining for hard mode ores irrelevant)

And everything before hard mode is a slog

Finding items in chests is a bitch

You dig your first dozens meters to gather materials.
Start building your house, start crafting basic tools.
Survive first night.
Dig deeper, start finding the first biomes, explore them, gather new unique biome-related materials.
Craft more shit, improve your house, start finding better and better equipment and weapons.
Realize that cold climate and desert change the biomes too, so start digging horizontally also.
Soon you meet your first boss or two, get invested.
Dig dig dig.

>one thousand tunnels later

Fought demigods, can chew throw terrain like a mole and fly like a bird while throwing webs like Spiderman, covered in shiny armor that melts enemies and lets you move at sonic speed while you shoot fireballs and lightning and summon dragons and void portals until you get tired of the day's adventures and return to your house which is now a gigantic castle flashing into the night riddled with traps and devices easily activated by the press of a button

Guys, GUYS

Post cool characters.

Up until that point you can shit on enemies with other magic weapons very effectively, but from then, as another user pointed out, it is all about running like an idiot around as quickly as possible to dodge shit.

Hint: craft a grappling hook.
Once you learn how to travel around the tunnels the game becomes loads of fun.

>Grapple something
>Before reaching that point, disengage the hook and fire it further forward
>Reach F-Zero speeds after a while

Before the UFO, a hook is so fun.

Recall Potions are a thing.

>do this
>have frostspark boots
>slingshot around
>touch ground
>new levels of fast

it is a really fun game, you dont really have to worry about '' classes ''


Early game doesn't have enough as Hard Mode, but that could only be fixed by world regeneration, which goes against the core of the game.

So whatever.

What are some good mods for terraria?

My home.
It might not be much compared to others but this is mine and I love it.

>Goblins that drop loot in inconspicuous places as stashes

Bam, not against the core of the game anymore.

Looks comfy.

>imkSushi's mod
>Spirit (kind of)
>What Mod is this From?
>Fargo's Mutant Mod

Just for a start.


I just started playing it. So far, enemies don't know when to fuck off when I'm trying to build something, inventory management is clunky, and getting enough ore is a struggle without enemies coming in droves endlessly.

Yeah yeah, git gud and all that jazz.

Don't go out at night.