Name 1 (one) 2D metroidvania better than Ori and the Blind Forest

Name 1 (one) 2D metroidvania better than Ori and the Blind Forest

Hollow Knight :~)

Super Metroid




I can't
>that soundtrack


Just kidding, I like Ori more :-)

>No Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>No map making and mod tools so they could hand game to the players and allow them to create new challenges which would increase the lifespan of the game
What are they doing?

>it's neither metroid nor castlevania

Hollow Knight!!

La Mulana.

>No Ori and the Will of the Wisps

That'll no longer be the case after E3

lol no

that game is not fun, unless you are a complete autist

that's easy, OP; the challenging thing would be trying to name a worse metroidvania than ori.

i personally cannot think of one

I wasn't familiar with that game. Looks fun

Funny thing is, after playing for a few hours the story grows on you and you actually start to care about the world.

The gameplay is superb so no need to mention it.

The level of difficulty its puzzles presented helped make the experience all the more memorable, you really felt like an adventurer exploring unmapped ancient ruins and uncovering her secrets.


As fun as Ori is, it's barely a metroidvania, puzzle platformer at best, while Hollow Knight is very much one, as metroidvania as it gets

Mind that Ori is still a good game though

Hollow knight by far is the best metroidvania I've played for a while, it has a few technical issues that need ironing out but in my opinion it's the closest to the top 3 metroidvania games list

Did they fix the story in the definite edition too or is the fucking tree still the source for all the trouble?

If I liked Rain World, would I like Ori?

The Tree still fucks everything up, the big birb did nothing wrong.

There's nothing to fix though


>the big birb did nothing wrong.

Yeah, besides that little genocide and that bit about nearly destroying the forest before she fixed what she started in the first place, nothing wrong

Is there a way to play again on a file after you finish the game on it? I want to be able to run around fully-upgraded, jumping through the trees and stuff.


Only in the definitive edition, thank Microsoft for that one

Tree apologists please leave.

That's awful.

Tree accidentally killed some babby owls
Angry birb murdered all of the tree's children she came across and nearly caused an apocalypse for the sake of revenge

Tree 1
Big dumb owl 0

>decided to check game out due to praise
>play for nearly four hours
>bOri and the Blind Forest
You keep saying this game is good, Sup Forums, but I don't believe your lies

Dust? that game was made by a single man

None of them, least of all aesthetically. Actually, it's GOAT in terms of aesthetics. You can't beat this.


Outside of gorgeous visuals and soundtrack, Ori was shit. Seriously. It looked pretty and it took some efficient (if cheap) shots at emotions, but the mechanics were terrible and annoying, the story insultingly predicatable and cheap and there was not a single original or good idea in the damn thing.

It felt almost insulting. "See: if we give you a cute animal and GASP - THE CUTE ANIMAL IS DEAD!, you'll completely forget how utterly lacking in ideas were, both about the story and the gameplay..."

It was a lot of good art wasted on a bad game and a bad story. I had more fun with fucking Dust than Ori - and that is not a praise for Dust, to be honest.

What's wrong, is your grey matter so dusty you can't go through a game without a compass telling you which buttons to press and where to go ?

It's a great and challenging game. I'm stuck and pissed off about it but it's a great and challenging game.

Rabi-Ribi. Not even meming, it's actually better

Am I the only one who thinks that this game has just aritificial difficulty?
>hurr durr you can´t save spent your energy, which is also needed to unlock secrets
>hurr durr you forgot to save, go back 30 min.

Nah. But I will try Hollow Knight.

this for sure.

It at least had boss fights and fun combat

All of them. Ori is a fantastic game but a very poor Metroidvania.

Hollow Knight might drive you mad if you thought Ori was artificially difficult

Haven't played it. Still going to assume Rogue Legacy or Symphony of the Night were better.

no I don´t think it´s bad to have savepoints or to have quicksave. But if I have quicksave, then don´t let me do it on energy I maybe can use later.

Can I play Hollow Knight with KB/m ? Or is a dpad better?

hollow knight autosaves if you quit, it just teleports you to where your last save location was is the thing.

many people just abuse this to warp to saves rather than walking back. Also better with controller and dpad.

Allegedly it plays fine with keyboard

ok thanks. Well as long as collectibles get saved it is fine.

Metroid: Zero Mission, of course