High end pc performance

>high end pc performance
>only $400

Why do we hate the scorpio again??

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Because it's still the xbone which has virtually nothing going for it.

>only $400

>console with by far the best performance

How does it not have anything going for it?

Face it. You know its true. It will TOPS be $499, amd even then the OP point still stands.

Wow i cant wait to play all those games on it, oh wait

>Jaguar shit CPU
>high end


In what fucking universe does an OCed RX480/1060 equivalent qualify as a "high-end" GPU, when it does not allow you to play latest games like Wildlands at 60fps on Ultra at 1080p?

The CPU is a fucking joke as well.

>no games
>may have power, but that doesn't mean you'll get to configure anything, install mods, enjoy a much bigger library of games, have to pay to play online

its a piece of trash like most consoles

>no games

Funny... since when did multi-plats stop being released on microsofts console??

Because my sandy bridge is still holding strong after four years. That was a good year for intel.

>i..if its not a 1070 or 1080 its shit

Faggot stop acting like a 1060/480 are bad cards. Not to mention the fact that those cards cost MORE than the console itself.

Also along with this user:You dont seriously believe the cpu is going to really cause any sort of bottlenecks.... right????

my fucking nigger

At the LEAST it will be $499.

Why would anyone want the literal dudebro console?


Because I don't give a fuck about "performance." I care about games. Xbox will never, EVER be a console I seriously consider buying.

But I have a PC.

>i..if its not a 1070 or 1080 its shit
That's true. if you can't hit stable 60fps on max settings at 1080p in this day and age your GPU is shit and you can't hit 60fps in games like Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2, Wildlands and even fucking Witcher 3 in Novigrad with either of those GPUs.

Remember when Sony claimed the Pro would have high end pc perfomance,4k,60 fps and everyone actually believed them?
I'm sure the Scorpio will deliver, too.

You know it wont be able to how?

Also those GPUs cost more than the WHOLE CONSOLE

It will not be more than $499. That is a fact and you know it.

>no games

What are multi-plats?


>implying microsoft isnt going to be revealing new games with the console

Tbh. The OP has a point. I already have a gaming PC, but this is a pretty impressive little console expecially considering the price. PC gamers always like to complain about "consoles are holding us back" so you would think most would view this as a step in the right direction

Good for you. Doesn't change the OP.

Yeah. Except we already know this console is alot more powerful than the PS4 pro....

If I already have a high end PC and if the Xbox One doesn't have any exclusives that interest me, why should I get one? The only immediate benefit I see is having a 4k blu-ray player.

why is he missing teeth?


400 bucks for 4k/25fps performance

what a great bargain

>N O G A M E S
>400 Dollars

At least the switch has games.

Xbone otouto-san, you promised us PCbros geemu! Where are they?!


>playing on consoles for exclusives
No PCfag does this use false flagging sonybro.

Plenty do, though. Most probably don't as Cemu's popularity shows.

>It will not be more than $499. That is a fact and you know it.

What exclusives are worth playing on console to pcbros?

The thing is being promoted as comparable to a $1000 gaming pc...
Things going to cost $700

>factory overclocked RX 480 as its GPU
>'high end PC'


>72fps is bad

This chart is actually quite telling as to why they chose an overclocked rx 480 at Scorpio's GPU

The RX 480 in the chart gets 29 average FPS at 2160p. Put a slight overclock on it and it's 30+. 4k/30fps is scorpio's objective, so it makes sense to choose a 480

a game*

It is compared to 120+

1 2 switch
E-shop indie games

>Faggot stop acting like a 1060/480 are bad cards
He didn't say bad, he said they are not high end, which is true.

Yeah but consoles struggle at 60fps. How is 72fps bad compared to that?

>come to a board where surveys show the majority of people play on PC
>try and shill a console that maybe will play multiplats ok

What's the point?

>majority of people play on PC
>Sup Forums
pick one

Subjective question. Bloodborne, Ace Attorney, Persona etc come to mind

Oh did I miss E3 already? What month is it?


So Sup Forums, where do you stack up?

If you want to wait that long or don't mind bugs.

It wont be. They are going to price it competitively with the ps4 pro...

Does your pc do better? If so how much did it cost??

Kek. What one game? How are those multi plats?

No. You know this isnt true

Kinda proving my point user..


>impying this 480 in the xbox woulsnt outperform a 480 that is in a pc

Fine. But its pretty damn close to high end for way cheaper.

If it's not even a 1070 or 1080 then it's not even an impressive card. It's just slightly above average and completely underwhelming.

>tfw I still have my old faithful 670s

They are sli'd though so where does it put me?

>But its pretty damn close to high end
No, not really.
High end would be a 1080 or higher, while enthusiast would be the 1080 Ti/Titan Xp.

>slightly above average
>250 dollar cards

>if its not even the best graphics cards on the market it is shit

Do you know how ridiculous you sound???

>AMD Jaguar processor
>High end PC

Not with that bottleneck, it isn't.

dollar cards
The 8 GB 480 goes for sub $220 all the time, as does the 6 GB 1060.
Hell, the 4 GB 480 that's got similar performance goes for as low as $180.

>LITERALLY RX 480 + 6300 jaguar cpu

If you're trying to make the claim that Scorpio offers "high end pc performance" then it's a perfectly reasonable comparison.


120fps @ 1080p for majority of titles

feels good man

>Shilling all around the clock for a console that doesn't even exist until the very end of the year.


>b-but sales!
The 1060 and the 480 8gb are 250 dollar cards, user. That isn't "slightly above average". Both cards are fully capable of playing virtually every game at 60fps+ at 1080p.

does sli even do anything. every youtuber has the results that 2 sli cards still arent close to top tier cards. or are they just shilling?

>1070x2 < 1080 etc


Nigger stop pretending the cpu is going to be a bottleneck

Holy shit. This pc delusion. Look at this graph:You dont even get twice the fucking frames with a 1080. A card which costs MORE than the ENTIRE xbox. This is well above average performance on this console. Closer to high end

They look cool

Can I use keyboard and mouse on Scorpio?

They aren't shilling. Most games aren't designed for sli so it's mostly useless outside of benchmarks.

>gimped jaguar and 480 is highend now
how retarded cuck are you?
By the time this shit is released you will be able to build faster pc for same amount of money

>stop pretending the cpu is going to be a bottleneck

It will be a bottleneck for lots of games same as it has been with regular Xbone and PS4. Wait till they show anything that's not a fucking racing game

pic related: a build that's supposed to be worse than next gen consoles except it actually has a proper CPU

>high end pc performance
And none of PC's versatility. Check mate

For sure. For example I get performance similar to a buddy of mines 980. No way does a single 670 do that. Some games might not work well with SLI, but I would think thats mostly older games. I dont know why newer games wouldnt have SLI support. Tbh I have never encounteres a game that didnt support it. Anywho most games I can still run pretty decent. I mean I am not getting 60 fps at max settings anymore, but still pretty good performance for a computer built 6 or so years ago. Hell most of the time the biggest issue with my cards these days is them running out of vram

Bull shit. What games arent designed for SLI these days?? SLI has been around for fucking ever.

>That isn't "slightly above average"
That is actually, most GPUs sold are in the $100-$300 range.
>You dont even get twice the fucking frames with a 1080.
Yea man, you only get ALMOST twice the frames.
GTX 1080 BTFO, RX 480 confirmed for high end!
Look m8, even on that list you can see that it's near the bottom with multiple GPUs from both vendors outperforming it, with Nvidia's high end stomping it by nearly double.

>High end PC
>Only 400$

You do know that is very fucking unlikely? A PC that can 4k at Ultra settings with 60fps minimun is atleast a goddamn beast of a machine.
Hell, in some countries, that beast is cheaper in the long run than any console in the market.

Also, it's still a console, with all the limitations it carries that make it an inferior experience to a computer.

>Nigger stop pretending the cpu is going to be a bottleneck
You're fucking retarded. And the CPU in the Scorpio is going to be even worse than that.

>That is actually, most GPUs sold are in the $100-$300 range
And? Playing every game at 60fps+ isn't slightly above average. Just fuck off already.


>has 62% of the performance of top of the line pc GPUs

Pretty close to high end there. Also dont be retarded. CPU bottlenecks are hardly a thing

>when its released you will be able to build a more powerful pc

Bull fucking shit. You know thats true

Jesus why are pc fags so delusional???

>Playing every game at 60fps+ isn't slightly above average.
It is actually, it's a $250 GPU in a market with GPUs that regularly sell for $500+.
And the 480/1060 don't run every game at 60fps+.

So the Scorpio could end up being nearly half the cost of a comparable PC but with not even a tenth of the library and with only a few exclusives over PC? Sounds worthwhile to some people I guess.

>Only $400

got a source?

>>has 62% of the performance of top of the line pc GPUs
Actually, it's closer to 50%.
Unless by "top-of-the-line" you mean "high-end," because the 1080 isn't a top-of-the-line GPU.

>because ultra high end GPUs exist it is slightly above average
fuck off

>And the 480/1060 don't run every game at 60fps+.
Aside from a few outliers with terrible optimization, yes it does.


>>because ultra high end GPUs exist it is slightly above average
Yes, that's literally what it means.
A high end GPU existing literally moves lower-end GPUs closer to the average in terms of performance and price.
Are you baiting me?

>itt a bunch of pc bros talk about how any card below a 1080 is shit

So do you people update your gpus every year?? Pretty expensive hobby you got there.

But I don't own a PS4.

I do have a Switch, however

>Scorpio is advertised as the 4k machine
>Has a 480, which only gets 28 fps at 4k


is it just me or are these jews releasing new consoles faster and faster?

You're under the impression it's a jaguar evolved cpu but it's much more than a jaguar. It has those aspects to maintain bc with 360 and xb1 titles

The cpu shares attributes with ryzen, polaris, and jaguar. It's custom so MS could save money and they chose what they needed that best optimized the system.

Bottlenecks aren't happening. The dev kits have a screen that even point out bottlenecks

1080ti. So far, far, far above anything a console has.

>because ultra high end GPUs exist it is slightly above average
That's...true, though? Are you arguing that the xbone should get a participation trophy here or?

>using literally wrong
Why do morons always do this?

Just because the card isn't in the top 5 strongest cards doesn't make it slightly above average.

They'll probably upscale 4k like the Pro does. Or they'll keep it locked at 30fps with native 4k.

with none of the pc overhead. So it's 4K 60fps

Still better than no games at all.

So 400 for a new system plus online service fee plus the cost of buying a new game for the new console.


So is Microsoft taking the ultimate bath on this console then? I know consoles in general are a lose leader and even if it does let's say native 4k at 20-30fps that's still not cheap hardware, can we expect Live and game prices to increase as well so they can recoup their loses on console sales?

So it becomes impressive if we ignore everything better than it, is what you're saying


Doing this makes what is otherwise a valid point very hard to take seriously. It's the text equivalent of saying "um" every two words.

Not even rustled, just trying to help you be taken seriously by people.

>Just because the card isn't in the top 5 strongest cards doesn't make it slightly above average.
But when it's only in the top 20 strongest in a conceivable market of 50-60 GPUs, that does make it slightly above average.
Unless you're gonna be a retard and compare it to GPUs from a decade ago.