Dark Souls 3

Now that the dust has settled, is it accepted that this was the best fight in the game?

Better than Artorias desu

no, it's a shitty unfair meme boss that doesn't deserve to be the final das3 boss.

>preferring this garbage over midir

final das3 boss is SoC dumbass Gael is last boss of TRC

Maybe if he wasn't some literally who character that had zero presence and character. I honestly think Soul of Cinder was a better send off for the series, especially the first phase.

you are so fucking retarded. It's recommended to do TRC after finishing the main game so I consider Gael to be the actual last boss.

>Being this anally devastated about getting btfo by one of the best bosses in the game

Git gud and try again

Not because the fight itself, but because how the fight restarts when you die. So fucking cool

your a idiot i definitely consider the burnt ivory king to be the final bosserino tbqfhwy aha

Gael is shit, literally the only reason he's remotely challenging is because all of his attacks hit everything in a 360 degree arc.
He's like Friede, another generic anime boss, everything wrong with DaS3.

He's the easiest boss in the DLC though

Gael is too easy because you can poise break him so even UGS can get super offensive with charges R2s he dies quick.

Midir and soul of cinder are better

but Midir isn't that great. Sinh and Kalameet are a lot more fun

yet he's still vastly better than Gael. All the DLC bosses for 3 are pretty low tier, nothing even close to Sinh, Manus or Alonne.

>One of if not the first undead slave knight from the age of the gods
>His own quest long forgotten and drawn to the forlorn painted world
>With renewed purpose he seeks the dark soul so the painter may paint a world he truly longs to be part of.

>literally who

Soul of Cinder is still the best in 3.

Gael has way few moves for his health pool, and you dodge them all the same way.

My point is that we only see him during the dlc and even then it's very briefly. As gay as it sounds, I had zero emotional investment in that fight.

This is a contrarian!

He has like 5 fucking lines in the entire game. He IS a literal nobody and a completely shitty ending to the series.

literally most ludo moment in the series

He was easier than Gwyn desu.
Legit fight Gwyn, not your pussy parry cheats

Yes, he is super fun. But the lightning in phase 3 felt completely out of place.

Friede is also a great fight. I wasnt a huge fan of DS3 overall but there has been some amazing bosses.

>mash roll away from him
>once at distance, he does the jump attack
>attack twice, rinse and repeat
Yeah no, Gwyn is mediocre either way.

>Zero emotional investment in that fight
>Shitty ending to the series
As you should, welcome to the shitty, unavoidable end of the world starring two useless fucking undead who never could do anything to stop it while they fight over something long rendered useless.

Did you stupid shits really expect something from a series that constantly reinforces THAT THE FIRE IS FADING AND NO ONE CAN STOP IT, ONLY PROLONG ITS FLICKERING LIGHT?



That's a shitty cop out. Most people beat Gael then didn't even realize it was over because it was so anti climactic. Trying to pretend it's some deep bullshit that MEANS something is retarded, DaS3 lore is from beginning to end nothing but meaningless nonsense.

The best boss in the game is Soul of Cinder. The difficulty is correct. Has a ton of different moves, that not only makes the fighting more interesting, but directly talks to you about who he is; the descriptions of his items are only a confirmation of what you imagine while you are fighting. Has one of the best piece of soundtrack of the saga, witch also talks about the lore of the boss in the middle of the fight in the second fase. Incredible design in general, not to mention that the place where you fight it's just epic.

A boss it's not justo roll, attack and "BUT THIS IS MORE DIFFICULT".

>Its meaningless

You are finally beginning to understand the plot

>b-b-but it's MEANT to be shit

I didn't mind his second phase, but the fact that his first phase has him switching between all kinds of player builds got me so hyped, it was great.

No happy ending for you, this is Dark Souls after all.

What you said is true but then again it isn't.

You are fighting over an "item" that will make it possible to create a parallel universe where things can continue. That was the whole point of all of it.

Regular painted worlds are not made with such powerful souls and this one would be something unprecedented and likely permanent.

The shitty part is that there is no emotional investment in the fight since Gael is a literal who and when you do bring back the pigment to the girl she just says okay I'll paint this now and you never see what it turns out to be.

>give her the pigment
>"oh boy I can't wait to paint that new world"
I am a little upset that that's all we get.

That's not how he said it, stop exaggerating.

The big theme of the series is struggling against the inevitable.

>shitty unfair meme boss

>took 70% of his health off in my first attempt
>about the same damage wise + learnt his moveset more in my second attempt
>beat him on third attempt

Which has literally nothing to do with the DLC having a non-ending that leaves the vast majority of players asking "Ok I beat Gael, where do I go next?"

Meaningless =/= shit.

The whole point of Dark Souls is that nothing you do will amount to anything in the long run.

You know, like in real life. You'll die and vanish forever, and eventually the entire universe will freeze to death forever.

But it was shit.

Fromsoftwere just fucked up the story with the dlcs. It's ok to have a story where you can make your research and try to figure out what's happening. But man, Dark Souls 1 talks to you directly about what was happening, at least on the more important things. These dlcs are a mess that only confuses you and you end up in the end of the world because you touched something, fighting against a guy named Gael who we barely know and the so speculated pygmy is a bunch of normal guys who Gael already kill. It's just terrible, you can understand the very basics, but nothing more. It became a just frustrating, not the great experience that Dark Souls 1 gave us.

You know, if even ONE character in the whole fucking series just decided it was so fruitless to fight it would've had some impact.

But no.

Everyone just does the thing because they have to.

I love this DLC because it finally lays to rest that stupid fucking "Pygmy is one guy" theory.

Crestfallen guys don't count?

that's because it was Artorias on steroids and crack simultaneously

>waaah dark souls 3 just copies literally everything from previous games
>waaaah dark souls 3 tried to do something new this guy has never been in any of the previous games
make up your mind faggots

but doesn't every fight do that

I fought SoC directly after Gael at the same sl and it felt pitifully easy in comparison, won first try with plenty of estus to spare while gael took like 3 and I had 10 hp and no estus at the final blow

>final fight is against a random guy with no importance to the world and 5 lines of dialogue total that wants to paint a picture because he is sad

Weak shit. I would've even fought against a fucking primordial serpent rather than this shit

>waaaah dark souls 3 tried to do something new this guy has never been in any of the previous games

This is horseshit and you know it.

The difference between Gael being someone we know and some random fuck is similiar to the Firstborn. Everyone knew who he was since 1, but never saw him until 3, and when we did it was hype as fuck.

Gael is just some guy who teleports you and can be summoned at Friede. Thats it. Then suddenly hes a boss.

It was dumb and shitty, and I hope the rumors about the third DLC are true.

Midir is Sinh but not shit
Alonne is just another big dude w/ sword

Crestfallen guys aren't plot significant.

gwyn was never hard though

the parry just made it even easier

I'm not really mad at what end up being the pygmy, but more to the role they play in the game.

These two DLCs could maybe have a good story if Fromsoftwere didn't try to attach it to the main story of the saga. To me, they just made a mess.

I think they should've gone full fanservice and gone with Solaire somehow
>starts out with "guardian of sunlight" or some shit above healthbar, gear is falling apart covered in moss and unrecognizable
>after you beat him/at half health he pulls a ludwig

>shit on the crown dlcs with wolnir
>shit on ds2 adding almost nothing
>the only throwback to it is to DS2' worst area aka the fucking mill

Miyazaki really does hate DS2 doesn't he?

Tanimura is Miyazaki's fuckpig.

>the only throwback to it is to DS2' worst area aka the fucking mill
which was also in a canonical pile of garbage
where it belongs

>it's like x on crack!

No matter who they had done it would've been a literal who

Soul of Cinder was a who and was fucking perfect because they were intelligent. Not like this time.

Or just said fuck it and save the Nameless King for the final boss of the DLCs. Would give us more backstory than memeing that he fucked a Dragon even though he probably did



Wolnir's soul and crown state that he literally went before all the rightful rulers, destroyed them izi, literally destroyed their crowns, with the dust made his crown and succumbed to the abyss with it therefore destroying the entire plotline of the corwns given to the rightful lords by the easiest bossfight in the game after deacons

I prefer the Soul of Cinder, but that's just because it felt like it had more meaning to the PLAYER. To your character, the Soul is just a crazy bastard with a fire sword trying to stop him, but the player knows that you're basically having the ultimate rematch with Gwyn, which feels like an appropriate way to end the series.

Gael is a neat character and a great fight, but it doesn't feel like his boss fight has as much meaning to the player.

there is nothing that indicates they were the DLC crowns or kings

>New game by director is more like the other ones he directed than the one he didn't

yeah man he just HATES DS2 what a troll!

>what is pathos