>Pick up a gun
>The safety's off
Pick up a gun
Other urls found in this thread:
Frig off Cyrus
>switch to pistol
>chambers a round
>switch to primary
>switch to pistol again
>chambers a round
>Game has Cyrus
>You can't play as him
thread music
>trailer park level
>Cyrus music starts playing
Better chill out there, heavy metal dick
Oh fuck it's getting louder
Dude when you put a pistol away you should always dechamber it at least or it might go off accidentally.
>Randy chooses Coach in L4D2
>Coach says he's a "one man cheeseburger apocalypse"
Heeeey, smokey!
>switch to pistol
>*racks the slide*
>switch to AR
>*pulls charging handle*
>switch to pistol
>*racks the slide*
>switch to AR
>*pulls charging handle*
Are there any games with a safety mechanic?
>Start shooting Cyrus the end game boss
>As soon as his health gets low he turns to you and says;
Fuck off I got work to do.
>DLC/Next game releases next year featuring Giga-Cyrus, safety, always off. Father hating, weed smoking, greasy dancing lunatic.
>switch to AR
>cock it
>group of enemies surrounds you
>cacophony of bolts getting racked as they simply point their weapons at you
Knock knock.
Fuck off, Randy.
fuck off randy
Season 11 sucked
fuck off
Jumping from season 7 to 8 felt weird.
It seemed they changed major plotpoints like lahey was never a cop in season 7 and more.
Does the show get better or should I drop it?
You are thinking of de-cocking.
frig off randy
Are there any games where the first 8 titles are good but got worse then another company comes in to find them but the characters get fat and completely ruin the series because they can't be used for any other games but then on the 11th game they go back to their roots while not being as terrible as their 9th and 10th game but still not being as good as their first couple of games?
it should have just ended at 7 imo. the original writer gave his best wishes to the boys and left and now the direction is all messed up.
Fuck off
fuck off randy
>Switch AR
>Pulls the one that isn't the charging bolt
Kiss my ass
Do non-leafs actually watch TPB? Seems like most of the humour would be lost on them
would it kill developers to program in
>do i need to rack this?
it would be a nice touch and can't be that difficult
thought i already told you to fuck off randy
Fuck off randy
>tfw out of pepperoni and cigarettes
>play survival game
>another player is chasing me with a machete
>find a gun and pick it up
>pull the trigger
>safety is on
>die because safety was on
fuck the frick off
Europoor here, started watching it just this week and I love it. Must miss something since I have no idea what you're referring to.
What's different about the humour?
It's just poor people trying to make money, poor people exist everywhere in the world.
A lot of it is pretty universal. Sure, there's different terminology and other such things, but almost anyone can easily get the concept of a bunch of fuck-ups living in a trailer park.
>shoot gun a few times
>"FUCK OFF WITH THE GUNS" is heard in the distance
I'm in the US, and there's nothing I really had trouble understanding.
The "grade 10" thing made easy scratch my head a bit since I thought it was something akin to a diploma or whatever, but it turns out it was literally just passing the tenth grade.
Other than that, it's pretty straightforward..
I wonder who that guy is
It's fucking Donny, who else.
I think.
yeah, donny was voiced by bubble's actor
noguns pls
If you have a decent holster and aren't just sticking it in your waistband or a cloth pouch, this is never an issue.
>final boss thinks you're looking at his gut
Is he the actman? I like his videos.
Holy shit, I've seen this series like 3 times and don't remember hearing about Donny at all, what the fuck is wrong with me.
Thank you, based anons.
>final boss is a mustard tiger
literally not vidya
literally kill yourself
>swamp level
>greasy hillbilly music starts playing
wow that looks stupid
>withdraw gun from holster
>it has no safety
Frig of randy
Fuck those guys for leaving the safety off as they died
Bunch of assholes
>Take the firearm out of holster
>Firearm's safety is on the trigger itself
Frig off, Randy