What's stopping you from learning and playing melty blood?

What's stopping you from learning and playing melty blood?

It's free, it's fun and it has a great community. It may be tough at first but you can make it with some determination!

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I'm already learning SF and GG.

Where do I start?

Is there a stick I can buy to use between my PS3/4 and PC?

Because T-M doesn't care about Turkeyhandle anymore and virtually all of it is nerfed/retconned anyway.

>25 bucks

kohaku best girl

Because this game doesn't like how I input commands so half the time moves don't come out.
Never had any issues with other fighters.


This pastebin has all the info for the game. Be sure to join the discord, it's very helpful.

Any PS4 stick works on PC I'm pretty sure. You can also just use keyboard or pad if you already own them.

No one plays the steam version because the netcode is bad. Everyone plays the pirated version.

It may have to do with your deadzone setting if you're playing on caster. Try to adjust that.

Also you can go in training mode and show inputs to see exactly what's going wrong.

i am a dumbfuck and got the steam version, what version should i look for the pirated one?

There's a download link with everything in the pastebin in the post you quoted.

Download that stuff and be sure to join the discord linked there.

He might mean input shortcuts like 313 to get dp instead of 623 in that case he just needs to PRACTIIIIIIIIIIICE.

thanks user, see you in game so you can see how much i suck at fighting games!

It's normal to suck at first so do not get demoralized if you want to learn. Even though it looks impossible, you will get better with time if you keep at it, but you have to lose a lot to get there.

There's a lot of good players in the discord but there's a few newer ones too.

How is this better than cummies blasterz

For starters it has a good netcode so you can actually play it online.
It's also alive, with people actually playing.

Meh, I only play locally anyway

Why would I play a mediocre fighting game with a niche community when I can play a good fighting game with a vast community?

>Lunar Princess series


Tsukihime Fun Disc: Plus+Disc

Tsukihime Fun Disc: Kagetsu Tohya

>Melty Blood

Melty Blood: Re-Act Final Tuned

Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code - Community Edition

Melty Blood manga

I'm sure there's noone in my entire country that plays this game, and internet services blow so netplay is also not the best idea

only thing I have is a gamecube controller too

Does the free version has the new character from steam?

There's a new character in the steam version?

Hosting east coast

I hope my internet doesn't randomly die out

Pretty much this. Fighting games are already games that you have to autistically train at to git gud. Might as well do it for one that's got some real sized community so you can at least win locals or something.

If you take pride in playing strictly "kusoge" and shit that's unpopular, reevaluate your life.

Because it's not mediocre, but in my opinion the best and most fun fighting game you can possibly play.

Popularity has nothing to do with how good a game is. If you can find people to play with, why do you care how many concurrent players there are at any time? Does it make a difference for you if there are 100 players or 1000000 players when you're just gonna play one at a time?

Steam does not have any new characters.

If you don't have a local community to play with online matters.

>tfw want to read tsukihime to understand the backstory behind the melty blood characters but the prose is so bad.

Yes, and?

I don't have a local community and I've been playing melty online for years.

I will wait until they fix the netcode on steam, I am too lazy to set up the pirate version.

If the online community is too small you could end up with very few people to get quality matches with and playing the same people over and over can get stale.
A more popular game can give a greater variety of players and better odds of there being people in your region to play. Not to mention better odds of finding someone in your skill range.

Is it a good game for getting fighting game basics down? Things like ingraining the basic motions into muscle memory, improving reaction time, learning how to block the billion things coming my way.

We have UMvC3 at work and for someone who doesn't know shit about fighting games, it's a total clusterfuck.

lack of interest

Never had problems with finding opponents and I've been playing the game almost every day for over 4 years now.

Because I play an actual good game like GG that actually has a striving community

>it has a great community
Maybe in Jap/US.

You literally only need to download the game and set the buttons in the caster.

I think so, but the best for that would probably be SFV since it's so simple.

It's too difficult for me. Reverse beats are too complicated for me. I can block them and find weaknesses in strings, but I suck at doing block strings.

Well thanks for your anecdotal evidence.
>It works for me!

while the combat looks cool and the sprite animation is nice I really couldn't care for the character designs. They're so plain and generic sameface anime it's almost like they're made to be cosplay bait.

Play full moon since it doesn't have reverse beats.

Still hosting

Every game has its own speed and frame data so no, basic motions can be one thing any fighter can ingrain but movement/blocking/reaction timing depends for each game.

Play what appeals to you from the get go, don't bother withe mindset of "noob friendly" games in this genre.

The "basics" vary between games, best way to learn is find a game you actually like and not what people tell you is the best and try to find people around your skill level to play with.

Because none of my friends play it anymore, and I'm bad at it.

I hop on training from time to time just to keep me entertained, I like this game too much.
I'll get gud one day.

Nice try Brick

Full moon isn't optimal though?

Because it's different from other FGs. If you think it's mediocre it means you don't care for its mechanics or merits. There's a reason Act Cadenza was one of the most popular fighters in Japan for a time.

Melty isn't that difficult to get into. Mechanics are pretty basic and it doesn't have a billion cancels, reversals and guard types and shit like GG. Still, they overcomplicated it unnecessarily in AA IMO, but I didn't play it that much.

No, not really. It's alright for anime fighters, which focus more on character movement, gatling combo execution, and fast-paced spacing and zoning. There are obviously basic skills you learn, but something like SF is more about autistic ground spacing to do shit like hitconfirm a low forward into a super, since they have much more limited movement.

I've been in the discord and I see people asking for games all the time, I know what it's like. Unlike you.

There is no "best" moon. Each of the three moons has their pros and cons. For an example I can't into c-tohno or h-tohno, but f-tohno feels comfortable for me. But that doesn't mean I don't like crescent moon. I main c-nanaya and play a lot of c-ryougi too. Just play on whichever moon you feel the best with whatever character.

Europe is super active though, I'm european myself. Have you tried joining the discord?

What? Plenty of full moon characters are great.

>good game
>nearly every character has some bullshit okizeme setup that forces you into blocking multiple high/low mixups
>miss literally the first second of the match and get hit by one (1) normal
>this happens

Might as well play Marvel.

Still hosting. Will give up if no one joins within 30 minutes.

I hope no one joins and you waste 30 minutes of your life on a dead game.

>Anime blockstring combo game
Nigga no. Why are these shitty games more popular than Virtua Fighter. Fuck. I can't wait for Tekken 7 to come out so I'll have something to play.

>Too much thinking!!!!!!

>playing 3D fighters ever

Sorry, connection seemed better at the start but it became a lot worse suddenly.

I played VF5 before I got into melty blood.

It's alright. I guess I'll stop since my internet sometimes shits on itself sometimes.

I played it lots on ps2

Or Melty blood since every character has great to solid okizeme as well.

Also he got hit by a counter hit combo so he did actually press something and he didn't block the next combo either. The same thing would have happened in melty. Depending on the character you could just be infinite'd too.

I used to play it. It was one of my first fighting game I took seriously.

As my tastes got refined, I found airdashers to be boring to play. Just not my style anymore. Too bad, F-Nero has a fun moveset.

Because I don't have the time, effort or autism to git gud in fighting games.

Shitty flash game

Who should I pick if I'm new?
Also, what's the deal with double characters?

>anime fighter


Let's see if you know what you are talking about. Which characters could infinite you in melty?

im too dumb to figure out how to open ports

I'm invested in too many fighting games as it is. I was decent with the red haired broad in the t shirt and jeans, but I couldn't pull myself away from whatever other fighting game I was playing at the time.

I want to pick it up again, but I never got around to it.

They added some more bullshit okizeme tools in Actress Again (another reason for not liking it), but it's still not as bad as GG.

Damage is much lower in melty, so that wouldn't have happened, especially meterless. I don't think there's counter-hit bonus damage, and if there is it's not that significant. There's also no dizzy state for free combo extension. The most realistic scenario is that maybe 1/3 of the opponents life would have been shaved off, and forced into an okizeme setup, depending on the character.


It's been vandalized but you can just set viewing mode in the top right and you won't see all the shit edits.

Double characters are usually similar to the single character version, but lose some moves and instead get some special moves that are performed by the other character. The maids can also tag during a match to switch character.

You don't have to open your ports if the other person hosts and has his ports open.

>whats stopping you from playing this gayass anime game?


>What's stopping you from learning and playing
Low self-esteem.

I liked that one guy with the long hair who punched shit. I've been playing KoF, GG, and SFV recently though so I haven't really played it in a while.

You can make it user!!

Off the top of my head Red Akiha f was the one I remember. I wanna say Roa C can do it too but I'm not sure about that one. Not infinite characters but I know no melty player wants to be knocked down by a Kohaku C or frankly any maid.

It's not like GG has counter hit damage either. Millia just one of the lowest HP and Stun pools of the entire cast. I'm pretty sure a good full meterless combo from a good character in Melty can do at least 4k - 5k and gets you a mix up and (almost) corner. In corner I'm pretty sure 6 - 7k isn't unreasonable either.

What's okizeme?

C-Roa doesn't have one. F-VAkiha is the only one, but it's so hard no one can do it.
I dislike Kohaku because she's similar to a GG character with her safe oki, but complaining about her while praising GG doesn't make sense.

Counterhits make a lot of diference for available combo routers in GG though, which can lead to much bigger damage.

What you do to a character that's getting up from a knockdown.

I'm not complaining about GG. I love GG. I just think it's kinda funny to criticize GG for sometime like heavy set up or it's high damage and then recommend Melty. I like Melty too. Both have lots of set play and it's one of my favorite things in both. Both also have pretty insane damage outputs too.

I don't think I've ever seen that much damage and I've played thousands of matches
Not gonna happen meterless. Think 2.5-4k. Most accurate number would probably be around 3300. With a jump-in j.C maybe 3700.

The HORI RAP4 has PS3, PS4, and PC settings.

I've never heard of a game being praised for its setplay. What do you mean?

Really? I remember Kohaku C can convert a full screen combo into corner okizeme for about 4.8 - 5k and her damage is really low. Like from just a normal low she uses in one of her mix ups on any wake up situations.

I'd rather stick to Revelator, since GG's always been my main game.

Is there a chance Guilty Gear XX could get popular like this game?
(Can't run Xrd)

I mean knocking your opponent and then having tons of mix ups to make them unable to correctly block. I like that, and both games reward it extensively for people who like to explore advantageous mix up situations.

How the fuck can you not handle Xrd? It's just Unreal 3.

shitty laptop :(

As someone who's played a fuck ton of UNIEL Hyde, who's the closest to his playstyle in Melty? He's the most fun MC I've played in a fighting game.

What a basic bitch

I'd play if someone hosts, but I can't port forward on this router.

I don't normally play MC's, but Hyde just clicked with me.
I played Gordie too.

You'll fit right in with the Melty Blood community, then.

The game is split into two scenarios: Near Side and Far Side.

The manga does a better job telling the story of the Near Side which might pique your interest

English - bakabt.me/details.php?id=162022
French - ki-oon.com/mangas/tomes-290-tsukihime.html
Japanese - rawcs.net/753.html
Russian - livingflcl.eva-not-end.com/manga/complete/tsukihime.html
Spanish- mega.nz/#F!ChhQ3byQ!y7h6Th-6bY1DswbC8H0nvQ

Is this shopped?

Nope that's the Melty Blood grand finals.

I can assure you it's not. Melty Blood is the definition of poverty fighter.

Looks weeb.

It's a fighting game based off of Japanese Twilight