There are people who don't think Aloy looks cute

>there are people who don't think Aloy looks cute

did they model her on ygritte

Yes, she even has crooked teeth like book-Ygritte.

is she somehow related to the sherminator?

Fucking hacks.


>empty expression
>thousand yard stare
>always this wild west pose like she has some revolvers ready

The person they based her off of was never that pretty in the first place.

It's simply made worse by the haircut they chose for her in the game.

t. Gaylord Focker

So gorgeous

What even happened to this game? It got released, had good numbers for a new IP and then just disappeared completely

Alloy a cute.CUUUUUTE!


>implying Sup Forums is representative for all of gaming culture.

The OT on neogaf f.e. is still goiing strong. Its threads just get shitposted to death here on v.

>exhales slowly
>halitosis makes you gag

>Released at the same time as Botw,Nier, Persona 5, and Ass Effect
It was dead on arrival only people still discussing it are neofags who have a boner for playstation graphics.

Her face is shaped weird and her hair is just plain ugly

>horizon outsold botw, nier and persona combined

So this is waht that things reminds me. Sandal went full enchantment and became a grill.

I love aloy and her gross, slimy, stinky pee soaked vagina!


Wildlands outsold it in the first week. Game is shit, then Ubi ran with the money like the little jew bastards that they are. Its like sales aren't indicative of quality.

Loos like Zac Efron with a wig.

Ninja Theory had Aloy beat 7 years ago

Ahoy aloy



>white skin, nigger lips

Yes, I'm surprised more people haven't called them out for this


Why do they only have one face for their female characters? I'm surprised she doesn't have an eye smear face paint.

>sonybros actually think aloy is pretty



Its the biggest release by far this year and the also the fastest player drops. No official count but its the highest selling 2017 game to date. Dudebros and people who plays shooters still outnumber RPG players.

Wildlands is actually great, much better than Horizon. which doesn't even have co-op.

Wildlands is the Ubisoft open world game. It gets old fast, the guns doesn't feels weak and the missions are boring.


She honestly looks like a retarded lesbian. Western developers cannot make realistic character designs at all because they are usually socially awkward SJW omega numales. They especially cannot do females probably because they are afraid of females in real life

lol Horizon is a Ubisoft open world game too. Except you play as an ugly girl, there's no vehicles, and you can't play with friends.



>reaching this hard
She is objectively pretty based on anatomical ratios. There is no disputing it. The SJW shit applies to everything except her design. They still had the marketing sense to focus on a pretty white girl.

I do think shes ugly (like every dutch woman) but the graphics are impressive for sure.

>muh secret coolguys club **le anonymouse video game channers**

go back there cuck


I wonder why.


>mfw we could have had this instead


>le best foru- *banned*

>implyinh there are mods here

on neofags


why does it have tits?

really epic
now go back to neogaf

>three horizon threads in a row

I guess when talking about the game fails you gotta appeal for waifufagging

>empty expression
>thousand yard stare
Sounds like an accurate depiction of a woman

keep posting it untill we like it right?