Are Secret of Mana 1-2 worth playing? What are they like? I know the second one didn't have an official english release, but there are fan translations available.
I've only played Legend of Mana and loved it, though I had no idea what the fuck was going on there as a kid
Are Secret of Mana 1-2 worth playing? What are they like? I know the second one didn't have an official english release...
Secret of Mana is good.
Legend of Mana is fucking shit.
They are.
A lot of games in the SNES library are worth playing...
why dont you just download it and see for yourself?
>A lot of games in the SNES library are worth playing...
but not these ones
gotta ask Sup Forums first
They're both better than LoM.
>though I had no idea what the fuck was going on there as a kid
Playing it as an adult won't change that.
Secret of Mana 2 is my favorite game of all time
it has more customization and replayability
>asking Sup Forums for video game advise
you do know that most people here dont play games.
plus, you could just play like the first hour of the game and decide if you want to continue playing it. not sure why thats a difficult thing for you to do on your own.
yes. get the extra dialog patch for som. fusoya or something i think made it.
for sd3 get the translation patch and the fix only version of the 'hard type' patch, it fixes a lot of bugs
Should I play the original GB game or the GBA remake?
I loved Secret of Mana.
I even still have the strategy guide somewhere in a box.
So many cool bosses in that game.
Only SoM and SD3 aren't meme games.
>get the extra dialog patch for som. fusoya or something i think made it.
Did the western release have fewer dialogues than Japanese or something?
You've all played and enjoyed Secret of Mana, but who played this bad boy back then?
what CRT shader is that?
Both are great games.
>own a copy of it
>never played it
tell me about it user.
yes, the na released used a wide font which wouldn't allow for the full translation. the dialog patch just throws in some extra stuff and makes the font a lot more readable anyways.
I'm currently playing this on ZSNES netplay with a friend
blargg's ntsc
Tonight you will turn off the lights, sit down in front of a shitty 20 year old TV and start playing that fucker like you are meant to.
He said Secret of Mana 1 and 2 user.
Never Forget
Playing old games like these on an emulator is just not the same man
Play seiken densetsu 3 i think it was the best of the series
The gameplay of the original GB game is much more fluid, that's why it's still preferred by most fans. Graphics are pretty dated and the inventory is a mess.
Still, I think the remake is also a good game that connects better to the rest of the series.
There is a third option though, a Vita/iOS/Android-remake made with the same engine as Rise of Mana. I haven't played this one though.
There is no such game as "Secret of Mana 2". Perhaps you are referring to Seiken Densetsu 3.
>game came with a walkthrough that showed moonpearl spell x99
>need loads of dry ice for that
>can't get that much ingame
>actually called nintendo to ask them how they managed to get that number
>nintendo told me it's impossible
played the game up and down to no end
good old joke.
As a kid, I hated Secret of Mana.
Growing up, I thought maybe I would enjoy it more now that I've matured into a bitter old man, I hate it more because this time I actually beat it.
>it has more customization and replayability
way too short on a single route tho and because of that turns repetitive quickly
>I hate it more because this time I actually beat it.
hahahahaha how shit were you at video games as a kid?
I beat the game when I was like 8
It's got the same ring menus and combat like SoM. Also, you get a dog that fights with you.
Confirmed for best kept SNES secret.
Literally no one calls Legend of Mana, Secret of Mana 2.
Secret of Mana 2 is always referring to seiken densetsu 3
I've never heard of the moonpearl spell, but I think you can buy dry ice in the lab. You need to do certain things for it to become available though.
one of the only true cult classics
Seiken dentetsu 3 is a gen and one of the best videogames ever made
play it
The term "Secret of Mana 2" never existed anywhere referring to ANY game. Seiken Densetsu 3 is Seiken Densetus 3 and Legend of Mana is Legend of Mana.
I thought that would be Terranigma.
The amount of stunlock and stupid NPC AI make Secret of Mana a real chore at times.
If you can, play with a friend, do. It makes the game much better.
Terranigma is my favorite game of all time.
Only game that made me legitimately cry too.
I heard three player was amazing. Too bad multitaps were somewhat rare and the only games that used them were SoM and Bomberman.
This game was almost perfect. God, the soundtrack always makes me cum.
Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 are god tier. You should play these.
Don't bother with GB Final Fantasy Adventure, play the Adventures of Mana graphic overhaul for Vita if you must, but Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu/Sword of Mana for GBA is best version of the first game in the series.
Legend of Mana has god tier music and graphics, fun gameplay, but some terrible systems design. Absolutely should be played with a 100% walkthrough if you want to see the whole game, which is worth doing.
Seiken Densetsu 4 is more of a 3D platformer RPG (fuck you Kingdom Hearts), again has god tier music and art, but the physics engine gimic is not good.
Children of Mana is decent, but not the best or most memorable. Play if you want more like SD2+3.
Heroes of Mana is an RTS. Pretty darn good, but not that sophisticated for the genre.
We don't talk about Friends of Mana or Circle of Mana. Fucking Japanese mobile market ruins everything...
Gonna check out the android remake and pirate it
English version it's called Meteorite for the Call Up spell
In German it's called Moon Stone and it's the limiting ingredient, at least I never found a way to get unlimited.
Also, Secret of Evermore had Secret of Mana's engine but none of the charm, music or art. It has no multiplayer, and story was written but a brain damaged retard.
>Secret of Evermore
it's really weird how I started playing it and I couldn't think of anything but "this is actually really fucking bad"
>story was written but a brain damaged retard
German translation took so many liberties it was actually pretty decent
I thought the spell mechanics was pretty neat. But yeah, the game is very dull.
>none of the charm, music or art
The bleak atmosphere from ancient greece on was pretty dope, but I always hated the prehistory
Pretty enjoyable. It's kind of weird that at the time it was widely panned.
>tfw you finish mapping out all the market vendors for dat maximum trading efficiency
yes, its weird how praised it is
Terranigma, however, is being a nice surprise and pretty good, way more on the action side than on the rpg side than in the mana games but still fantastic
I can confirm 3 player SoM is incredible, as long as you're not playing with total fucktards.
3rd game in series, soulblazer and illusion of gaia are also great games
i would recommend illusion to anyone who like SNES ARPGs, but soulblazer takes some getting used to
Hey faggots, should I play Final Fantasy Adventure remake for iOS/Android, the original Gameboy version or Sword of Mana since its a remake but also different? I really wanted to play this version(pic related) but I doubt it was translated
It had its own (creepy) vibe. I enjoyed all the settings except the Victorian or medieval or whatever one.
SoM definitely had GOAT SNES music, I can remember almost every single track in the entire game even now. Evermore not so much
Eh I think the art fit the game well. The boss with all the pipes and shit was really memorable for instance.
what do you mean by 1-2? Secret of Mana is the 2nd one in the series the first being Final Fantasy Adventure on the gameboy and those are both worth playing. There is another one on the SNES, but you have to find a translation and it's pretty shitty compared to Secret of Mana. You liked Legend of Mana, so you might like it anyways.
>illusion of gaia
I really liked this, then did the run where you get all the something-or-others to unlock the secret area later in the game. I recall it being exceptionally brutal
Sword of Mana on GB Player or emu is best experience.
Adventures of Mana on a Vita TV next best if you really want to experience the 1991 game boy gameplay (Adventures plays the same as 1991 game)..
Don' t forget original first one.
>except the Victorian or medieval or whatever one
that was always my favourite
Secret of Mana Zero
Secret of Mana Beginnings
I couldn't get into it and dropped the game a couple of times, the game has some nice tracks here and there, but I hated the gameplay and the AI for your companions, furthest I got was the snake boss recolor after the mana fortress.
>let's put a giant snake in a crowded area and make it stunlock everyone on it's path to death
Funny that you mention this game, last time I posted about it in one of these threads I was shitposted to death.
That said, I liked the game far more than Secret of Mana, soundtrack included.
Amazing atmosphere. Awesome premise. Highly memorable. Frustratingly difficult.
I must have rented this game twenty times when I was a kid. I should have just bought it.
>I must have rented this game twenty times when I was a kid
Same. I have very clear memories of everything in the game up until the Victorian era or so, because that's about how far I'd get each time before returning it. Don't remember why I didn't just check it back out...
In fact I'm pretty sure I only beat it on an emulator like a decade later lol
This game had so much fucking atmosphere and character
The best part was Player 2 could control the dog
>The best part was Player 2 could control the dog
Only with a patched rom.
the sword of mana for the gba is your best choice
My little brother helped me finish the game as the future missile toaster dog so that can't be true
You never had a little brother, he was an imaginary friend created by your autism.
Yeah you're probably right
Mine too, the mirrored land was a great idea. Also this boss music:
Stop being so autistic.
Like Friends and Circle of Mana this game is completely lost until someone find a used Japanese mobile phone where all the necessary data is still stored and emulates it.
Jeremy Soule did the soundtrack for this, man is a fucking legend.
Why is so hard to find the files? One would think that japs would upload that shit somewhere or have it lying around in their hdd
Wait, is this the game that's related to one of those creepypastas? Like there's something in SoE about dead kids or something along those lines
I love these comfy SNES threads.
Oh never mind, that was a hoax. The producer of the game confirmed it in the comments.
Its funny how Sup Forums has nice comfy retro threads while /vr/ would just be autistic screeching of which game is better.
Because the Japanase are generally not as piratey as we are, at least that's my impression. If you're looking for rips of exclusive Japanese games or scans of Japanese material it's usually us who have to organize it.