It's that time again Sup Forums

It's that time again Sup Forums.

Google the title of one of your favorite games followed by the word "meme" and post the first image.

Things went ok


As expected.



video game logic lulz






>favorite game doesn't have memes based on it

How did Minions become so big while rabbits faded away?

Does it still count if it's not actually the game I wanted?



I'm surprised I found anything, really.

spot on

Could be worse

>tfw too niche to have memes


>see bait on Sup Forums
>google for memes
>more bait

Pretty nice artwork for tactics ogre.

Call me a normie, this is a great game.



>tactical rts
god fucking damn it

i made this image a long time ago on some irrelevant meme sites

hated it because of the amount of spelling mistakes i made there


Aren't all RTS games tactical by definition?

I tried Thief II The Metal Age first but there was nothing

Yeah, but JA isn't RTS. It's TBS.

apparently here "tactical RTS" = "TBS"



>game is too obscure to be tainted by the cancerous kiddies and their degenerate memes
what's her name Sup Forums?

Pretty accurate on insane desu.


Hey guys...did you know...that things you can do in video games would look ridiculous and make no sense in a real life context?

I really fucking hate video game """""humor""""""

cigars don't heal broken limbs in MGS3, i think it's more about that snake always call people when he's in trouble and can't figure things for himself ( except when it come to guns and killing people )


The only decent image in this thread because it's cute


h-hey there's nothing wrong with grinding games :(

I xD'd

nothing with square enix in it can be niche

If I grind Bastion of Chaos on Elite until I'm lvl 75 do I get a guaranteed lvl 75 legendary item for the final quest reward?




I was expecting a lot worse.




>tfw to stupid to understand the user interface



It's actually true though.

eh, could be worse

>Tony Hawk's The Elder Dogma Shadow of Metal Souls Downhill Jam of The Cooking Xenomama Chronicles Gear Solid II Turbo HD Remix & Knucles

Also, this was on first result

Lung cancer will be the least of my problems.


>this mother fucker just typed all that out

for what purpose?

Surprisingly accurate


I dunno


I was hoping for something better.



Certainly could have been much worse.

>those watermarks

It was almost tolerable. Almost.

Well it could have been worse



can't lie, it is one of my favorite games

is that gordon freeman?

Never make me do this again, OP

>Implying he didn't copy and paste

end... me..

Wait one second, is that a Jojo reference?

Surprisingly merciful.

Everything went better than expected.

I purposefully picked the shittiest one, and even that looks like something that could have been posted here

Fucking c a s u a l s

I had to remove the later part of the title to get this result.

Why is this allowed




Not bad.

Could be worse

Okay, thanks for the disappointment I guess.

It's true. Before entering Sin I spent like 100123012031203103 hours autistically playing Blitzball.

i approve


I could've atleast gotten a bandit saying cheeki breeki. i even wrote "s.t.a.l.k.e.r" correctly



A space game, ED perchance?