I think he seems like a decent guy.

I like his fallout 3 review.

Same here, shame he's a cuck.

His girlfriend's kinda cute. Too bad she comes off as much of an insufferable cunt as he is.

>caring about politics after trump turned out to be a neocon

Give it up lad, just enjoy the vidya before ww3.

>trump turned out to be a neocon
Not sure if this or just believing what his daughter's jewish husband tells him.

>shit anyone could have told you

I bet you think he still cares about your healthcare after he tried to gut it.

Obamacare is not for white people, so he didn't try to gut his healthcare, he tried to gut Tyrone's healthcare.

>Get a new insurance plan
>Find out later you've had cancer since at least six months to a year beforehand
>Trump/Ryan get "fuck America" healthcare passed
>Insurance company drops you the day after
>Can re-enroll at 10x the price

hes annoying af

I'm not a yank luckily.

It wasn't that great. He compares it to the original a lot and it actually does some of things he complains about in Fallout 3. For example he complains about how people instantly want to kill you when you steal from them, but in the original getting caught stealing sets all the guards out to kill you.

His point was about stealing a fork or something which is a fair criticism of both games.

That's my point he super critical of 3 but praises 1 even though it does a lot of things he complains about.

>defending fallout 3

>having a double standard
I'm not defending 3, just pointing out the flaws in his review.

95% of the posts in this thread are made/will be made by leftist shills

What is this? His discord channel?


>Obamacare is not for white people
>Being this much of retard

God, Democracy is fucking awful.

He is always right.

r/fullcommunism disc
pic from r/cringeanarchy

But I only supported Trump for the comedy value, and he delivers. As far as I am concerned he is everything I hoped and more.
Anyone who voted for him because he genuinely thought the guy would make a good leader deserves his dreams crushed.

So you are literally redtit posting. You have to go back.

*Puts on British accent*

Id like to talk to you denizens of /V? about the absolutly mendalacious attack on youtubers by the mayne stream media

Will Sup Forums Join our culture war?

Back to Kekistan with you.

You just got to be more of an entrepreneur my boy. Give the fans what they want.

Why yes, we have to protect our hobby from fat lesbian feminists! Not homophobic by the way, I've been sucking black dick all day. Daddy will surely help us silence those leftists which, as a cultural libertarian, I wholeheartedly support.

Trump is the enema this system needs.
Libertarians will get a 20% boost 2020 and Democrats and Republicans will get -10% each.