>The best weapon is locked behind a missable quest
The best weapon is locked behind a missable quest
Other urls found in this thread:
>The best weapon is given to you after finishing the main storyline
>the best weapon is immersion ruining
Fuck you Taroooo, reeee.
>the best weapon is a available from the start as a paid DLC
Even better:
>The best weapon can only be unlocked in the third playthrough.
>To get the best weapon you have to grind for longer than five minutes.
>The ultimate weapon is your very first one
>the best weapon is ugly as sin
>Game ends after getting the weapon and fighting final boss
>no NG+
What's the fucking point?
What is the FOX blade from metal gear rising?
>Best weapon is available from the beginning
>Only becomes the best by a sidequest/side dungeon that unlocks its true potential
>the best weapon has no lore or backstory
>it's better than every heroic and legendary weapon ingame
>Game has a ton of endgame content, but no NG+ to use it in.
>game has a best weapon
>instead of having a bunch of different, equally strong weapons suited for different playstyles
what game does this
>not going through the game looking like a clown
It's like you don't Min-Max.
>there is no best weapon
>every weapon sucks.
> Weapons have limited uses
> Ultimate weapon is a one-of-a-kind
> Weapons are lost forever once fully used
>weapon has shit stats all around but it can one-shot dragons
>there is only one dragon in the entire game
>it's the final boss
>a weapon that can be bought in a generic store is more powerful than the end boss weapon
Fully upgraded FOX blade is the only thing that comes even remotely close to feeling like real Cyborg ninja from MGS
>The best weapon isn't of the same type as your specialization
>The best weapon has a very limited ammo
>You are willing to use it only against the harderst boss, or in a very hard fight.
>You finish the game and never used the best weapon, because nothing was hard enough to make you use the best weapon.
>crafted weapons you made out of abundant materials with a recipe you bought from a vendor are better than legendary weapons looted from dragons
This is good though, you should be rewarded for doing side and optional content. If you could get the best gear by just doing the main content nobody would do the side stuff, I honestly like missable shit in long RPGs, it makes you feel like exploring is worth while. Games where you're on high alert, making sure not to miss any gear, it feels cheap when everything you get is worse than gear you already have or gear you get from the next main quest.
>you must return the best weapon where it belongs
>The best weapon is locked behind a several hour complex process ( one chance in 256 to have the lvl 99 chocobo spawn), several quests, boss, and minigames
check for yourselves, you can't make that shit up
It depends on the game. Skill-based games where I can get by even with shit gear if I'm good, I make myself look as cool as I can. JRPGs and the like, where stats are everything, I go around looking like a clown.
>Sword is fast but weak
>Axe is mediocre in both speed and damage
>Hammer is slow but strong
>best weapon in the game is something you're not guaranteed to obtain
But that makes perfect sense you fucking casual?
How else would you have it?
Devs can't balance crafting for shit. I always love going for crafting and it always ends as either overpowered or a complete waste of time.
>the best weapon cannot be obtained unless you make sure not to break 12 different pots throughout your playthrough.
>the best weapon is obtained through a minigame that plays completely differently from the main gameplay
The only FF games I've played are 7, 10, 14 & 15, XII was the other MMO ay? Was it good? Is it still up?
>best weapon it's guarded by skeletons
Each weapon have its own unique stats depending on what this weapon actually is.
They do different types of damage and each would be better suited for different situations and targets
Have you seen real warhammers? Swinging those things isn't going to be slow
>best armor requires a drop from a monster you cannot encounter reliably unless you spend an hour or more at an earlier point in the game stealing an item that forces the encounter in a single room in the entire game
>nothing tells you this monster or the armor exists
>Skeletons have resistance to Piercing damage
>But piercing damage is only for ranged weapon
>Spears deal normal damage
>TFW spearmen annihilate skeletons
Nope man, FF 12 was on PS2. FF 11 and 14 are mmos. You can still play it on emulation pretty easily though.
>Women with bows
>Dwarfs with short axes
>Elves with swords
Ah I see, thank you user.
>best weapon is a 1/256 drop
>there is no true best weapon
>its based on what you want out of the weapon and what buffs you want
>upgradable and therefore built to your liking weapons are comparable to the legendary boss weapons
>what this weapon actually is.
It's a fucking sword/axe/hammer, they don't vary that much.
That's acceptable, as long as I'm free to haul an entire arsenal with me out of fear of being caught with my pants down by something resistant to my attacks.
The warhammers in games tend to follow rule of cool, so they're usually way bigger. And even if, you can't say that a hammer with most of its weight at the end is going to be as fast as a sword.
>best weapon looks like penis
>It's a fucking sword/axe/hammer, they don't vary that much.
No, i mean variety in classes of weapons. "Sword" can be a cleaver or actual sword, "Axe" Can be Bardiche, longaxe or halberd etc
Some times you gotta fuck them up real good.
But then you're just making more weapon types.
Yes, and this is my solution.
>Best weapon requires you to hold on to the worst weapon for the entirety of the game.
>By the time you get it, the only notable encounter left is the final boss.
So the issue is that three weapon types is just not enough? Are you ?
>as long as I'm free to haul an entire arsenal with me out of fear of being caught with my pants down by something resistant to my attacks
I mean... I get where you're coming from, but at the same time it can add to the game not to be able to do this. It adds inventory management and some overall depth.
I don't think too many games do this regardless. Dark Souls comes to mind, and you can carry every item in the game on you at all times, but then again, you will probably only upgrade 1 or at most 2 weapons on a first playthrough, so it's a nice compromise. Unless you farm.
Yes, it is me. My solution is adding more weapons stats+making these stats more variable.
What is Grandia's beginning equipment?
I like that though.
>selling equipment
Why, most RPGs have infinite bag space
>best weapon is only marginally better than the 2nd or 3rd best.
>best weapon weights a lot
>you have to get rid of some stuff in order to stock it