Filename bread

filename bread

Other urls found in this thread:






Why are capybaras so cute?

>max charisma



I remeber this.



needs a name



>welcome to Sup Forums.png


Its weird. I love when shows focus on the bad guy but I never found any of lord hater's bits funny





Jesus Christ, 10/10





thicc lolis are the best


>arguing with DS2babbies

>you have been kicked from the server reason: K/D R too high




brb watching all of madness and playing madness interactive

/u/ is shit














thanks doc



>you will never be like seargent Chillson









fuck you


>Mimic Chests
>She has no chest
Irony knows no bounds.



But where could his pipe be?



>I could totally disarm this dude
>starts fidgeting with the strap on his holster
>he turns around and punches her in the face



I need a good name for this one.

>you will never be Mad Jack Churchill
>you will never be Audie Murphy
Feels like shit man

good taste senpai

I'm fairly tall but some guys just put me to complete fucking shame. I don't know what causes it, but I'm angry my parents didn't provide the gene that made me a giant.

Fuck off

>he turns around and punches her in the face
More like throws an elbow and smashes her nose, he gets thrown out and later on when police investigate the assault charges levied against him they see her trying to take his gun on tape.

Sorry, I can never tell if these SJW types are trannies or just really ugly girls.


It's easy to tell by looking at the jawline and forehead.




Took me a while. Nice.

what kind of madman would put a dog costume on a dog

>some dude is legally carrying a gun for his own safety in a shithole urban center
>he's going to pull it out and start shooting for no reason!!!11!1\!

So filename threads are a waste of chocolate milk?

>being this obsessed with your body
I really don't get it. Being physically fit is one thing, but flaunting your naked chest like this would just embarrass me, honestly. Is it just bad genetics that cause me to think this way? Seriously, what is there to gain from behaving in this way besides the attention and praise of utterly vapid women who only care about getting fucked? I suppose if you're just as empty-headed as the people you wish to attract, then it's a good trade, but I'd much rather go on alone then shamelessly seek attention and attempt to impress other pathetic people who will likely amount to nothing in the next decade.

good one

>oh than wats the ass called
>the ass you retard

But this isn't vidya related so you shouldn't post it.

>Every FFXV thread ever


This is the same emotional response an insecure woman has.
No offense to you of course, you just got to realize some are more equal to others, you may be rationalizing it in a way that makes you think he should be ashamed when he really shouldn't.


hell yes my dude
the crit animations in the spite based games were top notch even if most of them just had the units twirl their weapons before attacking

The thumbnail looks like really twisted eye


Immunity cat negates immunity negation. Fuck off.