So how can you win with these cunts?
Pirate a game:
Buy a game for cheaper:
So I ask again, what is the solution here?
So how can you win with these cunts?
Pirate a game:
Buy a game for cheaper:
So I ask again, what is the solution here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>So I ask again, what is the solution here?
be a richfag, buy fullprice, act like a pretentious bigot towards the poorfags
>being this new
Just buy games normally?
Oh I don't know... Buy the fucking game maybe?
G2A doesn't give any money do the developer so if you buy games there, you might as well pirate. It's no better.
Sup Forums is full of reddit clows who can't remember world without Steam. Sup Forums always stole what can be stolen.
But even then, why not save the money? What is it with this pretentious virtue signaling about "OH I AM SUPPORTING THE DEVS, YOU ARE STEALING" when in the end it's not like anyone is gonna build a statue after you.
You just end up being milked for every penny and just show that you accept doing so. There's nothing wrong in you saving yourself money, stop acting like you're a saint.
just keep using g2a or wait for 75% sales
never buy any triple A shit at full price
>G2A doesn't give any money do the developer so if you buy games there, you might as well pirate. It's no better.
Common fallacy, that's not true.
Game HAS to be bought somewhere before it is sold there so the developer already received their cut from the source it was obtained. Ofc this does not apply to actually stolen keys but it barely happens as often as in 2015-2014.
G2A does not own any revenue from the re-sale of previous bought product nor to publisher nor top developer. I mean, you do not pay fee to devs when you sell your physical games on craiglist? Why would you?
>G2A doesn't give any money do the develope
Buy game from the dealership
Buy car when on sale from a reputable seller
Steal car.
Buy car from a person you know steals car
It's better, because mp is working.
This nigga gets it.
Only normies with zero economic sense or willpower buys a game at full price.
>G2A doesn't give any money do the developer
god damn retarded cunt
they already sold those keys in bulk to retailers, it doesn't matter how much they sell for
>piracy is same as stealing an actual object.
But the money is coming from stolen keys/credit cards. That damages the devs.
This is the reason why shit like DeNuVo gets put in every fucking game now.
You pay cheaper and you get to add the game to steam as well as play multiplayer.
>wait for 75% sales
But the devs get nothing for it.
Fuckoff TB, pretentious prick
Hope the cancer finishes you real soon.
>its pretentious to expect people to pay for goods and services
are you a nigger by any chance?
Meanwhile, you can buy every denuvo game on G2A.
Some might have been stolen, but you somehow imply that your source is clear because it has never being caught doing so. Oh I remember some devs using stolen assets, are you supporting theft for buying directly form them?
Literally not an argument
Are YOU a nigger? Because if you need to read it again.
You do know there are other sites where you can buy games for cheap that don't sell stolen keys, right?
Its not hard to get good games for cheap that does not fuck over game devs.
>There's nothing wrong in you saving yourself money, stop acting like you're a saint.
Dude you are right, no one should ever buy games, everyone should just pirate. That way, game devs will continue to make games if they don't get money from them!
Its how a business works, they sell a product, people buy the product, they continue to make the product.
actually it's denuvo that makes this practice more prevalent, as straight piracy is more difficult
Pirate before you buy stolen shit, pirating doesn't produce costs for developers from chargebacks.
Can't proof that i would have bought it at full price so there's no money loss.
No i wouldn't have bought Andromeda at 60 euros
i would however like to play it for free because that's how much it's worth to me
maybe you should learn to articulate your thoughts better, nigger
Maybe don't put words in his mouth niggerfag.
i have no idea what youre even trying to say and honestly i dont think you do either
>He doesn't know that a large amount of the games sold on G2A were bought with stolen credit cards which the devs have to refund
ITT: Buying a game at full retail price is bad.
No wonder the game industry is fucked, god damned jews.
Buy only from the developers. Pay full price for every game even if it was released 10 years ago.
No one ever claimed to be a saint. We are Gods, because we literally control the flow of games, and you're at our mercy no matter how much you "save".
make me
Pirate or buy the games when they're bundled/on sale (aka when they're cheaper than on g2a).
I see a slippery slope fallacy in there and a broken window one too.
These are all assumptions and you can not think that one that pirated also would have bought the game. Offer the customer reasons to get it from your shop, other than virtue signaling. Offer reasons for the customer to buy your product other than "but muh dying dev team doe".
These guys make a shitton of money no matter what and in the last years, gamers have just proven time and time again that they will fall for every money grabbing scheme out there. It's so bad, you get them to turn on anyone trying to find alternatives out of the 60 bucks + DLC payment plan.
the solution is to attack e-celeb and reddit faggots until they have no influence anymore. i will side with g2a over those fags any day.
Again stop trying to assume shit.
You clearly have a mental retardation.
He never said you shouldn't pay for goods and services.
You altered his words to your liking.
Get help user. care what people think? That's how you're losing retard.
You're literally retarded.
Just don't buy from G2A or any other store that do these shady practises
Due to stolen credit card chargeback fees it's actually better to pirate the game and not actively hurting the devs
Thank you. Someone with a fucking brain cell.
Either buy the game or pirate it
Don't buy from g2a. If you pirate you just make a copy. if you buy a fraudulent key that does charge back you are taking money from the devs and yourself because you have to pay this company extra money for them fucking up and selling you a stolen key.
It's basic math.
Just use green man gaming or cdkeys. Problem solved
Just pirate.
Why do you care what others on this board think?
G2A is shit because G2A shield is an extra feature and not something default like with every fucking online marketplace around.
This shouldn't be supported.
To everyone in this thread
Buying from G2A doesn't get you the game itself "for cheaper" than it would actually sell in a free market
Localization adds to the price, as does VAT in Europe
Basically it's like if I went over the border to Russia and refueled my car
I simply wouldn't have to pay extra only because
1) my country's economy is doing well
2) because it's part of the EU
Those things have nothing to do with buying the game itself, that's the government and filthy merchants trying to rip me off only because I'm RELATIVELY rich, which doesn't mean shit in my country because I'm not rich here
Sure I could afford more stuff with my money in a poorer country but I couldn't afford anything in Norway
At least if I've understood correctly that some Eastern Europeans are sold all games for cheaper and not only that but they buy 100's of keys in bulk when the game is on sale
That is actually the only scenario where you're not being ripped off, because digital content can be copied indefinitely
There's no economical justification why some people need to pay inherently more for them
>Most keys on G2A are stolen!
Are you actually this gullible, or do you love that TB cock that much?
>Games from sales
>Games from third world webshops
>Games from promotional giveaways
>Games from stolen credit cards
Developers lose money on all four, so they fucking hate resellers. The first three are just the result of consumer rights, so they instead go all-in on the fourth. Top sellers have millions of sales with 99% approval ratings, how the fuck do they get that on stolen keys? How the fuck would the website survive on stolen keys?
>Can't afford game on steam
>Go to G2A
>game is more expensive
post TFW
Whenever I want a game, I check g2a first
its a simple as saving money
why the fuck should I pay steam £20 for an old game that is £1 on g2a?
before g2a I would also buy from amazon for physical releases as they are usually cheaper, don't give a fuck if I get a cd key in a box
you guys are shills, the developer gets money and to be honest g2a won't make them hurt any more than piracy
That would be true if G2A only got their keys from official sources and not credit card thieves
>So I ask again, what is the solution here?
He he solution is simple goy, you buy games at full price 70 dollars + tax
or we complain :)
Then use allkeyshop, kinguin, cdkeys, g2play
not entirely
don't be an idiot, key traders simply buy when sales are on and stockpile the codes for a later date
why would denuvo bother you if you are buying games full price you fucking idiot
you can buy and gift keys you cuck
what about times when people recieve a free key to a game with hardware like graphics cards?
why do you care about others?
do what you want with your money
>I want clean karma so I don't pirate but want games cheap so I will go buy from a shady reseller
>In the end all that matters is that I spent some money, I am not a pirate
Yeah and see my posts here: It's not even that they're making money with the value of the game itself
It's like,
>"hey Sir, where are you from?"
>"Poorfag St 512"
>"Okay the game is 5 dollars for you"
>"And what about you Sir?"
>"Richwood Vale 45"
>"Yeah let me just bump up the price by 400% and add in taxation based on your living area"
Having to pay for that kind of thing is much less honest business than buying from G2A which is more like an equalizer
>So I ask again, what is the solution here?
To buy the game cheaply of a key seller that isn't selling literal stolen keys but something more official like keys from russia and the like?
friend of mine repeatedly buys stuff from steam full price, he bought mafia 2 for £30 a month ago
needless waste of money when you can get a key that was purchased during sale
Why do you give a fuck about what some moralcuck redditor has to say about anything?
>So I ask again, what is the solution here?
Use deal finder sites and sort by "Price: Descending" to find the most expensive copy of the top-tier collector's edition possible. If you don't do this for every game you buy, you are literally as bad as a pirate.
Buying a regular copy of Nier: Automata on sale for $45 instead of getting an import of the Black Box edition for $240 is *literally* hurting Yoko just as severely as pirating the game three times.
You wouldn't want to hurt the developer now, would you, little goyim...?
but muh dev support.
Or I won't and I'll get to enjoy the tears of obese redditors like you since none of what you say has any value whatsoever.
Now go make another denuvo thread.
because there were a couple of examples back then and now it's left this mark that everyone there is a stealing cunt.
Oh and because TB is not pro consumre, as he is just pro sucking dev and indie dev cock.
which devs need support?
AAA titles?
multiplats with console release?
only one left is Indie games and they are usually well priced anyway
so who is this practice actually hurting?
should we stop buying used console games too?
>Dev Makes shit game
>Should still support it.
>Not get it cheap or pirate it.
>There's no economical justification why some people need to pay inherently more for them
You have it the wrong way around.
Video games used to cost pretty much the same (excluding differences due to taxes, currency conversions, etc) everywhere. Then stores started implementing regional pricing so people in third world countries could actually afford games. You're turning a pro-consumer thing into an anti-consumer thing.
So? It is not directly G2A fault, it is the people who stole shit. G2A is just marketplace, it is al ike accusing craiglist of thousands fake offers where you being lured somewhere with good offer and then raped and robbed. They do what they can to check them but they can't control the market if they want ti to be moderately free. And they WANT it to be like that to attract sellers and buyers.
It's a marketplace where by nature you can make an immense profit just by doing exactly what I described, which is completely legit
There's no reason to believe that everyone who does business there is a thief
Just by looking at the prices on there I can tell that not only can literally anyone who buys in sales make a profit there but could even go for a lower selling price if they invest in keys at the right time, completely legit
I find it hard to believe a significant number would therefore come from thieves, why would one bother committing a physical, risky crime when you can make money by sitting on your ass at home?
i was being sarcastic desu
g2a would have been long gone if keys were actually getting revoked. You can tell that the majority of keys are legit, since almost every case, where keys are getting revoked, are making it to the news.
>credit card theft is a physical crime
Get a load of Mr. 1998
But user G2A should obviously be able to recognise a key bought with a stolen credit card on another website, so sayeth the totalbiscuit. No other marketplace has stolen goods moving through them!
Wait really, they don't jump you at the ATM anymore after peeking at your password?
Yeah I have no idea how modern credit card theft works
I was about to reply but then realized you were sarcastic.
Rebellion went full jew with cheap Sniper Elite 3 keys,the game fucking sucks and most of the weapons are dlc only,yet they committed the same error with SE4 but this time they added denuvo and both devs and community are full into witch hunting and revoking keys from people whom are caught hacking or using exploit that went through their QC,unlocking all achievements or skipping the grind/rpg elements they added cause game offers a mere bunch of nothing and online community is toxic as fuck
Do they deserve money?I don't think so
Why would you even bother playing their game then?
Just abandon shit devs and forget about them
in the case of that target hacking they can install something on the card reader that records the cards information when you swipe it through.
So you've never used ebay right? Never gone to a garage sale? Never used craigslist? Never bought something off a friend that they don't want anymore?
What is G2A? Only have heard of them in the last couple weeks.
These are the most damning arguments made in this entire thread.
G2A is not a black market and they try to catch as much as possible, but it's not their role to police everything and considering that it's somehow ok if any other page does it, but not this one, just goes to show that people are just directly salty at G2A and not just stolen copies being sold.
I am now curious how buyfags can defend this. I hope TB is monitoring this thread.
It's basically ebay for game keys
The only shitty thing about G2A is their insurance bullshit....but UPS/FedEX/USPS does the exact some thing and no one has their panties in a bunch about that.
And scummy subscription services are nothing new. Amazon gives you a FREE MONTH OF PRIME WHOA that quietly continues as a paid subscription.
>People buy games with g2a
>Devs put in denuvo
>Doesn't hamper them in any way because it only stops pirates
What's the logic in your argument? Mind you I don't defend g2a or denuvo but denuvo doesn't stop something like this at all.
Well, it's not mandatory
Should it just not exist at all or?
>1998 was 20 years ago
>1990 was 30 years ago
If someone seriously thinks the practice of online marketplaces is bad why aren't you railing against eBay then? G2A and Kinguin offer the same functionality, the only difference is that it's limited to cdkeys and other game related shit like CSGO skins.
While I can't speak for G2A directly, I work for Kinguin and I can tell you honest to god that we don't deal with stolen products and I doubt G2A does too. For one thing - it's just not worth the hassle when we can sell legally obtained keys and get the same money in the end - we don't supply the product ourselves, people sell it on our site and we make a commission on that.
What is more, our sites benefit from selling games at the highest price possible since you're never going to buy the damn thing more than once to begin with and working on commissions means we get double the money for a $40 transaction than a $20 transaction. If you're selling stolen keys you're probably gonna sell them dirt cheap in order to get rid of them ASAP.
I have a lot of gripes about how our business is run, but TB is being dishonest as fuck and doing this for easy publicity and in order to mend fences with publishers because he loves to bash games. Tell me something - since he's always so pro-consumer and keeps going on about how competition in the industry is better for the consumer, why is he so against competitive prices and marketplaces then??? Hypocrisy much?
Valve is planning on killing the key market in the next few months by making it so that developers can only give gifts directly rather than shit out keys for "high profile" people.
Won't work, they'd need to get rid of all sales and implement full region locking to stop these websites. Those few promo keys don't weigh up against Bulk Buying Byotr.
Why would they try to catch as much as possible? They're earning money from G2A shield and keep all the money whether the keys were bought with stolen credit cards or not. There's a reason why they are so lax about verification.
>Pirate a game, nothing lost, it was a copy
>Steal a credit card number
>Buy game keys
>Resell those keys for any price and its a profit
>People buy keys for less
>Dev catches on and recalls those keys
>G2A profits, person who bought game loses game
Its not about full price you autistic fuckbag. Its about being fucking scumbags. Happily go pirate before buying from the grey market.
G2A is just one step away from actual credit card fraud. If you want to be such a criminal, don't be a pussy about it.
>buy a million games with counterfeit cc and sell the keys on g2a
>fraud discovered and is charged back
>big publishers are nuisanced, smaller teams get royally fucked by refunds + chargeback fees
it's literally better for the industry if you pirated the game instead of buying counterfeit keys. It literally costs companies less money to just pirate. How hard is it to understand?
People are retarded and don't understand the concept of a gray market.
>when we can sell legally obtained keys and get the same money in the end
If G2A finds out that you're selling illegally obtained keys, they will confiscate all the money in your G2A wallet for themselves, so technically they profit more from illegally obtained keys.
Anyway, consider watching this video.